Like the Prodigal Son who went out to conquer the world, and returned as meek and humble as an overgrown schoolboy after being spanked by his smaller teacher, so the Washington high school football team returned to its home field Saturday afternoon, somewhat dubious as to the mood of the fans because of the poor showing in the first road game of the season, at Lorain Sept. 29.
But with nothing to lose, and everything in the world to gain, the youthful tigers this time accomplished what they set out to do, and smothered the troop of grid warriors from Wooster high under a 32 to 0 defeat.
No fatted calf gave its life to celebrate the triumph, the wearers of leather and moleskin contenting themselves by feasting on the glories of the victory, while Massillon fans, themselves surprised at the overwhelming score, stand ready to sing aloud the praises of the orange and black.
The team resembled the steam roller of old. A powerful offense that gained yardage at will, crashed through the Wooster line for a quintette of touchdowns that produced the team’s first victory of the year, and incidentally the largest score rolled up by a Massillon machine since the middle of the 1926 season.
Gaining on practically every means of offensive play with the single exception of the forward pass, McGrew’s gridders had the Wayne county team completely baffled and the only thing that saved it from an even more crushing defeat was the fouling of the orange and black eleven, which resulted in many penalties.
This furnished the only dark spot in the team’s play during the afternoon, and Coach Elmer McGrew took immediate steps to remedy the condition while the game was in progress by removing every player on his team caught by the officials violating the laws of the gridiron. These penalties, five of them, of 15 yards each, set back the youthful tigers several times when they were on the march to the Wooster goal line and had it not been for the loss of 100 yards through penalties the local team probably would have run up a much larger score.
Wooster showed nothing, scoring but two first downs. The orange and black forward wall outcharged the Wayne county gridders and either had them on the ground or running backward the greater part of the game. To the line goes a lot of credit for the victory. These seven youths who form the fortification for the backfield and whose praises are seldom sang, opened large holes for the ball carriers Saturday, and outplayed the Wooster gridders with such consistency that but one yard was lost from scrimmage by the orange and black, with the exception of a fumble.
The local team’s offensive strength also was helped considerably by the interference which protected the ball carrier. The interference Saturday was the best that has been given an orange and black ball carrier for several years, and is believed due directly to changes made by Coach McGrew in his backfield during the past week. Both Buttermore and Hollwager are good blockers, and carry the ball well. Hollwager looked good on off tackle dashes, while Buttermore, built like an old fashioned battering ram, showed an ability to lower his head, close his eyes, and drive through the center of the line mowing down the opposing team for several yards as he plunged along. George Hess and John Kester, the other members of the backfield who started the game, also gained their share of yards during the day, Hess gaining more yards than any of the other backs. Hess also ran the team well, mixing up his plays and showed a good example of unselfishness to the others when he permitted Buttermore to buck across a touchdown on two consecutive smashes at the line after the latter had placed it in position for scoring.
In defeating Wooster, however, the local gridders should not feel that they have accomplished a difficult task. It was Wooster’s third defeat in as many games this year, Barberton and New Philadelphia having previously knocked off the blue by scores of 45 to 7 and 6 to 0 respectively. The orange and black players should not get overconfident as a result of the victory, but should let the score give them confidence, sufficient to inspire them to fight all the harder for greater victories.
A game such as the one with Wooster Saturday should have been scheduled for the local team for the first of the season. Such a victory would have given the gridders the confidence necessary to carry on a successful season on the football field. But games cannot always be arranged as you would like to have them and to make the best of a difficult early season schedule, the team now expects to start in this week with Alliance where it left off Saturday with Wooster, and get the jump on Canton by taking the lead in the Stark county series.
Saturday’s game had its thrills and its sighs. The thrills came when Schnierle circled the Massillon right end for 28 yards and a touchdown and when Lewis, shortly after the kickoff in the second half stepped through Wooster’s right tackle for a pretty run of 45 yards and a touchdown. The sighs came when the orange and black’s goalward marches were stopped and set back by penalties. Penalties and an intercepted pass were the only things that kept McGrew’s team from scoring in the first period, when they made five first downs.
In the second period, however, the yards were clicked off with more regularity and by the time first half intermission was reached the Massillon team had not only scored its first touchdown of the season but had pushed across three additional sets of counters for a total of 20 points. During the first two quarters the local team produced 10 first downs, while as far as Wooster was concerned, first downs were as scarce as toes on a peg leg.
The youthful tigers started their first march to a touchdown shortly after the start of the second period, when Schnierle took Zapponi’s punt on his 40-yard line and carried it back to the Wooster 45-yard line. His run was largely made possible by Captain Potts who took two Wooster men out of the play in one dive. Hess made a yard on the next play and Hollwager tore through the line for three more, Wooster, however, was declared offside and Captain Potts took the penalty rather than the gain. Schnierle fumbled after a nice run on the next play and Wooster was again offside, but Captain Potts this time took the gain which gave the orange and black the ball on the 28-yard line. Kester hit left tackle for six yards, but Conrad broke through and tossed Hollwager for a two-yard loss. G. Hess made three yards and Kester five yards, but the ball was called back, both teams being offside. Hollwager then plunged through the line for a first down on Wooster’s 14-yard line. On the next play Buttermore rammed through the center of the line for 13 yards, carrying the ball to the one-yard line. He tried it again and placed the pigskin on the one-foot line and on the next play put it over. Schnierle drop-kicked the extra point.
Additional grief to the Wooster rooters came a few minutes later. Getting the ball on their own 35-yard line, the followers of Obie, marched 65 yards across the visitor’s goal line. Gaining possession of the ball as a result of a punt, Hess on the first play made nine yards. Hollwager followed with two yards, making a first down on Massillon’s 46-yard line. Kester dashed around left end for 14 yards, taking the ball to the Wooster 40-yard line. Buttermore plunged through for four yards but the orange and black was penalized 15 yards for holding. Schnierle picked up 14 yards on the next play on a run around end. Hess made two more and Kester then slipped through for a run of 16 yards, taking the ball to the Wooster 28-yard line. Hollwager made six yards on the first down and Hess then wormed his way through for a gain of 13 yards, being downed on the Wooster nine-yard line. Hess made four yards on his next attempt after which Hollwager carried the oval across. Schnierle’s kick struck the line of scrimmage.
The third set of points in the quarter were scored as a result of Houriet intercepting Strock’s pass on the 40-yard line and carrying the ball back to the 28-yard line, from which Schnierle took the ball across on the next play on a sweeping run around Wooster’s left end. He gave himself another point by kicking goal.
The big parade of the day, however, came in the second minute of the third period. Wooster had just made its first offensive threat which came to a sudden ending when Captain Potts intercepted Strock’s pass in midfield. Three plays and two penalties finally found the ball on the Wooster 43-yard line, from where Ike Lewis, sophomore quarterback, made a dash for a touchdown. It was the most spectacular run of the day. Getting started slowly, Lewis sidestepped a flock of tacklers until only the safety man was in his path to the goal. A quick change of pace got rid of him, and the Ike scampered across the goal. Again the try for point was low.
From then on Coach McGrew began refreshing his ranks with substitutes in order to give his younger players a taste of gridiron roughness. The result was that the youthful tigers after many threats, finally started on their last scoring march of the day that was realized only 38 seconds before the final gun was fired. It all started when Myers covered a Wooster fumble on the latter’s 26-yard line. Kester made three yards and Hollwager picked up six more. Buttermore then made it first down on the Wooster 14-yard line. On the next play G. Hess slipped through for eight yards, taking the ball to the six-yard line. Kester made a bid for a touchdown, carrying the pigskin to the one-yard line, from where G. Hess plunged it over. Malone’s attempted drop kick went wide of the bar by a few inches.
The orange and black made 17 first downs to Wooster’s two. Wooster completed two forward passes, one for a gain of 11 yards and the other for a loss of a yard. Massillon had two passes incomplete and Wooster six, while one of the local team’s passes was intercepted against three of Wooster’s. Wooster was penalized 35 yards and Massillon 100 yards.
The Washington high gridders gained 417 yards from scrimmage Saturday, divided as follows: G. Hess, carried ball 22 times, 123 yards; Schnierle carried ball six times, 67 yards; Kester carried ball 12 times, 67 yards; Hollwager carried ball 14 times, 61 yards; Buttermore, carried ball seven times, 28 yards; Lewis carried ball four times, 48 yards, and Worthington carried ball five times, 23 yards.
Lineup and summary:
Massillon Pos. Wooster
Schnierle LE Zapponi
Slinger LT Heye
Goodman LG Franks
Potts C Conrad
Blatz RG Cappola
Fisher RT Beach
Houriet RE Dahl
Hess QB Strock
Hollwager RHB Dalby
Kester LHB Kalkas
Buttermore FB Gohen
Score by periods:
Massillon 0 26 6 6 32
Massillon – Mann for Slinger, Minger for Buttermore, Buttermore for Mann, Lewis for Potts, Potts for Fisher, Worthington for Houriet, Willison for Potts, Potts for Lewis, Lewis for Kester, Fisher for Potts, Potts for Willison, Pfister for Goodman, Mann for Pfister, Slinger for Minger, Houriet for Mann, Barrett for Lewis, D. Hess for Barrett, Kester for Worthington, McGinnis for D. Hess, Malone for Schnierle, Myers for McGinnis, Francis for Houriet, Toles for Buttermore, Wolfe for Hollwager.
Wooster – Drabanstatt for Franks, Richardson for Kalkas, Noscar for Beach, Franks for Drabenstatt, Drabenstatt for Dall, Haldeman for Zapponi, Paulmier for Richardson, Beach for Noscar, Noscar for Conrad, Zaugg for Dalby, Edwards for Drabenstatt, Holleran for Gohen.
Touchdowns – Buttermore, Hollwager, Schnierle, Lewis, G. Hess.
Point after touchdown – Schnierle 2 (drop kick).
Officials—Referee—Howells; umpire—Schnake; headlinesman—Walsh.