It may be an honor to be recognized by a school like Steele high of Dayton and given a place on its football schedule, but whether the honor is worth the price exacted by the Daytonites is a question. Football teams turned out by Washington high school have made a reputation for themselves in Ohio scholastic circles but the orange and black gained nothing when it went to Dayton last Saturday for its first gridiron tussle with Steele high.
Outweighed and outclassed the gritty orange and black aggregation put up a game battle against the Gem city gridders but were ruthlessly trampled under foot being defeated by a top-heavy score of 68 to 0. Steele high was no respecter of persons and rode rough shod over Coach Stewart’s lads.
The youthful Tigers were losers in more ways than one. The 68 to 0 defeat was bad enough but the local team came back to Massillon Sunday with a hospital list which indicated that they had been sent into a decidedly lively sector. The shattered orange and black squad was the result of Massillon’s attempt to stop the steam roller tactics of the Steele high team which is recruited from the ranks of 1500 students.
The Dayton team is composed of veterans. All but one of the regulars will be lost by graduation next June. The southern Ohio eleven has just reached the height of its form. It is a big team, fast and expert in football matters. Sufficient reason why a host of the local gridders were crippled and forced to the sidelines early in the game in their valiant effort to make a good showing against Steele high.
Coach Stewart today checked-up his hospital list. He found Captain Hess unable to walk because of a twisted ankle. Canter Roth so badly injured that he probably will not be able to play against Alliance next Saturday. Quarterback Rosenberg with a damaged shoulder. Ends Lyons and Jamison, Fullback Potts and Guard Boerner nursing injuries which will keep them out of practice for several days. The other member of the hospital list is Halfback Ulrich who was hurt in the Youngstown South game.
Steele’s powerful attack soon wore down the orange and black defense and the heavy Dayton backs pierced the Massillon line time after time for substantial gains, battering down the attempts made by Coach Stewart’s lads to stop the southern Ohio juggernaut.
Massillon’s offensive attack, while not completely checked by Dayton, never threatened the Dayton goal line. After most of his regulars had been forced out of the game by injuries Coach Stewart commenced sending in substitutes, saving the balance of his uninjured regulars for the coming games on the schedule.
Curtains, Please
Steele – 68 Pos. Massillon – 0
Shalkey LE Lyons
Seibert LT Nelson
Becker LG Pflug
Eichmeyer C Roth
Faust RG Rutherford
Zimmerman RT Snyder
Hoerner RE Jamison
Buchannan QB Rosenberg
Freg LH Hess
Smiley RH Hax
Boblig FB Potts