Orange And Black Attack Improves; Team Looks Good
Speaking of football juggernauts, don’t overlook the fact that Washington high’s orange and black eleven during the short span of a week has been reconstructed and made over into a smashing steam roller that bodes ill for the remaining teams on its 1920 schedule.
For in mopping up alliance last Saturday afternoon on the Pearl street gridiron to the tune of 49 to 0, in their first big battle for the retention of the scholastic honors of Stark county, the youthful Tigers demonstrated without the semblance of a doubt that they possess an aggregation that can now take rank with the leading high school elevens of the state.
In burying Alliance under an avalanche of touchdowns, the orange and black rolled up its highest score of the season and its victory over the athletes from the eastern confines of Molly Stark’s domains exceeded by 15 points the triumph which Canton high’s great eleven registered over the same team several weeks ago.
This fact alone should be sufficient to make Massillon’s perennial enemy sit up and take notice. And it should also make Canton realize that it will have a real honest to goodness fight on its hands when it comes here on November 20 for its annual clash with the youthful Tigers.
The shake up in the ranks of the orange and black last week certainly produced results. The team which buried Alliance under that big 49 to 0 score looked like an altogether different aggregation from the one which had met with only partial success during the early weeks of the campaign.
Canton, with the greatest team in its history, only defeated Alliance 34 to 0. And now Massillon, a team which until Saturday was not figured as having much of a chance of defeating the red and black, comes through and smothers the Alliance aggregation under a 49 to 0 trimming. And this trouncing definitely eliminates the east enders from the county title chase. Once more the title rests upon the outcome of the annual clash between Canton and Massillon. And it’s going to be some battle if Massillon keeps on improving as it did last week.
The shake up in the ranks of the orange and black certainly proved beneficial. The reconstructed scholastic combine has something now that it did not have before. Something that every gridiron team needs to win and that is an effective offense. Massillon had an offensive attack Saturday that was of the driving, smashing type and it hit the Alliance defense with such force that the visitors crumbled beneath its weight.
And one of the brightest spots in that big victory was the brilliant and sensational work of “Chuck” Hess, midget halfback, who for his weight and size is one of the best offensive scholastic halfbacks in the state. Three of the seven touchdowns, which Massillon rolled up on the Alliance eleven, were due to Hess’ scintillating work. Two of these came on brilliant runs of 73 and 60 yards and showed that the orange and black star, who until Saturday had shown but very little of his real ability, was going to prove quite an important factor in the local team’s success from now on.
Another lad by the name of “Tink” Ulrich, who is no bigger than Hess, also showed enough ability to establish it as a certainty that he is going to develop into a beacon light on the newly reconstructed team. Ulrich’s contribution to the orange and black victory was a brilliant dash of 71-yards through the Alliance team for a touchdown after receiving a punt.
The brilliant work of Hess and Ulrich, combined with the stellar performances of the other lads who participated in the battle, brought cheer to the hearts of the orange and black rooters. And in producing an offense that can score touchdowns the orange and black also had the art of forming interference for the man carrying the ball. It was that interference which enabled Hess and Ulrich to make their big runs and it was that same offense which allowed Greenfelder, Howells and J. Tilton, to crash through the Alliance line for a gain practically every time they carried the oval.
Every man on the team showed that he had been drilled to get an opposing player out of the way and the zest with which the youthful Tigers went at their task of mopping up Alliance certainly indicated that the local team is now a power to be reckoned with by opposing elevens.
On defense Massillon’s sturdy line completely smothered Alliance’s efforts to gain. Only three first downs are credited to the visitors and only one of these was made by Alliance’s football ability. The other two came on penalties. It was not until the fourth quarter that the east enders succeeded in working the ball within Massillon’s 20-yard zone and on those two occasions they were stopped dead in their tacks by the orange and black steamroller. Alliance never had a chance to score. Everything they tried, whether it was line plays, end runs or forward passes, the youthful Tigers were on the job to break it up. It was the worst defeat Alliance has received this season, and Alliance rooters who witnessed the fracas said that Massillon’s attack was even more impressive than that of Canton.
It took Massillon just about six minutes to score its first touchdown. After an exchange of punts Hess tore around Alliance’s right end from the 44-yard line for a 25-yard gain and then Greenfelder by a series of off tackle plays carried the ball over from the 16-yard line. He kicked goal.
After another exchange of punts Donaldson, Alliance halfback, fumbled Greenfelder’s punt on Alliance’s 21-yard line and Potts covered. Hess dashed around Alliance’s left end for 15 yards and then carried the ball over the next play for the second touchdown. Greenfelder kicked goal.
On the first play in the second quarter Hess took the ball on his 28-yard line and with great interference, combined with his wizardry dodging and squirming, raced through the entire Alliance team and scampered 73 yards for Massillon’’ third set of counters. Greenfelder’s goal added another point.
A few minutes later the orange and black commenced a march on Alliance’s 35-yard line that was not halted until J. Tilton smashed through center for another touchdown. And in this march Greenfelder did some great work tearing through the Alliance team for gains of 15 and 18 yards. Greenfelder kicked goal following Tilton’s touchdown.
The third quarter had barely started before Hess intercepted an Alliance pass on Massillon’s 40-yard line and streaked 60 yards for this third and Massillon’s fifth touchdown. Graybill kicked goal. Hess injured his leg during this dash and gave way to Ulrich.
And Ulrich barely had time to get warmed up to the fray before he received an Alliance punt on his 29 yard line and reeled off a 71 yard run for another touchdown. Graybill kicked goal. Ulrich flashed past the alliance warriors so fast that they had no chance whatever of stopping him.
But this did not end the scoring. An Alliance fumble, which Lyons picked up and carried to Alliance’s 40-yard line, paved the way for the seventh set of counters. Ulrich, Rosenberg and Howells dented the Aliance line for three first downs and then Graybill squirmed 10 yards through the visitors for another touchdown. He kicked goal.
That finished Massillon’s scoring. The local lads took it rather easy in the fourth quarter and it was in this session that Alliance made its best showing, twice getting within Massillon’s 20-yard zone but their efforts to score were fruitless. Near the close of the quarter Massillon opened up another offensive that had carried the ball on Alliance’s 20-yard line when the game ended.
The whistle also robbed the local team of a touchdown in the second quarter as the orange and black had the ball on Alliance’s 6-yard line when time was up.
Alliance completed one forward for a gain of six yards while Massillon completed four for a total of 54 yards, the longest being a 35 yard gain by Greenfelder after receiving a pass from Graybill in the fourth quarter. Massillon made 15 first downs to three for the visitors and punted only four times during the entire contest.
Canton, Beware!
Massillon – 49 Pos. Alliance – 0
Graybill LE Hendershot
Harrison LT Konnerth
Nelson LG Lyons
Lyons C
Shaidnagle RG Williams
Snyder RT Wearstler
Potts RE Bulmer
Hess Q Segal
Greenfelder LH Cleveland
Howells RH Donaldson
J. Tilton F Gamble
Massillon 14 14 21 0 – 49
Substitutions: Massillon – Mollet for Lyons; Lyons for Potts lt;
Tilton for Shaidnagle; Shaidnagle for R. Tilton; Jamison for Lyons;
Rosenberg for Hess; Greenfelder for Rosenberg; Ulrich for
Greenfelder lt; R. Tilton for J. Tilton.
Alliance – Roth for Hendershot; Hendershot for Roth; Nixon for
Wearstler; Everett for Dulmer; Dulmer for Everett; Jones for
Donaldsonl; Donaldson for Jones; Vogner for Gamble; Gamble
for Vogner.
Touchdowns – Hess 3, J. Tilton, Greenfelder, Graybill, Ulrich.
Goals after touchdowns – Greenfelder 4, Graybill 3.
Referee – Pickerel, Ohio State.
Umpire – Bast.
Headlinesman – Wilson.
Time of quarters 12 minutes.