Victory over a foe is always relished but never before has victory been received with such open arms as Saturday when the orange and black eleven of Massillon high school defeated Akron Central high school on the driving park gridiron by the score of 40 to 0.
Massillon and Akron Central have met annually upon the football field and always has the Akron eleven departed with the lion’s share of the glory but this year things were different.
Uncorking a brand of football baffling to the Summit county gridders, the undefeated orange and black warriors smothered their ancient foe under a 40 to 0 score.
After being held to a 7 to 0 score in the first half the local eleven opened wide the throttle of a machine whose every cog was in perfect working order and traveling with the speed of the wind, the orange and black rolled up 33 points in the second half, completely outclassed the red and white aggregation.
Failing in the first half to pierce Akron’s line successfully, Coach Snavely’s pupils resorted to open play in the second half and working forward passes and end runs for big gains, soon revealed their superiority over the Akron eleven.
Akron was simply outclassed. With the exception of Cardarelli, the red and white quarterback, the rubber city gridders were downed without a gain and Massillon watched Cardarelli so effectually that he made very few gains. Akron tried to gain by the forward pass but one of the alert orange and black players usually snatched the pig skin out of the air and raced many yards toward Akron’s goal before being downed.
Every man on the local team played his best Saturday but the brilliant offensive work of McLaughlin was easily the brightest spot in the game. The shifty halfback time after time carried the ball through the Akron team, dodging and throwing off tacklers. The work of Captain Houriet and Roderick also stood out prominently.
Massillon’s first score came in the second quarter. McLaughlin received an Akron punt on Akron’s 40 yard line and by clever dodging and running, brought the ball up to within one foot of the line. Two attempts to pierce the Akron line failed. Quarterback Hollinger then forwarded the ball to Houriet, who received it back of the goal line, making the first touchdown. McLaughlin kicked goal.
McLaughlin made the first touchdown in the third quarter, going through tackle for 10 yards after the ball had been brought from the 30 yard line by a forward from McLaughlin to Houriet. Goal was missed. Akron received and a minute later Roderick intercepted an Akron forward and scampered 40 yards to the goal for the second touchdown in the quarter. McLaughlin kicked goal. Akron received again and fumbled on the 30 yard line with Massillon securing the ball. Gains by Zorger, Hollinger, and Roderick brought the ball in the shadows of Akron’s goal post and a forward from Hollinger to Harrold made the last touchdown in the quarter. Goal was missed.
After an exchange of punts in the fourth quarter Roderick intercepted an Akron forward on Akron’s 25 yard line. Two successful forwards, the last one traveling from McLaughlin to Roderick, brought another touchdown. Goal was kicked. Akron received and fumbled on its 28 yard line. Massillon recovering. A long forward from McLaughlin to Houriet who carried the ball over the line, brought the last touchdown. McLaughlin kicked goal.
Massillon – 13. Pos. Akron Central – 0.
Harrold le Knowlton
Johnson lt Spicer
E. Stultz lg Armstrong
Bischoff c Youtz (c)
Graybill rg Tisdale
H. Stultz rt Toon
Houriet (c) re Wise
Hollinger qb Cardarelli
Zorger lhb Evans
Roderick rhb Daum
McLaughlin fb Helmick
Score by quarters:
Massillon 0 7 19 14
Akron Central 0 0 0 0
Touchdowns – Houriet 2, Roderick 2, Harrold 1, McLaughlin 1
Goals after touchdown – McLaughlin 4
Referee – Plott, of Otterbein.
Umpire – Grimm, of Akron University.
Head linesman – Boerner, of Massillon
Timers – Copenhaver, Rubright.
Time of quarters – 12 minutes
Massillon – Zepp for E. Stultz, E. Stultz for Zepp, Archbold for Johnson, Johnson for Archbold, Hess for Graybill.
Akron – Harter for Armstrong, Slater for Wise, La