Defeated Barberton by Good Score, Saturday Afternoon
MILLER AND BALTZLY STARRED They Played Fast Ball, as Did the Entire Team Visitors Resorted to Trick of Playing Old 1909 Football New Plays Were Worked Out for Massillon
The Massillon high school is celebrating another important victory as the result of the fast, scientific playing against Barberton high school on the local grounds Saturday afternoon.
Barberton resorted almost entirely to animal strength, fearing to try quick plays or passes, for the Massillon ends were ever on the alert. Only once did the visitors make any material gain on one of their own trick plays which was nothing more than an ordinary pass, manufactured in 1909 and laid up on the shelf until Saturday. The entire game showed Massillon’s superior football training.
Miller, left halfback for Massillon high, could be seen in the thickest of every play and was always an important factor. Time and again he broke through the Barberton line and threw off tackling opponents. Baltzly, too did the same thing time after time and found non-breakable interference whenever opportunity presented itself.
Massillon kicked to Barberton. The ball was recovered by Massillon on a fumble. Heyman and Miller alternated at following strong interference for good gains. Kester carried the ball and was downed after five yards. Heyman broke through the line untouched and carried the ball about five yards. Heyman, Kester and then Heyman bucked the line for material gains.
Massillon fumbled to Barberton but unable to make yards they were forced to punt, Arther receiving. The ball was passed to both Miller and Heyman on different plays, gains being made each time. Arther fumbled, recovered the ball and on the next down Heyman received a fake pass and gained around end. On the next and final down to this section of the game, Heyman made a touchdown on a forward pass. Goal was kicked.
Barberton kicked to Gester, who carried the ball near the center of the field. Massillon punted. Arther downed the runner almost before he had received the ball. Rider, too, made a quick tackle. Here it was that Barberton made its only material gain through Massillon’s line and this time it was for only about ten yards.
Barberton punted but Baer, a new man on the local team, blocked the punt. The ball was recovered by Kester. Arther and Kester took turns bucking the line and making gains. Heyman and Miller each made yards on various plays. Arther and Heyman gained on plays. Miller and Arther followed suit and made yards for the team. Kester on what is called “chew the rag” play, scored the second touchdown. Try at goal failed, the angle being too great.
Kester again received from Barberton and advanced the ball to the forty yard line. Heyman made a long gain around left end. Massillon punted and time was called for the first quarter. Score: Massillon 11; Barberton 0.
The ball was put in play at the opposite end of the field from the last quarter, Barberton gaining about twenty yards. Kester recovered the ball when Foust fumbled. Massillon fumbled, Barberton recovering. Rowe broke away from the entire crowd and was called for a touchdown when Stoner made a pretty tackle in downing him on the fifteen yard line. Chismell scored on a forward. Goal was kicked.
Heyman received and advanced the ball fifteen yards and on the next play duplicated his feat. Miller, Kester and Heyman again made good gains. Rudy made an attempt at a pass but was interfered with, Barberton recovering the ball. Stoner picked up a fumble on the one-yard line. Heyman fumble and Miller recovered. Barberton got the ball on downs and punted to Stoner. Heyman punted and the ball was recovered at the other end of the field by Stoner, who turned the play into a touchdown. Goal was kicked.
Barberton kicked to Heyman. Massillon punted to Barberton. Barberton punted to Massillon. Barberton, after interfering with a forward recovered the ball. Massillon received the ball on downs. Heyman punted and Wells recovered the ball back of the goal posts making another touchdown. Try at goal failed.
Massillon kicked off, the ball going back of the goal line. It was brought in and put in play by Barberton. Time was called for the second quarter. Score: Massillon 22; Barberton 6.
Barberton kicked to Kester, Miller, Heyman and Kester working together tore up the Barberton line for heavy gains. From this time on the Barberton line weakened, several players having taken time out to recover wind and receive rub downs. Barberton added to Massillon’s fun by being penalized for off side playing. Miller hammered the line and broke away for a touchdown. Goal was kicked.
Barberton kicked to Wagoner. Kester fumbled to Barberton; Barberton punted and recovered the ball. It was here that Barberton made its last score. Having worked themselves into position for a placekick, Chismell booted the ball over.
Another fumble on the kickoff, Barberton recovering. Rider received a forward when the ball became Massillon’s again. Rudy recovered Heyman’s punt and ran for a touchdown but was out of bounds when within a foot of the goal. Kester made a touchdown on bucking. The third quarter closed. Score: Massillon, 33; Barberton 9.
Barberton kicked to Heyman, who returned the kick. The ball was set in play in the center of the field. Punts were exchanged, Barberton seeing the hopelessness of its winning. The playing became loosened until Heyman made a touchdown. Goal was kicked. Time was called for the last quarter. The score ended with 30 points in Massillon’s favor. Barberton had 9.
The Lineup and summary
Massillon Pos. Barberton
Stearns, Stoner, Johns le Hollinger, Rowe
Wagoner lt Mansfield
Weymer lg Haggerty
Rider c Geottge
Baer, Wells rg Wile
Baltzley rt Yackee
Rudy re Everhardt
Arther qb Chismell
Miller lhb Foust
Kester fb Brokaw
Heyman rhb Brooks
Massillon – Kester 2; Heyman 2; Stoner, Wells, Miller.
Massillon – Heyman.
Barberton – Chrismell.
Barberton – Chrismell.
Referee – Bast; Perren.
Times of periods: 12y minutes.
Time of game 3 o’clock.