1911: Massillon 0, Massillon Ex-Highs 6
Lost the Game With Ex-Highs, Thanksgiving
Ex-Highs Carry the Ball Over
in the First Few Minutes of Play
Both Teams Put Up a Great Battle
Heyman a Star
Large Crowd in Attendance
Defeated, but fighting until the last minute, the high school football team closed its season Thanksgiving Day morning with its game with the Ex-Highs. The former was slightly out-weighed by the older players, but the high school put up a plucky, peppery game and lost by a single touchdown and goal kick.
Ex-Highs 6
High School 0
As was the case last year the Ex-High team secured its touchdown in the first few minutes of play. The High School kicked off at the beginning of the game and forced the Ex-Highs to punt on the third down. Klotz, between whom and Heyman, there ensued a lively punting duel throughout the game, booted the ball far down the field, but it went out of bounds about ten yards from the high school goal. Instead of punting on their down, the Highs attempted to make the necessary number of yards, but failed. This put the ball near their own goal line in the Ex-High’s possession. A series of smashing line bucks by Custer and Blackburn was sufficient to put the ball over for the only touchdown of the game. Goal was kicked easily.
From this time on the High School team played desperately and put up a better game of the two. Several times they rushed the ball down to within striking distance of the goal, only to fail at the critical moment. The Ex-Highs played a strong defensive game, especially when their opponents became dangerous and their line was almost like a stone wall.
Heyman, paying his last game for the old school, displayed his ability to the utmost. The longer he played the stronger he got and at the last, kept the Ex-High team on the defensive all the time. Time and again he crashed into the heavy line of the opponents tearing great holes in it and making long gains. Miller and Kester also put up a star game on the offensive. Custer’s terrific line plunging featured in the playing of the Ex-Highs. The former school star hit the line like a shot. Blackburn showed great skill in running back punts and he also made many large gains through the line.
Besides Heyman, this was the last High School contest for two other players, Captain Arther and Wagoner.
The lineup
High School Pos. Ex-Highs
Wells le Miller; H. Ellis
Wagoner lt A. Ellis
Baer lg Wagner
Rider c Tucker
Limbach rg Meinhart
Batlzly rt Reinoehl
Stearns re Bast
Arther qb Merwin; Atwater
Miller lhb Klotz
Heyman fb Custer
Kester rhb Blackburn
Referees – Stone.
Umpire – Vogt.
Timer – Coleman.
Time of periods — 12y minutes.