1915: Massillon 6, Canton Central 7
Shorn of its visions of champion hip honors stands the orange and black clad eleven of Massillon high school today. For Saturday Canton – the local school’s arch foe – in the most amazing and unexpected turn of events ever witnessed in a gridiron struggle, defeated the prize aggregation of Massillon high 7 to 6, in the annual grid fracas on the driving park field. It was Massillon’s first defeat.
The deciding play of the game which meant victory for the determined red and black warriors from the east end city came with such abrupt suddenness that it fairly took the breath away from the some odd 3,000 fans who witnessed the season’s classic.
Canton’s touchdown came in the second quarter after Massillon, by a series of brilliant end runs, had advanced the ball from midfield to Canton’s seven yard line. It was second down with but two feet to go for another first down. Then came the play which gave Canton its chance to score. Instead of trying to pierce Canton’s line or skirt its ends, Massillon attempted a forward pass which was blocked, the ball falling into the hands of Right End Negley, of Canton, who raced 88 yards to the goal line, making the first points scored against the local team this fall. Fisher kicked goal.
Canton rooters went wild for a few minutes while Massillon followers sadly watched the spoiling of the brilliant record made by the orange and black. Here and there could be seen girls using handkerchiefs.
Today Negley is Canton’s hero. He is the man who beat Massillon. Transformed from a second string end to a star by that wonderful run, the Canton end is the most popular student in Canton high school today. Canton rooters celebrated the victory by a big demonstration in the east end city Saturday evening.
Massillon scored its touchdown in the third quarter on a forward pass from McLaughlin to Bischoff, who received the ball behind the goal line. McLaughlin tried for a goal from a difficult angle and missed, thereby giving Canton its one point margin. The east enders’ victory gave them the scholastic championship of Stark County because they scored victories over both Alliance and Massillon.
Canton’s victory was one of a decidedly fluky character. Had a play other than a forward pass been called at this stage of the game, the orange and black might have kept its goal line uncrossed and walloped the invading foe.
Canton never threatened Massillon’s goal while in possession of the ball. Play during the greater part of the struggle was entirely within Canton’s territory but the local team lacked the punch to shove the ball over the goal line. Massillon made nine first downs to Canton’s four, and used the forward pass to better advantage than its opponents.
Massillon was a heavy favorite before the game started and was picked to win. While the orange and black played hard, it was keyed up too strongly and its attack lacked some of the force which has marked its play all season. The players were excited and were putting every ounce of power into the struggle.
Massillon paid strict attention to Abe Fisher, Canton’s star, and bottled the east ender so effectually that he made few gains. Massillon’s backfield, McLaughlin, Roderick, Zorger and Hollinger, made most of the local team’s gains while the line outplayed its opponents.
Massillon – 6. Pos. Canton – 7
Harrold le Smith
Johnson le McAnney
E. Stultz lg Ray
Bischoff c Mitchell
Graybill rg Bow
H. Stultz rt Valzer
Houriet (c) re Negley
Hollinger qb Shaffer
Zorger lhb Fisher (c)
McLaughlin rhb Leininger
Roderick fb Sapsford
Touchdowns – Negley, Bischoff
Goals after touchdowns – Fisher
Substitutions: Canton – Swartz for Bow, Oliger for Ray, Guest for Leininger, Melbourne for Sapsford.
Referee – Snyder, of Harvard
Umpire – Plott, of Otterbein
Head linesman – Elliott, of Otterbein
Timers – Hammersmith, of Michigan, Brown of Western Reserve
Time of quarters – 12-1/2 minutes.