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Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1926: Massillon 46, Akron Garfield 0


A SILVER lining shines through the cloud of gloom that for several weeks has hung over Washington high school with the defeat of Akron Garfield Saturday in Akron 46 to 0. It was only three weeks ago that Akron East sent a veteran team to Massillon to face eleven green youths who trotted out on the gridiron to tangle with their experienced and heavier opponents. It was a gloomy and dreary day for the few hundred high school students and a thousand or more loyal city supporters when they filed quietly through the gates from the field upon which their favorite team had gone down in defeat in its opening tussle.

Truly, predictions had come true. The orange and black had been defeated and a disastrous season was looked forward to. With everything to gain and nothing to lose, the youthful Tigers went into their second tussle, Erie Academy being their opponent. Many unfavorable remarks had been flung at the young gridders, before that game. Then the unexpected happened. The high school lads, with all the viciousness of their mascot, a Bengal Tiger, mauled and completely whipped Erie, scoring a 26 to 0 victory. A silver lining began to edge the cloud of gloom, but still remarks that Erie wasn’t powerful were heard.

Saturday afternoon, the Tiger stalked on Seiberling field, Akron, and at the end of 44 minutes of play, the cloud itself was gone; and no silver lining was necessary to bring a ray of hope to the several hundred Massillon fans who followed the team. After the 46 to 0 victory, they knew that Washington high school had one of the best teams in its history which, without an unexpected upset, should go through the remainder of the season undefeated.

Mother Nature herself seemed to take the condition of the Massillon team to heart much the same as local fans. Her sky and smiling sun were clouded over on the opening day and the rain fell as tears on the field. But the sun made things a little merrier for the second game, as the clouds would clear away for short intervals, giving Old Sol an opportunity to shine forth its encouragement. But Saturday afternoon there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. All were as certain of Massillon winning as they were of clear weather and the sun shone brightly on the gridirons as Akron Garfield was being tucked away for its afternoon nap.
The game Saturday, because of the lopsided score, wasn’t as interesting as it might have been. Were it not for a few sensational runs by Capt. “Bill” Price, and a couple of fancy plays, called more for the interest of the fans than for the good they would do in the game, there would have been little of interest to the football fan with the big exception of seeing the local team triumph.

The Massillon football world has been wondering just what kind of a backfield man this Price person would make; always before he has played a position on the line, having performed credibly at end and center. However, having recovered from a broken collarbone, he was sent to a halfback berth at the start of the game. As Captain William was making his first touchdown on a sensational dash of 30 yards around right end, one could have knocked the eyes of the fans off with ball bats as they stood in amazement. That Price will be one of the big mainstays in the orange and black’s offense for the remainder of the season can easily be seen for “Bill” played little more than a full quarter during the entire game and crossed the goal line three times. He gained practically every time he carried the ball and ripped yard after yard through the Akron team.

All of Coach Atkinson’s men played good football and nearly every member of the squad was given an opportunity to display his talent during the game. Following the first quarter, a continual steam of substitutes was poured into the Massillon ranks and the unknowing fan wondered where they all came from. Naturally Garfield can be thankful to Atkinson for this, for it kept the score from being doubled, but while the young members were not piling up points, they were gathering much knowledge and football experience for next season when a part of them will hold down regular berths on the team. And a few glances at this wealth of good looking reserve material puts the Massillon fan in an optimistic mood. What a whale of a team Atkinson should have next season.

While the regulars were in, it was only a question of how many points the Massillon steam roller would pile up. Laughlin, Smith, Foster and McConnell were continually thrusting at the line and running the ends for long gains, while the line was a veritable stone wall to the Akron gridders. Akron couldn’t gain any way at all and only twice during the entire fracas was play in the orange and black’s territory, a fumble being responsible for Garfield’s only chance to score, when it attempted to place kick during the fourth quarter which was blocked by a Massillon lineman.
As for the local gridders straight football was resorted to. The deadly passing attack which swept Erie completely off its feet was not tried. Only once did the orange and black throw a pass and it was completed, being good for four yards.

Passes were not necessary for the local team’s offense. A running attack gained the necessary ground and although the aerial game might have added interest to the contest, it would only have given Akron South scouts, who were undoubtedly watching the contest, a chance to gather information on the plays and plan a defense to combat it. Akron South is the next opponent of the orange and black.

It took only a few minutes for the Massillon machine to get into motion and begin scoring points.
The local team received, Ott getting the ball and carrying it back to the Massillon 40-yard line. Then the drive started. Laughlin on the first play stopped away for 12 yards and a first down. McConnell plunged for nine more and Laughlin then lashed through center for another three. Price added three on a sweeping end run and Smith made four around left end. With the ball on the 22-yard line, Laughlin scampered through the Akron team and placed the pigskin over the goal line. McConnell drop kicked for the extra point.

Akron showed its best offensive strength a moment later, making two consecutive first downs, one coming as a result of a penalty inflicted on the youthful Tigers. The belated rally, however, was cut short when Laughlin intercepted a pass on the Akron 35-yard line and carried the ball back to the 12-yard zone before being tackled. Price hit for five yards and Laughlin made a first down by inches. McConnell then carried the pigskin across. His attempted drop kick was blocked.

Toward the close of the first period, Price grabbed a punt in midfield and raced back to the 30-yard line where he was tackled. On the very next play he dashed around right end for his first set of markers. This time McConnell’s toe functioned and he kicked goal. The quarter ended with the score 20 to 0 in favor of the South Mill street gridders.

A few minutes after the second period opened. Popeko punted to the Massillon 30-yard line, Massillon fumbling but recovering. Price made three yards and Smith a yard. McConnell made seven on two attempts bringing a first down. Drives by Price and Briggs, who had substituted for Laughlin, brought six yards, and Price then stepped away in a well covered trick formation for 45 yards and a touchdown. It was a neat play the orange and black pulled and so well did it work that all but one of Garfield’s secondary defense was drawn away by the other Massillon backs who faked carrying the ball. McConnell missed his drop kick.

McConnell kicked over the goal line and Akron was given the ball on its 20-yard line. Four plays netted but nine yards and the orange and black received the ball on downs on the
29-yard line. Briggs hit for four yards and Foster, who replaced Price knifed through left tackle for seven more and a first down. McConnell then carried the ball to the five-yard line for a first down. Foster cut the distance to three yards, but Smith lost a yard on the next play. McConnell then carried the ball to within a foot of the goal line and on the next play plunged it over. McConnell drop kicked for the extra point bringing the local team’s total to 33 points.

A brilliant run of 35 yards by Briggs, who intercepted a pass from Popeko, Akron back, paved the way for the final points of the first half with McConnell drop kicking for the extra point.
The only points scored in the second half were rolled up early in the last period after a march of 60 yards up the field. Bast received a punt on the Massillon 38-yard line and returned to the local’s 40. Schnerlie gained two yards on two plunges and the quarter ended with the ball on the locals’ 42-yard line. Here Atkinson shot in part of his regulars and Garfield was mowed down. Wagner ripped off two yards and Laughlin made 10 on the next play. Price made five yards around right end and McConnell added six more. Wagner failed to gain. Laughlin added two yards and Price carried the ball 19 yards to the 17-yard line. Laughlin struck for four and Wagner made three yards. McConnell hit center for two yards and Laughlin then went through right tackle for five more placing the ball on the three-yard line with four chances to put it over. On the next play, Price hit through right guard and rolled over the goal. McConnell failed in his attempt to dropkick for the extra point. During the remainder of the game, play was mostly in the center of the field, neither team getting into a position to score.

Garfield’s only opportunity to score came near the middle of the fourth quarter, when a member of the team covered a fumble on the orange and black’s 15-yard line. Three times the Akron gridders drove into the line, but on each occasion were repulsed without a gain. On the fourth down, an attempted place kick was blocked, Massillon recovering and starting a march that ended in midfield.

Akron , as expected was about as weak a team as the orange and black will face this year. It succeeded in making seven first downs as compared with 22 rolled up by the local gridders.

The Akronites attempted eight passes and completed two, one counting for four yards and the other for six yards; four were incomplete and two intercepted. Only a single pass was tried by the local team and that was good for four yards.

One of the outstanding features of the entire melee was the clean playing of both teams. Only two penalties were inflicted on the two teams. Massillon was penalized 15 yards at one time for holding, while Akron was penalized on one occasion for over use of the forward pass.
Boy, Page South
Massillon – 46 Pos. Akron – 0
Gump LE Denison
Ott LT Ripley
Spencer LG Nichols
Benson C Bland
D. Smith RG Franklin
French RT Fedor
Ressler RE Kroah
McConnell QB Moyer
Laughlin LHB Orthel
Price RHB Oakley
C. Smith FB Popeko

Score by quarters:
Massillon 20 20 0 6 46

Massillon – Briggs for Laughlin, Foster for Price, Buttermore for Benson, Henderson for Ott, Easterday for Spencer, Mauger for D. Smith, Strough for French, Mathews for Ressler, Bast for McConnell. Grant for Briggs, Bickel for Foster, Schnerlie for C. Smith, Price for Schnerlie, Laughlin for C. Smith,McConnell for Bast, Wagner for Bickel, Briggs for Price, Foster for Laughlin, Hax for McConnell, Smith for Wagner, Fox for Gump, Fisher for Mauger.

Akron – Burk for Franklin, Croix for Nichols, M. Oriehl for Denison, Sloakes for Oakley, Franklin for Burk, Ripley for Franklin.

Touchdowns – Laughlin, McConnell 2, Price 3, Briggs.

Point after touchdown – McConnell 4, (dropkick).

Referee – Koester.
Umpire – Lovell.
Head Linesman – Smith.

Time of quarters – 12 and 10 minutes.

Bill Price
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1926: Massillon 26, Erie, Pa Academy 0


The orange and black flies high today, At the top of the mast it waves and flaps defiantly in the air. And why shouldn’t it?

Under these colors, the golden tornado of Washington high school swept Erie Academy into oblivion Saturday afternoon on Massillon field. Even the most optimistic of the loyal supporters who turned out, scratched their heads in surprise as the vicious orange wave moved up and down the field, smashing the Erie defense and sweeping every barrier aside to mass a total of 26 points while the battered Erie team could show no score.

It was a game comeback the local team made. Picked by many of the “wise guys” to win by three or four touchdowns, Erie Academy was swept completely off its feet and after the first touchdown; there was a little doubt as to which was the better team on the field.

So decisive was the attack of the Massillon gridders that they registered 16 first downs, a large number for any team to make. Only Erie’s plucky fight kept the score from being larger, for several times the locals were in striking distance of the Erie goal Truly, Massillon had the breaks, if an intercepted pass can be called a break, but it was the determined drive of the youthful Tigers that brought the coveted reward and set the football world a talking. And it is talking. The many “critics” who stayed away from the game because they “knew” the boys couldn’t play football and would be beaten by an overwhelming score, are beginning to question their criticism and withdraw all unfavorable remarks. Saturday evening, wherever there was a crowd of fellows, football was the subject and it’s beginning to look as through the old Massillon spirit will return and the bleachers will be packed when the orange and black makes its next appearance, October 23.
Any team that plays football like those youthful Tigers played Saturday is deserving of a large crowd and loyal support and not the kind of a crowd that turned out Saturday afternoon to witness the first intersectional contest ever played in Massillon.

The crowd of more than 2,000 that did pass through the gates Saturday was a loyal crowd and all left satisfied that they had witnessed one of the best brands of football ever shown here.

It was the lightning like offense of the orange and black that turned back the favored Erie team. Laughlin and McConnell both showed wonderful ability at carrying the ball, while McConnell’s deadly accurate passes counted for many of the local’s long gains. It was a surprised little band of Erie rooters that watched its team being swept back toward its goal in the first quarter by a powerful Massillon offense, and it was an equally surprised and astonished Massillon crowd that saw the local team cross the Erie goal line, scoring the first points of the game.

To Price, husky guard, must go a lot of credit for the defense of the Massillon team. The center of the line was impregnable and at the bottom of most every pileup after an Erie gridder had driven into the line, could be found Price. He played the same hard game from start to finish, being taken out in the first half for a needed rest. “Fritz” Gump came back into his own and starred both offensively and defensively. Gump gave great interference on end runs and in the same manner broke up the interference on Erie dashes around his wing.

Though Massillon showed many stars, Erie had a player who was fast and classy and who several times during the fracas, pulled off exciting dashes that caused the Massillon fans to cease breathing until he was safely stretched out on the ground. This was Fuller, one of the few veterans from the Academy team of a year ago. The entire Erie attack was built around him, and he bore up well under his task.
The orange and black scored in the first eight minutes of play. Erie was driving towards the Massillon goal line when McConnell intercepted a pass on the Erie 35-yard line. He carried the pigskin 10 yards before being tackled, placing the ball on the 25-yard line. Smith then hit off tackle for seven yards and Laughlin cut off two more, but Massillon was declared offside and was penalized five yards. McConnell failed to gain on a line plunge but on the next play he passed the oval 10 yards to Gump who raced the remaining 15 yards for a touchdown. Gump came near being tackled after catching the pass, falling to his knees, but he quickly pulled himself loose and continued over the goal line. McConnell’s toe failed to respond and the extra point was lost.

Shortly afterwards, Erie punted to the Massillon 47-yard line. On the first play, McConnell stepped back and hurled a pass to Laughlin who carried the ball to Erie’s 18-yard line before being downed. Foster then made a yard and McConnell narrowed the distance to the goal by six yards on a sweeping end run. He then struck through the line for three yards, making a first down on the eight-yard line. On the next play, Laughlin tore through for four yards, placing the pigskin on the four-yard line as the whistle blew announcing the end of the first quarter. On the first play in the second period, McConnell ripped around left end and over the goal line. His toe obeyed and added another point. The half ended with the score 13 to 0 in favor of Massillon.
It was late in the third quarter before the local team could put across its third set of points. Again it was the forward pass that brought results. McConnell placed the local team in a position to score by intercepting an Erie pass in midfield and scampering back to the 28-yard line before being downed. On the next play he ripped off five yards, but Massillon was penalized five yards for being offside. A pass was batted down and on the next play McConnell hurled a short pas to Laughlin who ran 25 yards for a touchdown. McConnell kicked goal.

The last points were gathered late in the game and were accumulated as a result of the brilliant running of Bast, a substitute, who was playing his first game.

Bast returned an Erie punt 35 yards to the eight-yard line by a brilliant piece of open field running. Hax hit the line for a yard and on the next play Bast waded over the goal line. Hax failed to make the extra point.

Coach Atkinson’s men used the forward pass effectively Saturday. The aerial game was the big noise in the offense for it gained a total of 169 yards, 10 passes being completed, five incomplete and one intercepted by Erie. Erie was not so fortunate in its attempt to harness the air. The Erie gridders hurled 11 passes, completed three for a total of 35 yards, had four intercepted while four were batted down by Massillon players.

In the number of first downs the orange and black excelled, making the required yardage 16 times to 10 times for Erie.

McConnell made a beautiful catch when he intercepted Fuller’s pass in the third period to put the Massillonians in a position to score. “Mac” caught the ball over his shoulder while racing towards the Massillon goal. He pivoted quickly however and was about face shaking off tacklers as he headed toward the Erie goal, finally being thrown out of bounds on the 28-yard line.

The local team showed a wonderful defense against the forward pass, intercepting four Erie passes at critical moments, and batting down a like number.

Penalties were numerous during the game, both sides being setback often for breaking rules. However, both teams fought hard and clean and none of the penalties were inflicted for intentional rough playing.
Atkinson’s reserve material showed up well Saturday. It was the Massillon mentor’s first chance to see his reserves under fire and all played capable. Bast grabbed much of the lime light with his brilliant open field running, while Hosso showed up well.

The Massillon backfield which started the game, Laughlin, Smith, Foster and McConnell worked exceptionally well together. Excellent interference was given the ball toter, one thing that was sorely lacking in the Akron game, and the runner was given good protection until he could get beyond the line of scrimmage.
Just the Start
Massillon – 28 Pos. Erie –0
Gump LE Erhart
Ott LT Malthaner
Spencer LG Wagner
Potts C Parsons
R. Price RG Ferrare
Benson RT Temple
Fulton RE Lewis
McConnell QB Speicher
Smith LHB W. Kinsinger
Foster RHB Fuller
Laughlin FB Weed

Score by quarters:
Massillon 6 7 7 6 26

Massillon – Hosso for Laughlin, Carrol for Potts, Mauger for Price, Laughln for Hosso, Price for Mauger, Hax for Foster, Ressler for Fulton, Hosso for Laughlin, Easterday for Spencer, Mathews for Gump, Strong for Ott, Grant for Smith, Mauger for Price, Bast for McConnell, Schnerlie for Hax, Fox for Ressler.

Erie – Jennings for Erhart, Flint for Temple, C. Kinsinger for Weed, Tranis for Jennings, Schwartz for Lewis, Weed for C. Kingsinger.

Touchdowns – Gump, McConnell, Laughlin, Bast.

Point after touchdown – McConnell 2.

Referee – Archibald (Michigan).
Umpire – Tompkinson (Akron).
Head Linesman – Shafer (Akron).

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1926: Massillon 0, Akron East 6


Showing a decided lack of actual combat experience Washington high school’s orange and black football team Saturday went down to defeat before Akron East 6 to 0 in the opening contest of the 1926 scholastic campaign on Massillon Field. Cold winds and intermittent showers cut down the opening day attendance but the stands were fairly well packed when the rival aggregation took the gridiron for the initial whistle.

Scoring a touchdown late in the second quarter on a series of desperate line plunges after a Massillon fumble had put them within the local team’s 20-yard line Akron East’s gridders annexed the only points scored during the contest and romped off the field with a victory over Coach John H. Atkinson’s warriors. Outside of the time when Akron East scored neither team threatened the others goal line to any serious extent and the game for the most part was devoid of any thrills, both aggregations adhering largely to straight football.

The field was a bit soggy but the footing firm. The rain however, made the ball slippery and hard to handle and a strong wind, driving across the field from the north, made punting difficult for the team which was defending the south goal. Fumbles, blocked punts and penalties worked a hardship upon the inexperienced Massillon eleven, a fumble giving Akron East a chance to score while several 15-yard penalties halted Massillon’s offense on several occasions when it seemed the orange and black was on its way to points.

A defeat is always a bitter pill to swallow but when time is taken out to analyze the Massillon eleven which took the field Saturday against Akron East it can be seen that even in defeat the orange and black gave a good account of itself and displayed enough ability to indicate that it has good possibilities of being drafted into a formidable machine as the season progresses.
The Massillon eleven which made its 1926 debut last Saturday was almost as green in actual playing experience as the grass under its feet. The team took the field with only two veterans from the 1925 aggregation in the lineup. And one of these did not become a regular until the last two games when an eligibility ruling knocked out several backfield stars and gave him a chance.

That player was Art McConnell who directed the team’s offense from the quarterback position. The other veterans, Fritz Gump at left end, acting captain in the absence of Bill Price who is laid up with a broken collar bone; “Whitey” Laughlin, plunging fullback, got into the game for a few minutes but was forced out with a bad knee which he had injured in practice last week.

With the exception of McConnell and Gump the team was made up of reserves from last year or players indulging in their first contest as varsity performers. And their experience weighed heavily against them. They fought gamely enough but fighting ability is not always enough. It was not Saturday.
Had Captain Bill Price been able to be in the game the line undoubtedly would have not wilted under Akron East’s pounding in the second quarter when the touchdown was scored. Price’s fighting spirit and his ability to plug up a hole in a crisis probably would have kept Akron from scoring but Bill, with his arm in a sling, had to watch the game from the bench. And if Laughlin had been at his best and able to stay in the game throughout a different offense also would have resulted.

It was only during those few fatal seconds in the second quarter that the Massillon line wilted. During the rest of the game it out played the Akron forward wall and continually stopped the visiting backfield in its tracks. However, it needs to be more aggressive. What the local team’s offense would have accomplished had its attack not been cut down by penalties is a matter of conjecture.

It showed flashes of power both at line plunging and end running and several times opened up with well executed forward passes. It missed a chance to gain heavily in the fourth quarter when two well hurled passes by McConnell were fumbled by the lads on the receiving end. McConnell also lacked experience in directing the team but Art, having passed through the heat of one battle as field general, should develop rapidly.

A number of McConnell’s punts were blocked Saturday largely because he did not drop far enough behind his line when kicking. The inexperienced Massillon line was not able to hold out the rushing Akron warriors long enough for Art to get his kicks away from a short distance back of the center.
Massillon received to open the contest and from the way it started off it looked like curtains for Akron. One first down was made on an end run and an off tackle buck and the orange and black was driving up the field when a 15-yard penalty took the steam out of its punch. Then McConnell’s punt was blocked and Akron got the ball on Massillon’s 22-yard line. But East couldn’t gain and a field goal failed.

Once again Massillon’s offense started well. McConnell made six and then heaved a pass to Briggs for six more. Two more line plays netted five and then McConnell hurled a pass to Matthews for 26 yards but East stopped the drive by intercepting the next Massillon pass.

The orange and black however held and Akron punted. Again the local team started to travel up the field but a 15-yard penalty again halted the march.

Fumbles began to make their appearance in the second quarter and McConnell fumbled on an end run, Akron covering the ball on Massillon’s 28-yard line. But once again the green Massillon line could not be dented and another attempt by Akron to score through a field goal failed.

Massillon got the ball on its 20-yard line and on the first play fumbled. Crisp, of Akron, plunged on the ball on Massillon’s 17-yard line. Then came Akron’s best offensive of the game.

With Keeney, flashy Akron quarterback and the individual star of the game, smashing through the Massillon line or off tackle Akron carried the ball to the seven-yard line on four plunges. Akron kept hammering the inexperienced Massillon line which was slowly but surely giving ground and three more plays took the ball over, Keeney going through the center of the line for a touchdown. He failed to add the extra point.

Neither team was able to do much in the third quarter but when the final period opened the orange and black, six points behind, started off with a desperate drive that cracked the Akron team wide open. Getting the ball on Massillon’s 32 yard line McConnell and Briggs smashed through tackle and around the ends for three first downs in a row. It looked like the Massillon march could not be halted but a penalty had to bob up and a 15-yard loss stopped the rush.

However, the orange and black got a break in luck but it could not take advantage of it. When McConnell punted an Akron man held Gump while the ball was in mid air and the oval was given to Massillon on Akron’s 28-yard line where the penalty occurred. But by this time Akron had regained its breath and held the Massillon backs, getting the ball after Massillon failed to make the required yardage in four plays.

A short time later McConnell opened up with passes but Smith and Briggs fumbled two well heaved passes. Either one of them would have enabled Massillon to get deep into Akron territory. As the game ended Akron was once more hammering away at the Massillon line and had worked the ball within the Massillon 30-yard line.

Although defeated, Massillon out played its Akron rival. The local team made eight first downs to six for Akron and completed three passes while Akron completed but one. Three of Massillon’s passes were grounded while Akron intercepted on. Akron only tried three forwards.
Erie Is Next
Massillon – 0 Pos. Akron East – 6
Gump LE Porosky
Ott LT Bell
Spencer LG Crisp
Potts C Wilson
Price RG Bergey
Benson RT Growden
Fulton RE Morgan
McConnell QB Keeney
Matthews LHB Coudriet
Briggs RHB Thomas
Foster FB Johnson

Score by quarters:
Massillon 0 0 0 0 0
Akron East 0 6 0 0 6

Massillon – Laughlin for Foster, Smith for Matthews, Foster for Laughlin, Carroll for Benson, Bickel for Briggs.

Akron East – Averitte for Porosky, Leibowitz for Johnson, Porosky for Averitte.

Touchdown – Keeney.

Referee – Maurer.
Umpire – Jenkins.
Head Linesman – Tompkinson

Time of quarters – 12 minutes.

Bill Price
Massillon vs. McK - Throwback (Large) History

1925: Massillon 3, Canton McKinley 6


Driven backward by a bewildering aerial assault and a relentless, hard-driving attack off tackle a weary but grimly fighting Washington high school football team last Saturday afternoon went down to defeat before its perennial rival, Canton McKinley, 6 to 3 in a thrilling and spectacular battle at Lakeside Stadium, Canton, before the largest crowd that probably has ever witnessed a scholastic athletic event in Stark county. A touchdown in the fourth quarter that came through the medium of a well carried out offensive brought victory to the red and black of Canton, giving it a three point margin over Massillon which in the third period had amassed three points through a field goal from placement by Elwood Kammer from the 25-yard line.

Needless to say Canton went wild with joy when the game came to a close and its team was out in front. It was the first time in five years that a McKinley high team has been able to win from Massillon and the first time in three years that Canton has been able to score points on an orange and black scholastic outfit. Prior to Saturday Massillon had reigned supreme over its old enemy since 1920 when the red and black turned in a 14 to 0 triumph.

There was nothing fluky about Canton’s victory. It was merited and well earned, although for three periods the east enders were decisively out played by a fast stepping and hard hitting Massillon team that should have scored at least two touchdowns in the first half but didn’t because the fickle goodess of luck decreed otherwise. Massillon made 14 first downs to seven for Canton, out playing its ancient foe two to one, yet it was forced to bow its head in defeat.

Two things stand out prominently in setting forth the reasons for Massillon’s defeat. One was a break of the game that came in the third quarter and proved the turning point of the battle. From then on Canton held the upper hand and it made the most of its opportunity and the result was a hard earned victory for its colors.
The other was the advantage Canton had on Massillon was in reserve strength; that more than anything else caused the downfall of Coach Stewart’s team.

With six men cut off the team by a ruling making them ineligible a week before the Canton game, three of them regulars in the backfield, Coach Stewart was forced to send his strongest lineup into the fray at the start and keep it there until the last hope of victory vanished in the final minutes of play. The Massillon backfield, especially Kammer and Laughlin who bore the burden of the local team’s offense, had spent themselves during the first three quarters in their fierce dashes through the Canton team and when the time came for a last desperate effort to overcome the east enders’ lead Massillon no longer had the punch. Its team was willing and its spirit undimmed but its physical prowess had been spent in that earlier determined but futile attempt to wrest the victory from its old foe.

Not so with Canton. It sent into the struggle at the start of the third period Taubensee and Kinney, a pair of fresh halfbacks who were ready to cut loose with all their power when Canton’s opportunity came and their driving attack along with Holmes’ cleverly executed aerial bombardment, turned what looked like a certain defeat for Canton into a brilliant victory by an eleventh hour attack. Taubensee was the hero of Canton’s triumph, being the lad to smash through the Massillon line in the fourth period for the touchdown.

If Massillon had had Captain Define, Smith and Halpin ready to jump into the fray to relieve Kammer and Laughlin and Brown when they showed signs of fatigue the outcome might have been different. But they were on the sidelines, ineligible and so Massillon’s chances of victory went glimmering.
But a hero in defeat was Kammer, the fast charging and line smashing Massillon backfield ace. To his great ground gaining prowess and ability to outrun his Canton rivals was due Massillon’s greatest chance for victory. Kammer ripped, slashed and dashed his way through the Canton team for three quarters in one of the greatest exhibitions of playing ever seen in a Massillon-Canton tussle but Kammer’s great efforts were not to be rewarded. He also was a bear on defense but he could not go on forever and the fourth quarter found him leg weary and his energy almost gone. Sharing offensive honors with the brilliant Kammer was Whitey Laughlin, the stocky plunger, who also tore the Canton line to shreds on numerous occasions and once in the fourth quarter saved Massillon’s goal line by throwing Taubensee for a loss of three yards when Canton had but three yards to go for a touchdown on fourth down. But he also, along with Brown and McConnell, began to feel the strain in the fourth quarter.
The big break of the game came in the third quarter when McConnell, standing back to punt, missed a high pass from Bill Price. It was fourth down. The ball was on Massillon’s 40-yard line. Price shot the ball back to McConnell but it was over the Massillon punter’s head. McConnell reached for it but the ball went through his hands. He covered it on his 30-yard line but the oval went to Canton.

It was then that McKinley began the drive that was to carry it to victory. Quarterback Holmes also began to show his field generalship. He called Taubensee and Kinney into service on short off tackle bucks and they soon had driven through for a first down carrying the ball to Massillon’s 29-yard line. Then the orange and black defense stiffened. Up to that point Canton had not attempted a forward pass. Holmes then dropped back as if to try for a field goal. Instead he shot a bullet pass to Bolender who pulled it out of the air for a 16-yard gain, being tackled on Massillon’s 11-yard line as the quarter ended.

With a touchdown in sight Kinney rammed the line three times and toted the ball to Massillon’s three-yard line with fourth down and two yards to gain for a first down and three to make a touchdown. Taubensee started for Massillon’s left tackle but he never reached the line of scrimmage. Like a battering ram Laughlin smashed through and nailed Taubensee for a loss of three yards and Massillon had staved off the touchdown, getting the ball on its six-yard line.
Massillon could not gain and McConnell punted to Holmes who was tackled on Massillon’s 40. Canton, scenting victory, was not to be denied and was soon off on another march toward the orange and black goal. Holmes opened up with his deadly aerial attack and shot a pass to Bolender for 18 yards. Three line plays then gained only a few yards. Again came fourth down with the ball on Massillon’s 18 and again Holmes dropped back to kick formation but once more he depended upon the aerial game and this time hurled a pass to Clarke, who grabbed the ball and carried it to the six-yard line before being pulled to earth by Kammer. Then Taubensee earned his chance to become Canton’s hero. On the first play he smashed through right tackle for three and on the next he went through the same spot and over Massillon’s goal line for the first touchdown a Canton team has scored on Massillon in four years. Bolender failed to kick from placement for the extra point.

The fourth quarter was still young but Massillon’s offense was gone. Brown opened up with forward passes but to no avail. Canton was watching Massillon’s aerial attack very closely, following Storrie and McConnell, the receivers of Brown’s heaves, like hawks. The game ended with Canton in possession of the ball inside Massillon’s 20-yard line.
Canton did not once get inside Massillon territory in the first half until near the end of the second quarter when Brown fumbled a punt and Canton covered on the Massillon 26-yard line. But Massillon almost continually was playing on Canton ground. In the first quarter the orange and black advanced deeply into Canton territory on an exchange of punts.

McConnell, by a pretty kick, had driven the ball out of bounds on Canton’s six-yard line. Holmes then punted from behind his goal line but he kicked against a strong wind and Massillon got the ball on Canton’s 26-yard line. Massillon marched down to Canton’s six-yard line and a touchdown seemed likely when Kammer was sent on a long end run and was tossed for a five-yard loss. A line plunge might have accomplished more. In addition to this Massillon incurred a 15-yard penalty for holding and was pushed back to the 29-yard line. The ball was brought up to Canton’s 16-yard line when Clark interfered with Storrie as he was about to catch a pass. Laughlin made five at the line but a triple pass fizzled and lost nine. This was made up however when Brown passed to McConnell for 11. But fourth down was coming and Brown tried another forward and this was intercepted by Clark who carried it back 30 yards before being stopped.

With Kammer skirting the ends and smashing the line for steady gains Massillon marched right up the field in the second quarter only to lose another splendid chance to score by a 15-yard penalty for holding. Canton found Kammer almost unstoppable and was being swept back everytime the Massillon star took the ball. Getting the pigskin on Massillon’s 30-yard line Kammer almost single handed, carried the ball for steady gains on end runs and line drives until it was resting on Canton’s 15-yard line. He was given good interference and assisted by Laughlin and McConnell. But then, with Canton weakening fast, a Massillon man was guilty of holding and a 15-yard penalty blasted the chance to score. Canton then took the ball on downs but Plaskett fumbled and W. Harris covered on the 31-yard line. Massillon made another first down but time was nearly up and McConnell tried for a goal from placement from the 32-yard line but it was low.
The third quarter still found Kammer plowing through the Canton team for substantial gains. Laughlin also was dong some splendid ball toting and an unbroken march of 45 yards soon had the ball on Canton’s 20-yard line. But Canton’s line held and then Kammer dropped back to the 25 for a place kick. A Canton lineman was offside just as the ball was passed. Kammer put his toe against the leather and the ball sailed over the cross bar for the first points of the game.

Massillon then had its choice of taking the five-yard penalty for Canton’s offside play, which would have given it a first down, or the three points resulting from the place kick. The orange and black took the points; whether that was a wise move will always remain a debatable question. To have taken the penalty would have brought a first down inside Canton’s 15-yard line and a touchdown might have resulted, for Canton was hard beset to stop Kammer’s fast charges and Laughlin’s line plunges. But right then those three points looked like good enough to win and the local team can’t be blamed for taking a sure lead in preference to a doubtful touchdown. Had it taken the gain resulting from the penalty it might have scored and the game ended in a tie or a Massillon victory had the point after touchdown been registered. But why discuss a matter that’s now history. A few moments later came the break that started Canton on its way to victory.
Tough Luck
Massillon – 3 Pos. Canton – 6
Gump LE Bolender
W. Harris LT Woodring
Kelly LG Spence
Price C Ballard
Crone RG Duff
Dommer RT Dunn
Thomas RE Dye
Brown QB Holmes
Kammer LHB Clark
McConnell RHB Plaskett
Laughlin FB Hodnick

Score by quarters:
Massillon 0 0 3 0 3
Canton 0 0 0 6 6

Massillon – Storrie for Gump, Gump for Storrie, Storrie for Gump, N. Harris for Price, Agler for Thommas, Tipton for Crone, Hax for Brown.

Canton – Sheets for Dye, Taubensee for Clark, Kinney for Plaskett, Rittersbaugh for Spence, Dye for Sheets, Clark for Kinney, Plaskett for Clark, Kauffman for Plaskett.

Touchdown – Taubensee.

Field goal (from placement) – Kammer.

Referee – Dr. Lambert, Ohio State.
Umpire – Swain, Dickinson.
Head Linesman – Barrett, W. & J.

Time of quarters – 12‚ minutes.

Paul Brown

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1925: Massillon 14, Warren Harding 0


Fighting with the ferocity of a Tiger at bay and hurdling obstacles that would have broken the spirit of a less courageous aggregation a determined Washington high school football team last Saturday afternoon at Warren swept over Warren high school’s eleven in relentless fury and came through with a spectacular 14 to 0 victory over its Trumbull county rival in the annual tussle between these two foes.

Two intercepted forward passes in the fourth quarter followed by brilliant dashes down the field of 90 and 95 yards stayed off defeat, routed a dangerous and hard playing opponent and added another victory to the orange and black banner.

With their captain and five other teammates on the sidelines, the victims of a ruling affecting their eligibility, the local team took the field Saturday in a shattered condition but with a fighting spirit that could not be broken and won from a team, that according to all the statistics piled up during the battle, should have won. But that determination to do or die, that comes when adverse odds are greatest, and the ability to play heads up football from start to finish, turned the tide of victory to Massillon.

To the keen foresight and quick judgment of “Whitey” Laughlin and Elwood Kammer must go the credit for Massillon’s sensational triumph. It was these two lads who in the fourth quarter, pulled Warren forward passes out of the air in the shadow of Massillon’s goal posts and converted them into touchdowns for their team by scintillating dashes down the field. Coach Stewart’s athletes were outplayed, no one can deny that but they were not out gamed and because they fought the hardest when their goal line was in danger is the reason they are the victors and Warren the vanquished today.
With ideal weather conditions prevailing, the first in many weeks, the game attracted a record crowd that packed every inch in the Moose Park at Warren. And the local team was not without support, about 1,500 Massillonians making the trip to Warren. It was a perfect day for football with the field in good condition with the exception of one spot in the center.

Weakened by the loss of six players through the recent eligibility ruling of Commissioner Townsend, among them Captain Define and Paul Smith, star halfbacks and punter, and Paul Storrie, brilliant end, who has a bad knee, Coach Stewart’s team went into Saturday’s game with all the odds against it. It was stacking up against a formidable opponent that had been pointed for its annual duel with Massillon and with its regulars in the best of condition. But yet it won, another indication that the fighting spirit and courage of a local scholastic team is still without equal in the state.

The orange and black was out played quite decisively by the sturdy Warren team so far as the matter of gaining ground is concerned, making but four first downs to 13 for the eastern Ohio lads but it’s points that win football games and not first downs and Massillon had the margin on points when the battle was over. Warren’s punch, that twice carried its team within Massillon’s 15-yard line, spent itself in a futile attempt to break the orange and black and went to pieces as Massillon swept on to victory.

There are some who might say Massillon was lucky to win Saturday. Sure, the breaks came Massillon’s way and the element of luck might have entered into the deciding issues in the contest but after all if Laughlin and Kammer had not been playing an on-toe type of football they would not have been in position to snare those Warren passes when then came their way. They were doing what they were supposed to do; what any intelligent football player would be doing in a situation of that kind and when the opportunity presented itself for them to place themselves between the Warren forward passer and the receiver they made the most of their opportunities and the result was a Massillon victory. Call it luck if you want to but if that’s luck then the playing of most every so called smart football team must be about 100 percent luck.

With two regular half backs and punters out of the game Coach Stewart sent Brown, Kammer, Laughlin and McConnell into the fray as the Massillon backfield quartet with McConnell to do the punting. Considering that it was the first time this season he has had a chance to do any punting, McConnell performed like a veteran, out-punting his Warren rival throughout the game.

Kammer, of course, carried the bulk of the Massillon offense. He was closely watched and his interference did not work as smoothly as it would have worked with Define and Smith in the game but the sturdy Massillon ace ran and smashed his way through the Warren team for substantial gains.
Laughlin, handicapped all season by a bad leg and playing his first full game of the year, was one of the big stars. This stocky youngster played a great game on defense, tackling hard and being in most every play. Sharing honors with Laughlin on defense was Bill Price, the fighting center, who also had a lot to do in stopping the Warren attack.

Massillon’s line was given a rather stiff battering by the husky Warren backs and had it not been for the splendid playing of the secondary defense the eastern Ohio team might have scored. Kammer, who played safety man, until Warren got within scoring distance, also performed well, twice stopping Warren touchdowns by tackling Warren men after they had gotten away from the balance of the local team.

McKee, whose long dashes around the Massillon ends seldom failed to gain ground, was Warren’s shining light. He was a hard man to stop and a clever ground gainer.

Warren showed its best offense in the third quarter when it took the ball on its 20-yard line and marched it down the field for five first downs in a row before being halted on Massillon’s 16-yard stripe as the fourth quarter opened and then lost its chance to score when Laughlin intercepted a pass and ran 90 yards for the first touchdown.

Both teams were in position to score in the first half but neither possessed the punch to put the ball over the line, either for a touchdown or field goal. In the first quarter Laughlin, ever on the alert, pulled a Warren forward pass out of the air on his 32-yard line and ran it back 47 yards to Warren’s 21-yard line before being halted. Kammer tried for a field goal from the 19-yard line but the kick failed.

Then early in the second quarter Fritz Gump made a brilliant catch of a long forward pass from Brown that would have put Massillon on Warren’s 20-yard line but he was tackled hard by two Warren players and fumbled, Warren covering.

Near the end of the quarter Warren threatened to score when Horner tossed a pass to Polena who gained 30 yards, being downed on Massillon’s 12-yard line. Kammer was the only man in front of Polena and the goal line but he saved the day by bringing the Warren quarterback to earth. Then the Massillon line stiffened and held and McKee dropped back to the 23-yard line for a shot at the goal posts but he dropped the pass from center and Crone fell on the ball.

A few momens later Horner’s fighting spirit got the better of him and he robbed his team of another chance to score. He broke through the Massillon line and made a brilliant dash of 22 yards before being tackled by Kammer. He had carried the ball within Massillon’s 20-yard line but lost the gain when he attempted to stick his fingers into Kammer’s eyes when the Massillonian tackled him.

Early in the third quarter Kammer shot around Warren’s right end for 36 yards, taking the ball to the 15-yard line before being downed. But three shots at the line failed to gain and when Kammer tried another field goal the kick was blocked and Warren got the ball on its 17-yard line.

Then after an exchange of punts the easteners opened their most dangerous march of the day. With McKee and Horner hammering the line and skirting the ends Warren marched the ball down the field for five first downs in a row having the oval on Massillon’s 19-yard line and a touchdown in sight when the quarter ended. They were working smoothly and Massillon seemed unable to stop them.

But with their backs to the wall the Massillon team took a new lease on life and held Warren on the 16-yard line. With fourth down coming and several yards to gain Polena attempted a forward pass in a last desperate effort to score. It was then that Laughlin jumped into the spotlight to snare the pass on his 10-yard line and turn it into a touchdown by racing 90 yards with the Warren team in close pursuit but unable to reach him. Kammer added the extra point by kicking a goal from placement.

Warren, however, was far from being licked and shortly after was again marching up the field. They blocked one of McConnell’s punts and covered the ball on the 40-yard line. With McKee thundering around ends and Horner charging through the line Warren soon had the ball back inside Massillon’s 20-yard line.

They got it as far as the seven-yard line with fourth down and seven to gain. Once again Massillon was fighting fiercely.

Polena again called for a forward pass in an attempt to make the yardage or score a touchdown and again his effort was frustrated for this time Kammer shot across the field, grabbed the ball a yard or two in front of the Warren man who was waiting for the pass and ran 95 yards for the second touchdown. Kammer, fast as lightning, had left the entire Warren team far behind by the time he had reached midfield and had clear sailing. Kammer failed to kick goal but Massillon was awarded a point because Captain Baker of Warren used his hands too freely when the attempt to add the extra point was made.

These two touchdowns took a lot of steam out of Warren and a short time later W. Harris covered a fumble on Warren’s 23-yard line. Massillon however could not gain and McConnell tried a drop kick, which never got beyond the line of scrimmage. As the game ended Warren had carried the ball back to midfield on a long end run by McKee.

Massillon attempted nine forward passes Saturday, working three for only 10 yards while five failed. Warren tried seven, completing three for a total gain of 48 yards. Massillon intercepted three, two of which were turned into touchdowns.
Bring On Canton
Massillon – 18 Pos. Warren – 0
Gump LE Blakely
W. Harris LT Klippert
Crone LG Bawn
Price C Baker
N. Harris RG Marhszll
Kelly RT Braunberms
Thomas RE unreadable print
Brown QB Polena
McConnell LHB Young
Kammer RHB McKee
Laughlin FB Conway

Score by quarters:
Massillon 0 0 0 14 14

Massillon – Spencer for N. Harris, Singer for Spencer, Agler for Gump, Gump for Agler, Dommer for Kelly, Hax for Brown.

Warren – Horner for Young, Young for Horner, Horner for Conway, Zahn for Klippert, Consider for Bawn.

Touchdowns – Laughlin, Kammer.

Point after touchdown – Kammer, Awarded point for Warren roughness.

Referee – Scullion , Salem.
Umpire – O’Brien, Mt. Union.
Head Linesman – Howells, Sebring.

Time of quarters – 12 minutes.

Paul Brown

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1925: Massillon 6, New Philadelphia 0


Unleashing the fourth quarter of an attack that had in it all the fury of the elements that raged over a water-covered gridiron, football warriors of Washington high school last Saturday afternoon carried to victory on Massillon field the orange and black standard of the local school by defeating New Philadelphia high school 6 to 0 in a game that was played under the worst conditions imaginable. The touchdown that brought victory to Coach David B. Stewart’s warriors was made by “Cannonball” Kammer, the Massillon mud horse, after the local team had carried the ball 80 yards through mud and water in an unbroken march.

About 2,000 fans, nearly half of them from New Philadelphia, stood out in a drenching rain for nearly two hours to see that battle and its climax, which came early in the fourth quarter when the orange and black, seemingly possessed with new fighting spirit, began to rip the tough Tuscarawas county eleven to shreds and plow to victory through water that became deeper and deeper as the rain continued steadily to fall and fall. Marred as it was by Nature’s unrelenting attack of rain and wind the game was an intensely interesting affair that might have developed into a highly spectacular battle had it been staged on a dry field with favorable weather conditions.

Football games may have been played in some parts of the country Saturday under worse conditions than the contest here but surely no worse gridiron battle in Massillon’s history was fought out in any worse weather than that contest here Saturday. A drenching downpour that started hours before the battle continued to fall steadily through the entire afternoon, soaking to the skin spectators and players alike. It might truthfully have been called the pneumonia battle for everyone who braved the elements to witness the contest took his or her life in hand and trusted to luck that Sunday morning they would not be frantically calling for a physician.

But even though the rain fell in torrents and was blown across the field in bold, penetrating waves by a stiff gale from the south about 2,000 fans were huddled around the field attired in slickers, gum boots and other apparel calculated to keep out the rain, but for all their preparations none escaped being drenched.
Spectators and players, mud bespattered and water soaked, crawled off the field after the game thankful that at last it was over and made all haste homeward where a hot bath and for those fortunate enough, a nip of something stronger than ginger ale, was called into service to restore circulation in chilled and water soaked bodies.

The weatherman has been most unkind to football teams and fans this fall and any one familiar with the condition of Massillon Field in previous games played there his year need not be told that Saturday it was far from being a parade ground. Soaked by the heavy rain it was soon churned into a quagmire once the game started. Water stood on it in most places several inches deep and to this was added that which fell during the game, the rain at times sweeping over the field in torrents, the drops stinging one’s face as they were driven onward before a sweeping wind.

For three quarters the water soaked gridiron enemies battled and tussled through the muddy lake in a vain but valiant effort to score. With the weather against them they seemed to be waging a losing fight and when the fourth period opened the best that any one looked for was a scoreless draw. In fact it seemed almost without the range of human endeavor for either team to gather any points except through the luckiest of breaks.
But, the fourth quarter had hardly got under way when the rain soaked fans were brought to life as the orange and black, gaining possession of the ball on its own 20-yard line began charging through the mud, ever driving before them a fighting but fast tiring New Philadelphia opponent, until a few minutes later they crashed over the visitors’ goal line for the only touchdown of the game, winning from an enemy that was game to the last ditch but was not able to stand up under the battering and adverse weather conditions as well as its Massillon rivals.

If water soaked reportorial notes and an over taxed memory can be taken as accurate the fourth quarter opened with New Philadelphia in possession of the ball inside Massillon’s 25-yard line. The visitors, held in check, decided to try for a field goal in a desperate effort to score. But the water soaked ball refused to go more than 10 feet off the ground and rolled over the goal line. Captain Vince Define, Massillon safety man, wisely let it roll, thus bringing it out to the 20-yard mark.

Then on the very next play Kammer tucked the oval under his arm and steamed around New Philadelphia’s right end and down the field, finally being stopped with a splash after a 25-yard cruise, the longest gain of the game. That marked the opening of Massillon’s victory march. Thirteen plays later Kammer smashed through the line and tugged the ball over New Philadelphia’s goal line by inches for the score, completing the 80 yard unbroken march during which the orange and black made six straight first downs, more than both teams combined had made in the first three quarters.

After Kammer’s 25-yard dash Define plowed through right tackle for 12 yards. Kammer next tested the stout New Philadelphia line and shoved it back three yards. Brown called for a pass but McConnell missed his toss but the orange and black came back and executed as pretty a triple pass as has been seen all season for a gain of 15 yards. Brown took the ball, passed to Kammer who in turn passed to Storrie and the Massillon end sailed around the visitors’ left wing for 15 yards, putting the ball on the 35-yard mark before being sunk.

Kammer once more cut loose and drove off left tackle for 10 yards, this gain being followed by a double pass, Brown to Define, with Define skirting left end for 12 more. By this time the ball was on New Philadelphia’s 13 yard line. Kammer smashed through right tackle for three and then dented left tackle for four. Define made one at the line. Then Kammer made it a first down, taking the ball to the four-yard line. Here New Philadelphia braced but Kammer shot over the goal line on the next play only to be called back when both teams were offside. On the next attempt Kammer toted the ball to the one foot line and then mashed his way over for the score. The attempt to kick goal failed.
By that final desperate drive Massillon came off the field holding a decided edge over the visitors in ground gained although outplayed up to the start of the final period. Massillon made nine first downs to two for New Philadelphia. Coach Stewart’s boys tried seven forward passes, working one and having one intercepted. New Philadelphia attempted nine, none of which were completed and one being intercepted by Massillon.
To the punting ability of Glenn Smith, more than anything else, must go the credit for keeping New Philadelphia in the game. Massillon thinks it has a great little kicker in Paul Smith and it does, but few ever saw a better exhibition of punting under such conditions as existed Saturday, than that given by the New Philadelphia Smith. He clearly out kicked Smith and Define, who did Massillon’s booting, gaining from 20 to 30 yards on every exchange of punts, many of which he got away after taking bad passes from the center, and it was this remarkable exhibition of kicking that made New Philadelphia a dangerous contender during the first three quarters and kept the ball most of the time in Massillon territory.

During the entire first half, play was almost entirely in Massillon territory. New Philadelphia made one first down in the second quarter. Massillon did not make a first down until the start of the third quarter when it ripped off two in quick succession but its spurt was soon checked. Because of the rain and mud it was extremely hard to handle the ball and fumbles occurred frequently but none of them gave either team a chance to get in a position to score.

On such a day as Saturday when one would expect the breaks to be the deciding issue in settling the combat it was rather remarkable that the only points scored should come through the medium of hard driving football, the kind that Massillon put on tap in the fourth quarter.

But Massillon’s victory was almost snatched out of its grasp in the closing minutes by a rather poor play. An attempted forward pass with the ball being thrown to the backfield that had been sent far out on the end nearly spilled the beans. It gave Jenkins, a
red-headed New Philadelphia end, sent into the game in the last period, a chance to distinguish himself and nearly break away for a touchdown. He flashed through the mud to intercept Brown’s pass and carried the ball from his own 25-yard line back to midfield before being tackled by Kelly. Massillon fans breathed easier when they finally saw Jenkins flopped in the mud still many yards from Massillon’s goal line.
What A Game!
Massillon – 6 Pos. New Philadelphia – 0
Gump LE G. Smith
N. Harris LT Melsey
Tipton LG Haney
Fricker C Gardner
Washlick RG Douglas
Dommer RT Gilgen
Agler RE Cale
P. Smith QB Enold
Kammer LHB Ladrich
Define RHB Winspear
Laughlin FB Maloney

Score by quarters:
Massillon 0 0 0 6 6

Massillon – Price for Fricker, McConnell for Laughlin, Kelly for N. Harris, Brown for McConnell, Storrie for Gump, Thomas for Agler, W. Harris for Tipton, Singer for Dommer, Crone for Washlick, McConnell for Smith, Spencer for Singer, Laughlin for Kammer, Gump for Storrie, Spuhler for McConnell, Williams for Define, N. Harris for Spencer, Fricker for Price.

New Philadelphia – Lafferty for Malone, Jenkins for G. Smith, Mathias for Cale.

Touchdown – Kammer.

Referee – Maurer, Wooster.
Umpire – Bletzer, Mt. Union.
Head Linesman – Shafer, Akron.

Time of quarters – 13 1/3 minutes.

Paul Brown

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1925: Massillon 18, Toledo Woodward Tech. 0


“Paul & Paul, Inc., forward passing a specialty.” That, ladies and gentlemen, is the latest combination doing business, in a football way, for Washington high school. The two Paul’s – Brown and Storrie – made their bow to the public as gridiron merchants last Saturday afternoon on Massillon Field when they were the big noise in Washington highs’ 18 to 0 football triumph over the Woodward Tech team, of Toledo, one of the beefiest scholastic outfits Ever to sink a cleat in the local mud-covered battle-ground.

It was the first gridiron encounter between the two schools and the overgrown Toledo boys were sent back home last Saturday evening rather done up and buried under three touchdowns, these three sets of counters being the result of the football business skill of Paul & Paul, the forward passing specialists. All of Massillon’s touchdowns were recorded through the use of the aerial attack and Brown and Storrie negotiated all three of them.

Brown’s duty in this new gridiron combination is to take the ball on a pass from center, dodge around a bit behind the line of scrimmage until his partner, Storrie, can get out into the open and then flip the pigskin into space over the heads of the struggling warriors. The rest of it is up to Storrie. His first task is to pluck his partner’s pass out of the air. Having done this he tucks the ball under his arm and sets sail for his opponent’s goal line, not feeling content that he has carried out his share of the bargain until he plants the ball back of the enemy goal line for a touchdown. Doesn’t sound hard to do and it isn’t when two such master experts as Brown and Storrie are working in such perfect harmony as they were Saturday.
As was anticipated the battle was waged on another muddy field. The local gridiron was covered with a sticky mixture of water and mud that soon had the players well plastered but the muddy field was not so much of an obstacle to Massillon as it was to Toledo. The visiting gridders, carrying plenty of advoirdupois, soon had additional poundage of mud and water to carry and were hard pressed throughout the sixty minutes of play trying to keep up with the lighter but much faster orange and black outfit.

Massillon opened with a running attack that gained ground consistently. Define and Kammer proved quite adept at splashing through the mud around the Toledo ends, frequently turning in long gains in their cruises around the Woodward Tech wings. Toledo, with its beefy line and heavy backfield, showed to best advantage on smashes through the line but did not have enough stamina to keep pounding the Massillon forward wall long enough to wear it down. Toledo never threatened to score. It showed several spurts in midfield but could not penetrate the Massillon defense when gains might have placed it in position to score.

Toledo came here with a squad of 16 players. And it used them all. It found in Coach Stewart’s aggregation a tough and well-conditioned foe, so tough in fact that several of the Woodward Tech lads wilted before the onslaught of the orange and black and no less than five of them were forced out of the contest with injuries; three of them being rather badly done up.
Massillon Saturday used more players probably than it has ever used before in a single game. Coach Stewart had 35 boys on his first string and every one of them got into the game. The Massillon mentor pulled a regular Knute Rockne stunt in the second quarter when he shoved eight freshmen into the combat at one time, sending in an entire new line and a backfield man. But it was the deciding move in the struggle for on the very next play, Massillon put over its first touchdown, the Brown-Storrie combination opening up with a brilliant forward pass that netted the first points in the battle and proved the undoing of the visiting Lucas county delegation. From then on until the end Coach Stewart kept a steady stream of substitutes dashing into the game until in the final minutes of play he had practically a third string team battling the Tech gridders.

Brown and Storrie, because of their sensational forward passing attack, were the stars of the encounter but Define and Kammer also come in for praise because of their great work in running the ends, both of them being consistent ground gainers. Defensively the entire team showed up well against the heavy Toledo aggregation with Fritz Gump, on left end, and Paul Smith in the secondary defense exhibiting some rare tackling ability.

Captain Zahner was Woodward Tech’s best ground gaining bet. He showed up well in plowing through the line, “Kipke” Staunton, Tech’s Negro backfield star, started off like a flash but his ground gaining activities ceased soon after the game got under way. Ralgalski, Toledo’s heavyweight fullback, was called upon often to carry the ball but he was smeared plenty by the energetic Massillon forwards.
The orange and black clearly outplayed the visitors, making 18 first downs to eight for Toledo. Massillon completed seven out of 15 forward passes for a total gain of 133 yards, three of which brought touchdowns. Seven of the Massillon passes were incomplete while one was intercepted. Brown was on the starting end of most of the overhead heaves. During the closing stages of the game he and McConnell were successful in working a number of passes.

Toledo completed six passes for 51 yards. Eight of its overhead attempts failed while one was intercepted.

The first Brown-Storrie pass, which brought the first touchdown of the game was good for 19 yards. The next was good for 35 yards, Storrie taking a 10-yard heave from Brown and running the remaining 25 yards for the score. The third was worked from Toledo’s
nine-yard line.

Although it scored but three touchdowns Massillon missed three others by inches. In the first quarter Kammer dashed 33 yards around Toledo’s right end and across the goal line only to be called back when the officials ruled Dommer had been guilty of holding. In the fourth quarter the orange and black worked the ball to within a yard of the Toledo goal only to lose it on downs. Then in the closing seconds of the fray Massillon carried the ball to the visitors’ two-yard line with a touchdown in sight as time expired.
Kammer and Define kept skirting the Toledo ends for substantial gains during the first quarter but Massillon could not get within striking distance of the visitors’ goal. But in the second period the local team got the ball in midfield and a series of off tackle thrusts and end runs by Kammer, Define and Halpin took the oval to Toledo’s 19-yard line with several yards to make on fourth down. It was at this point that Coach Stewart sent in eight new players and on the very first play after the substitutions Brown flipped the ball to Storrie and the sturdy Massillon end plucked it out of the air and raced across the Toledo goal line for a touchdown.

A few minutes later found Massillon back on Toledo’s 35-yard line and again Brown called the forward pass into play heaving a 10-yard pass into Storrie’s arms and once again Storrie dashed through the mud and across the Toledo goal line.

Storrie and Brown got back into the game again in the fourth quarter and shortly after proceeded to hang up Massillon’s third touchdown. Tech had stopped a Massillon march on its one-yard line and then punted out to its 25-yard line. Kammer and McConnell made a first down on two plays and then made six more before Brown barked out the signals for another forward pass. And once again the Brown-Storrie combination worked in perfect unison, Storrie taking Brown’s pass from the nine-yard line and going over for the third set of counters. All three of Massillon’s attempts to score additional points after the touchdowns failed, because of the soggy condition of the ball which made accurate punting or goal kicking almost impossible.

Paul & Paul
Massillon – 18 Pos. Toledo – 0
Gump LE Moses
N. Harris LT Mowery
Dommer LG Neptune
Fricker C W. Jacobs
Washlick RG Cartin
Tipton RT Harre
Agler RE Rosenberg
Smith QB F. Jacobs
Define LHB Staunton
Kammer RHB Wijauck
Halpin FB Ralgalski

Score by quarters:
Massillon 0 12 0 6 18

Massillon – Price for Fricker, Thomas for Gump, Kelly for N. Harris, Crone for Washlick, Storrie for Agler, Brown for Halpin, W. Harris for Tipton, Singer for Dommer, Hax for Kammer, Fulton for Storrie, Spencer for Crone, Hummel for Define, Snyder for W. Harris, Herbst for Thomas, Spuhler for Laughlin, Agler for Fulton, Define for Hummel, Kammer for Hax, Gump for Herbst, Fricker for Price, N. Harris for Kelly, Dommer for Singer, Tipton for W. Harris, Laughlin for Halpin, Price for Fricker, Brown for Define, Thomas for Gump Storrie for Agler, W. Harris for Tipton, Kelly for N. Harris, Crone for Washlick, Williams for Kammer, Briggs for Spuhler, Benson for Thomas, Herbst for Storrie, Girt for Briggs, Houghton for Williams.

Toledo – Nadonly for W. Jacobs, Zahner for Nadonly, Jenson for Nepture, Schwelbert for Zahner.

Touchdowns – Storrie 3.

Referee – Shafer, Akron.
Umpire – Tompkinson, Akron.
Head Linesman – Michaels, Ohio State.

Time of quarters – 15 minutes.

Paul Brown

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1925: Massillon 13, Alliance 6


Plowing through mud and water in a drenching downpour football warriors of Washington high school last Saturday afternoon plastered a 13 to 6 defeat upon Alliance high in a sloppy gridiron contest on the Mount Union athletic field. Alliance winning their first contest in the annual triangular series with Canton McKinley and Alliance for the scholastic championship of Stark County. The defeat was the first suffered by Alliance this season.

The triumph kept Massillon’s string of victories over its county foes unbroken; the orange and black reigning supreme over its rival residing within Molly Stark’s domain since 1921 when it shared county honors with Canton McKinley. Saturday was a miserable day for a football game. A drenching rain, that started early in the day, continued without a let-up throughout the greater part of the contest. The downpour finally let up toward the end of the battle when a heavy mist settled over the gridiron and the players, soaked with mud and water, were barely discernible and almost unrecognizable as they sloshed back and forth across the water soaked and muddy field.

But it takes more than rain and mud to halt a football game and keep away rabid gridiron fans. Despite the weather about 3,000 persons witnessed the muddy encounter and a good portion of these came from Massillon. It took only a few plays before the athletes on both teams were so covered with mud that it was almost impossible to tell the players on one team from those on the other.

With a record of four straight victories Alliance was out to trim Massillon if possible. Coach Harry Geltz sent into the fray a big, heavy aggregation of lads who fought hard from start to finish, looking much different than the rather pitiful aggregation which Alliance had in 1924. From end to end the Alliance team was heavy but while good defensively Alliance lacked the offensive power of a muddy field to do much with the stout Massillon line.
The field and weather made it almost impossible for either team to show to good advantage on offense. The gridiron was slippery and the footing poor and an open type of football was almost out of the question. The battle soon developed into a line plunging affair with both teams failing to gain consistently and doing a lot of punting.

Massillon, walloped a week ago by Akron South, was fighting to stage a comeback and showed a decided superiority over Alliance in offensive strength, making 13 first downs to two for the east enders. Most of Massillon’s gains came on off tackle thrusts or plunges through the line with Captain Vince Define and Elwood Kammer bearing the burden of the Massillon attack.

Neither team was successful on end runs, the slippery field making it nearly impossible for either team to conduct a running game with proper interference for the men carrying the ball. Alliance had a good pair of ends in Seigenthaler and Maloney, tall rangy lads, who stopped most of Massillon’s attempts to gain around the ends while Storrie and Thomas also played good defensive games for Massillon.

The wet field and the slippery ball made it decidedly dangerous to depend to any great extend upon forward passes or end runs. Both teams did a lot of punting with time being taken out before each kick so that the centers and punters could wipe off their hands in order to get a good grip on the pigskin.
Alliance scored during the first 15 seconds of play and the touchdown resulted in the big thrill of the contest. Alliance’s points came after an 80-yard dash down the field by Quarterback Firth who pulled down the opening kick off and ran through the Massillon team for a touchdown. It was one of those plays that are seldom seen but when it does come, furnishes the football fan with a highly spectacular performance.

Alliance won the toss and received. Kammer kicked off and Firth made a lunge for the ball. It bounded out of his hands and skidded toward the sidelines. He chased it, made another attempt to pick it up and missed it again. He tried a third time and succeeded. He tucked the ball under his arms and started down the sidelines. His teammates gave him perfect interference and soon he was out in the open, dashing down the field like a madman with the Massillon team in pursuit and the stands a howling mob. Firth started his spectacular run on his 20-yard line and flashed across the Massillon goal at least 15 yards ahead of his nearest Massillon opponent. Alliance failed to kick goal.

This touchdown raised the hopes of Alliance fans who wanted to see their team come through with a victory over Massillon but their hopes were dashed a few minutes later when the orange and black opened up with a line plunging attack that carried the ball across the Alliance goal. Then the added point after touchdown put Coach Stewart’s lads out in the front where they stayed throughout the remainder of the contest.

After Alliance’s touchdown Massillon received. Then followed an exchange of punts with Massillon getting the ball on Alliance’s 30-yard line. Define went through the line for eight and Kammer followed with five to make it a first down. Kammer tried to pass to McConnell but the play failed and then Define made eight through right tackle but the Alliance defense stiffened and Massillon lost the ball on Alliance’s six-yard line.
Seigenthaler immediately punted and Kammer was tackled on Alliance’s 35-yard line. Kammer cracked the line three times for a first down. Massillon was penalized five for offside but Kammer came back with another thrust through the line for a first down, lugging the ball up to Alliance’s 13-yard line. Brown then attempted a pass which failed and on the next play, Kammer took the ball on a fake punt formation and went around Alliance’s left end, skidding to the goal line before being downed. On the next play he went through the Alliance line for a touchdown and put Massillon ahead by scoring the additional point with a field goal. During the remainder of the first quarter and in the second period neither team was in a good position to score, play mostly being near the center of the field.

Massillon came back in the third quarter with a lot of strength and kept the ball for the most part in Alliance territory, once carrying the pigskin to the Alliance six-yard line but lacked he punch to keep on driving for a touchdown. Two penalties for offside play, however, helped keep Coach Stewart’s lads from scoring in this quarter.

Both teams punted frequently hoping that with the ball wet and hard to handle a break of the game, a fumbled punt, might result in putting them in position to score. This break finally came in the fourth quarter but it was a break in Massillon’s favor and paved the way for the second orange and black touchdown.
Alliance was making a determined bid for another touchdown as the third quarter ended. It got the ball after a punt on Massillon’s 31-yard line and then a pass from Firth to Seigenthaler netted 13, putting the east enders on Massillon’s 18-yard line. But Massillon smothered Alliance’s attempt to score early in the fourth period and gained the ball on its 15-yard line. A short time later Smith punted from midfield.

Firth fumbled the ball as Thomas and Storrie dashed at him. Thomas leaped at the oval but it slipped from his grasp and continued to bound toward the Alliance goal line. Players from both teams began diving after the elusive ball but finally Paul Storrie pounced on it on Alliance’s five-yard line. Then Kammer took a shot at the line but failed to gain.

On the next play Define grabbed the ball and putting all of his strength into his dive leaped through Alliance’s left tackle and sailed over the goal line for Massillon’s second touchdown. Smith failed in his attempt to add another point on a field goal.
Winning Again
Massillon – 13 Pos. Alliance – 0
Storrie LE Seigenthaler
Kelly LT Debee
Singer LG Boyne
Price C Lindamood
Crone RG Shoemaker
Harris RT Miller
Thomas RE Maloney
Define QB Firth
Kammer LHB Norman
Williams RHB Jones
McConnell FB Glenawright

Score by quarters:
Massillon 7 0 0 6 13
Alliance 6 0 0 0 6

Massillon – Brown for Williams, Smith for McConnell, Tipton for Crone, McConnell for Smith. Smith for McConnell.

Alliance – Shafer for Maloney, Shivley for Miller, Headly for Shively, Bottomy for Jones.

Touchdowns – Kammer, Define, Firth.

Point after touchdown – Kammer.

Referee – Howells, Sebring.
Umpire – Clark, Sebring.
Head Linesman – Shafer, Akron.

Paul Brown

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1925: Massillon 0, Akron South 7

Record Turnout Sees Akron South Win Big Grid Tussle

Outsmarted and outplayed from start to finish by an opponent that had speed to burn and was exceedingly wise in gridiron strategy, the orange and black football team of Washington high school last Saturday afternoon ran into its first defeat of the campaign when it was vanquished 7 to 0 by the powerful and undefeated South high eleven of Akron. The contest was played on Massillon field which had been turned into a veritable sea of mud and water by recent rains. The contest attracted a crowd of at least 6,000, the attendance being nearly on an equal with that of the annual battles between Massillon and Canton.

Only because of the fighting spirit of Coach David B. Stewart’s warriors was an even worse defeat averted. Had the local lads been less courageous Akron South probably would have won by a much bigger margin for practically all of the battle was waged in Massillon territory and twice the local warriors came through with game exhibitions of skill, holding the invading rubber city gridders on their one-yard line when it was fourth down and goal to gain.

Two great scholastic football machines tangled in that muddy encounter Saturday and the best team came off the field victorious. South clearly outplayed Massillon from start to finish, making 14 first downs to three for Massillon. It presented a well drilled, smart football machine and its speed was not hampered a bit apparently by the ankle deep mud for the Akronites out-charged the Massillon forwards and plowed their way through the orange and black line of defense with the ease which water goes through sieve.
It was a big disappointment to the local team and its followers that it should be conquered by Akron South but the defeat was not a disgraceful one. Coach Stewart’s warriors have the satisfaction of knowing that they went down to their first reverse fighting gamely to the last ditch and the defeat, coming after the sensational victory of a week ago over Erie Academy high, should be beneficial. If nothing else it should serve to spur on the Massillonians to greater efforts in their remaining games on the schedule.

What would have been the outcome of the game had it been played on a dry field is a matter of conjecture. But from the style of game Akron South played Saturday it probably would have defeated the local team by a far greater margin. Coach Smiley Weltner of Akron South had his charges well pointed for the Massillon fray. He wanted to win and so did his boys and atone for the defeat Massillon handed South a year ago. South would have been a mighty hard team for Massillon to stop last Saturday under any circumstances and therefore to them must go credit for winning a splendid football victory through the medium of playing a better brand of the autumnal sport than their adversaries.

A well executed triple pass brought victory to South, resulting in the only touchdown of the game after a gain of 31 yards. South used this triple pass but once, but once was enough to spell defeat for the orange and black. The play came in the second quarter just a few minutes after the local team had made its first gallant stand in defense of its goal line, holding the visitors on the one-yard line.
Massillon’s vaunted offense was stopped in its tracks by the fast charging South forwards. The orange and black could not gain on line plays, end runs or through the air. The South gridders scrambled over the sloppy field like ants and were everywhere, busting through the Massillon line continually and stopping Massillon’s backs before they got started.

On offense South was well drilled, it was good on the running game, line smashes and forward passes. It had excellent interference and in Hench, Kroah and Arnette had a trio of backs that were versatile to say the least. They could run or plunge as the occasion demanded. Aultman at quarter was the brains of the visiting machine and a steady little field general he was. He was continually outsmarting Massillon; pulling a line play when an end run was expected or heaving a pass when some other form of attack was looked for.

But one of the biggest stars on the Akron team was right end, K. Sweet, a tow-headed lad, who was a bear on defense and a shining light on offense. South’s forward passes generally traveled from one side of the line across to the other side and it was generally Sweet’s job to get from his end, through the squirming mass of players to the opposite side to take Aultman’s passes and he generally did, getting away with one for a 42-yard gain, only being stopped from scoring a touchdown by Smith.
Because of the fact that it was up against a superior team and was taking a drubbing, Massillon’s team as a whole did not show up very well Saturday. Nothing like it did in the first three starts when victory perched on the shoulders of the local warriors but there was one lad in the Massillon lineup Saturday who came out of the tussle just a short time before it ended covered with mud and glory. That was Leo Kelly, right guard. Had every man on the Massillon line played in the same smashing manner that Kelly did a different story might be told.

He was easily Massillon’s hero. He outshone all of his teammates, towering head and shoulders above them by his brilliant defensive work. But the terrific game Kelly played began to tell on him in the fourth quarter and Coach Stewart finally relieved him. He same plodding off the field nearly exhausted and fell in a heap in front of the Massillon bench but he had acquitted himself nobly, played so splendidly in fact that Akron South’s players congratulated him for his work.

Coach Weltner had his men well trained to stop Kammer, Define and the other Massillon backfield stars. South played such a rushing game that it was on the Massillon backs before they could lift their feet out of the mire. The orange and black never launched one serious threat to score in the entire game, seldom being able to get the ball in Akron territory. Massillon never was within South’s 30-yard line and play in the fourth quarter was almost continually inside Massillon’s 30-yard line with the local team being called upon to batter down and turn back repeated onslaughts of the Akron team.

South complete six out of 12 passes for a total gain of 103 yards. Four of its passes failed and Massillon intercepted two. The local team worked three passes for 27 yards, failing in three others and having Akron intercept three.

South began to show its power late in the first quarter when Aultman heaved a pass to K. Sweet for a 20-yard gain. Then Aultman came back with a heave to Arnette for 12 yards and the ball was on Massillon’s 20. Steady hammering at the line brought a first down and carried the oval to the eight-yard line. Three plays had been run off when the quarter ended and South had lugged the oval to the one-yard line with goal to gain on the first play in the second quarter. The orange and black was fighting desperately to stem the Akron tide.

Then as the second quarter opened the local team gave its first great exhibition of gameness by stopping Akron on its one-yard line. Hench carried the ball on a line smash. He hit the line with all his power but gained nary an inch. Smith immediately punted out of danger, the little Massillon kicker giving a good exhibition of punting on a muddy field.
But South was not to be denied. Getting the ball on Massillon’s 31-yard line Aultman began to open up. His first attempt to K. Sweet failed. Then he gave the signal for the triple pass, evidently worked out especially for the Massillon game. Snap, snap went the ball as it passed from the center to Aultman and then to Hench. Hench started out as if he was about to dash around Massillon’s right end. But instead he stopped, wheeled and heaved the ball over the tussling warriors into the waiting arms of Aultman who had dashed down the right side of the field. There was no one between Aultman and the Massillon goal except Captain Vince Define. The Massillon leader nailed Aultman as he reached the line and brought him to earth but the Akron quarterback was over and the game won for Akron.

Between halves both teams shed themselves of as much excess mud soaked rainment as possible. The Massillon backs came out attired in rubber pants while Coach Weltner had all his players remove their stockings, playing in bare legs. Both coaches wanted speed and the only way to get it was to lighten the equipment the players were carrying.

It was late in the third quarter that South made its next threat to score a touchdown. Play had been mostly in midfield until South secured the ball in the middle of the field on a punt. Then once again Aultman opened his aerial attack and heaved a pass to K. Sweet who snatched the water-soaked ball out of the air and ran 42 yards before being dropped on Massillon’s seven-yard line by Smith.

Massillon was then called upon to give another exhibition of gameness as Akron began to hammer away at the line in an effort to drive through for a touchdown. Three plays took the ball up to the one-yard line as the quarter ended. Massillon was giving up ground but not without a terrific battle.

On the first play in the fourth quarter Akron started another line play but the ball slipped out of Hench’s fingers and Dommer shot though and pounced on it on the five-yard line, averting a touchdown. Then came a punt and an intercepted pass by Smith to give Massillon the ball to midfield. Here the orange and black in a last desperate effort to score opened up with passes but after making a first down Kammer fumbled on of Brown’s passes long enough to let K. Sweet intercept. McCoy then slipped around end for 20. A bad break for Massillon came a moment later when Define fumbled Aultman’s punt on his 10-yard line, Akron covering. But once again Massillon was able to stave off the visitors and after four plays had failed Massillon got the ball on its eight-yard line. The rest of the battle was fought out inside Massillon’s 40-yard line with Akron making a drive toward the local goal in the closing minutes when Arnette and Hench in two plays carried the ball from midfield to Massillon’s 10-yard line. But South was stopped on the three-yard line as the game ended.
Every available inch of seating space and all the standing room around Massillon Field was filled Saturday with spectators. Akron said it was going to send at least 1,000 to the game and from all appearances it did. The Akron South high band was on hand. The visiting rooters had a section on the east side of the field. The contest attracted one of the largest crowds in the history of scholastic athletics.
Nothing can be said for the condition of the field. It was a mass of mud and water which was soon churned into a sloppy mess after the first few plays. The contesting warriors were hardly distinguishable after the first few downs.
Massillon Field is not equipped with any underground drainage on the playing sector but it has a good base of gravel and sand which affords good drainage. The water which collected on the top of the field was surface water and probably would not have been carried away by underground tile. The surface was soft and slippery but the base was firm and the players did not sink very deep.
Sad But True
Massillon – 0 Pos. Akron South – 7
Gump LE Hirsman
N. Harris LT Douglas
Crone LG Stahl
Price C Meidert
Kelly RG Ports
W. Harris RT N. Sweet
Thomas RE K. Sweet
Smith QB Aultman
Kammer LHB M. Kroah
Laughlin RHB Arnette
Halpin FB Hench

Score by quarters:
Akron South 0 7 0 0 7

Massillon – Define for Halpin, McConnell for Laughlin, Storrie for N. Harris, Brown for Smith, Smith for Define, Halpin for McConnell, Dommer for Crone, Storrie for Gump, Define for Halpin, Agler for Storrie, Storrie for Dommer, McConnell for Smith.

Akron – Sirela for H. Sweet, Popeka for Stahl, McCoy for M, Kroah.

Touchdown – Aultman.

Points after touchdown – Aultman.

Referee – Shafer, Akron.
Umpire – Kester, Mount Union.
Head Linesman – Bast, Massillon.

Time of quarters – 15 minutes.

Paul Browne

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1925: Massillon 17, Erie (PA) Academy 10

KAMMER STARS His Great Playing Brings Victory In Sensational Tussle

A golden tornado blew into Erie Pennsylvania Saturday afternoon, swooped down on the Academy stadium where it played havoc for an hour, and then rushed away, leaving behind a sorrowful band of rooters to mourn the defeat of their brilliant football team.

The hurricane game from the direction of Massillon and like all hurricanes, carried away the spoils, a 17 to 10 victory over the highly touted Erie Academy team which at times threatened to get the better of its Massillon enemy.

That game will go down in the history of athletics, being the kind you read about in novels, keeping the several hundred Massillon fans and the equal number of Erie followers in a constant state of excitement. Nerves were at their highest pitch but were relieved at the middle of the last period when the tornado went wild and wiped away its opponents.

Elwood Kammer played the part of Harold Lloyd in the “Freshman” in the last quarter, bringing victory to his team when defeat seemed certain. However, there was no comedy about Kammer’s performance. He was the backbone of the orange and black attack and besides scoring 12 of his team’s points, kept the Massillon offensive in motion during the entire game. He scored the points that spelled victory with a 30-yard run around right end, immediately after “Bill” Price had intercepted an Erie pass. While Thomas, Massillon’s right end, was not carrying the ball, he was the man who spilled two Erie men at one time when they were about to tackle Kammer in his dash to victory.

Erie, as expected, put up a great showing against the youthful Tigers. While not exhibiting a wonderful offense, the team showed a powerful defense when playing in the shadow of its own goal posts. Time after time the Massillon machine rambled smoothly down the field until Erie was forced to back up to its goal posts. Then with the aid of secondary defense playing close to the line, the Erie team stiffened and blocked the steam roller holding once on the one foot line. Hickey was the best ground gainer for Erie and several times slipped away for nice gains.

Massillon fans seeing chances for victory snatched from the air so often in the third quarter began to feel doubtful if their team would go home with flying colors, which they so richly deserved, after playing Erie off its feet. It looked doubtful in the last period when the orange and black made a first down on the one-yard line. On the first attempt Erie held, but on the second smash, Kammer managed to hold the pigskin across by a few inches, enough to score anyway. A pass from McConnell to Brown who sprinted to the one-yard line was directly responsible for the touchdown, the play bringing a gain of 35 yards. The Massillon attack became stronger when Brown was shoved into the fray, his ability at throwing passes aiding materially.

Vince Define, the best safety man on the team, was missed considerably. Vince started the contest but lasted only a few minutes, being put out for scrapping with Rumble, said to be Erie’s star guard. Vince’s ability at running back punts was especially missed, neither Brown nor Smith being able to return kicks as well as the Navarre flash. It appeared that Define should not have gone out of the game as Rumble took the first swing which started the argument. Newspaper reporters did not see Vince strike back, but Referee Doing evidently had better eyes for Define was ejected from the game as was Rumble

Head Linesman Metcalf, of Erie either lost his eyesight, mind or both, in the second period when Massillon held Erie for downs on the local’s 32-yard line. Metcalf, instead of ordering his linesmen in Massillon’s direction, declared it to be fourth down, thus giving Erie an opportunity to carry the ball again and make a first down. Shortly afterwards the Pennsylvania team collected three points when Hostettler booted the ball between the bars from placement. Those three points should never have counted. Referee Doing failed to note Metcalf’s error, at least he paid little heed to Coach Stewart and the Massillon fans who set up a clamor because of the error.

Erie’s other points came as a result of a blocked kick. Parsons, center, breaking through the Massillon line and blocking Smith’s punt. The ball rolled over the goal line, and Frame, tackle, bounced on the pigskin for six easy points. Hostettler did his part by kicking the goal from placement for the extra point.

The orange and black offense was far superior to that of Erie, rolling up a total of 17 first downs to Erie’s five, one of which came on Metcalf’s boner. The Massillon team made the required yardage seven times in the third period and six times in the fourth making thirteen first downs in that second half, while Erie failed to register a single one in that time. Theirs came in the first and second periods, two and three being made in each quarter respectively. Massillon made three in the first and one in the second.

While the aerial attack was not as deadly as it was a week ago, five passes were completed for a gain of 65 yards. Erie completed three for 20 yards, the orange and black intercepting two and Erie one.

Smith’s punting featured big for Massillon, his kicks often going for 50 yards, passing over the head of the Erie safety man and rolling to the goal line. His boots were well placed and high so that the ends usually downed the receiver without a return,

Massillon fans turned out strong in spite of the cold weather, nearly half the crowd being from this city. The 192 who made the trip in the special train, followed the band through the Erie streets to the Y.M.C.A. where a short rally was held. The band also played at the “Y” following the game. Many people made the trip in automobiles also. A dance was given for the Massillon people following the game. Most of the fans, however, returned immediately after the contest.

As the final whistle blew a rabid Erie fan rushed to the press box with the statement that Massillon put the best exhibition of football on the field that he had ever seen from a high school team.

Coach Stewart showed another player Saturday afternoon in “Ned” Pizzino, mascot of the team, who showed how forward passes ought to be caught and punts kicked. “Ned” was all dressed up in regular football regalia and entered the field leading a bulldog with orange and black colors. A Tiger would have been more fitting but Tigers are scarce, and “Ned” is glad of it.

The display of Massillon colors, the uniformed band, the mascot, and Coach Stewart’s way of trotting his team of 38 on the field brought out the remark from an Erie fan, that Massillon sure knows how to spread it on and knows how to back a team.
Some Victory
Massillon – 17 Pos. Erie Academy – 10
Gump LE McManus
Storrie LT Frame
Singer LG Sweet
Price C Parsons
Crone RG Rumble
W. Harris RT Little
Thomas RE Goodman
Smith QB Grassberger
Define LHB Hickey
Kammer RHB Fuller
Halpin FB Hostettler

Score by periods:
Massillon 3 0 0 14 17
Erie 0 10 0 0 10

Massillon – Laughlin for Define, McConnell for Laughlin, Dommer for Singer, Brown for Halpin, Halpin for McConnell, Agler for Gump, McConnell for Halpin, Kelley for Dommer, Agler for Storrie.

Erie – Church for Rumble, Straso for Church.

Touchdowns – Frame, Kammer 2.

Point after touchdown – Hostettler, Smith 2.

Field goals (by placement) – Halpin, Hostettler.

Referee – Doing.
Umpire – Martin.
Head Linesman – Metcalf.

Time of periods – 15 minutes.

Here’s How Massillon
Walloped Erie Gridders

The orange and black elected to kickoff and Halpin booted the ball to the five-yard line, Fuller returning 18 yards. Grassberger went off tackle for two and Frame then punted to Define who was downed on his 45-yard line.

Massillon was penalized five yards for offside. Halpin made four and Kammer added another yard before Smith punted 50 yards to the eight-yard line.

Grassberger got away a poor punt which landed on his own 31-yard line.

Kammer hit center for four and Halpin the same spot for another. Kammer made five more and a first down on the Erie 21-yard zone. Kammer made four more and a pass, Define to Thomas was blocked. Kammer went off tackle for five and hit the same spot for a first down on the Erie 11 by inches. Define lost two and a Massillon pass failed. Frame threw Kammer for a one-yard loss. Halpin then stepped back and kicked a goal from placement from the 25-yard line.
Score Massillon 3, Erie 0.

Fuller kicked to Define who returned to the 31-yard line. Kammer made four, Define three and Kammer then went through for a first down in midfield. Smith lost five, Parsons and McManus tackling. Define lost two more, Frame spilling him. Define punted 43 yards to the fifteen-yard line. A scrap ensured and Define and Rumble were put out of the game.

Frame slipped and lost two. Frame punted to the 36-yard line and Laughlin was downed in his tracks. Halpin fumbled and recovered for a loss of 11 yards. He repeated the stunt and lost five more. With the ball in midfield Smith punted over his goal line.

The pigskin was put in play on the 20-yard line. Grassberger made a yard and Hickey added two more. Frame then punted to Massillon’s 28. Smith returned the punt with a kick of 62 yards, the ball rolling over the Erie goal line.

Again the oval was put in play on the 20 mark. Erie was penalized five for being offside. Frame punted to Smith on the 38. Kammer made three and Halpin two. A pass, Halpin to Gump, was grounded. Smith attempted a drop kick, the ball touching a Massillon player on the 25-yard line and going to Erie at that point. Hickey and Hostettler negotiated Erie’s first down on two plays. Grassberger circled left end for 13 yards and a first down in midfield as the quarter ended.
Hickey made four yards and Grassberger passed to Goodman for 10 yards on the next play. The following five plays negotiated a first down for Eire. Head Linesman Metcalf losing his “noodle” and permitting the extra play to go by. Hickey lost three yards, Thomas tackling. On the next play he carried the ball making up his loss. Grassberger passed to Hickey for eight yards. Grassberger failed to gain. The ball should have gone to Massillon at this point had it not been for Metcalf’s blunder. Another play was dished out and Hickey gained five yards giving Erie an undeserved first down. They were penalized five yards immediately for being offside. Hostettler made a yard, and a pass, Grassberger to Fuller, failed to gain. Hostettler booted a goal from placement tying the score at 3 all.

Halpin kicked to McManus who was dropped on his 25-yard line. Frame punted to the Massillon 30 and Smith punted back to the Erie 38. Grassberger made two but Frame lost eight who then punted to the Massillon 25 yard line, Smith being dropped without gain. Smith punted to midfield. Hickey hit left tackle for three, but Grassberger lost two. Hostettler made two and Frame then punted to the 15-yard line. Kammer negotiated a first down in two plays but the orange and black was penalized 15 yards for holding. Kammer made four and on the next play, Parsons slipped through and blocked Smith’s punt, the ball rolling over the goal line and Frame pouncing upon it. Hostettler kicked goal.
Score: Massillon 3, Erie 0.

The orange and black kicked off to Fuller who returned to the 30-yard line. Hickey made six and Fuller three. Grassberger then plowed through for a first down on the Erie 15. Hickey was stopped without gain. Two passes were incomplete and Frame punted to the Massillon 20 as the half ended.
Smith punted to Frame on the 35-yard line. Frame immediately punted back to the Massillon 20, Brown returning the pigskin 28 yards putting the oval on the 48-yard line. Kammer made four yards on a line buck. He then lost one but on the next play circled left end for 23 yards planting the pigskin on the 29-yard line. Massillon fans were yelling wildly for a touchdown. Halpin made five more and Erie was penalized 15 yards for McManus holding, giving the youthful Tigers the ball on the 11-yard line.

Kammer made two and was stopped without gain. A pass was incomplete and Storrie dropped the next pass on the goal line.

Frame punted to the 45-yard line. Halpin made two yards and Kammer seven more. Kammer was stopped without gain. On the next play he made a first down. Kammer in two plays made another first down, placing the ball on the 10-yard line. On the next play he lost one and then carried the ball for a gain of two yards. Erie was penalized five yards for being offside and the orange and black was given the ball on its third down on the four-yard line. Again Erie’s strong line arose to the occasion and Kammer was stopped on his second attempt on the one foot line. Frame punted back to the 23-yard line. Brown’s pass to Halpin lost a yard. Kammer lost another. Brown’s pass was intercepted by Grassberger. Fuller punted to midfield. Smith made seven and Kammer two. The battering ram added two more on his next plunge bringing a first down on the Erie 40. Brown passed to Smith for a gain of 15 yards and repeated for a three-yard gain. Kammer made three and a pass, Brown to Halpin netted another. Kammer then fumbled on the
13-yard line and Academy recovered. Frame punted to midfield, Brown returning to the 47-yard line. Smith failed to gain, Brown, pass to Smith gained three. The quarter ended with Massillon in possession of the ball on Erie’s 40-yard line.
A pass was grounded. Brown passed to Kammer for 12 yards and a first down on Erie’s 28-yard line. Kammer made five and added four more. He then made first down on the 11-yard line. Smith and Kammer each added a yard. A triple pass, Smith to Brown to Kammer, was worked to perfection only Kammer was more than 10 yards behind the Erie goal line when he caught the ball and the play did not count. This was a piece of real tough luck for the Massillon gridders who had just executed as pretty a play as was ever put on the gridiron.

Erie was given the ball on the 20-yard line. Hickey failed to gain and Hostettler made two. Fuller than punted to his 36-yard line, McConnell taking a fair catch. McConnell heaved a pretty pass to Brown who scampered to the one-yard line. Kammer failed to gain, but on his next attempt carried the ball across, amidst a din of enthusiasm. Smith kicked the extra point.

Smith kicked to the 10-yard line to Hostettler who returned 15. Hickey made a yard and Price then intercepted Grassberger’s pass on the former’s 30-yard line. On the next play Kammer circled right end for 30 yards and a touchdown, Thomas giving excellent interference. Smith added the point.
Score: Massillon 17, Erie 10.

Frame kicked to McConnell who was stopped on the 30-yard line. Kammer failed to gain and made a yard on his next plunge. Smith punted to the Erie 33-yard line. A pass was grounded. Kammer intercepted a pass on the 30-yard line. Kammer made three around right end . Brown made two more. A pass was incomplete. Smith missed a dropkick by a few feet from the 30-yard line.

Erie’s ball on the 20. A pass was grounded. Grassberger made five around end. Grassberger punted to the Massillon 13-yard line. Kammer failed to gain. Kammer lost a yard. Smith punted over the goal line as the game ended.