Contribute to the Massillon Tiger Football Endowment Fund: CLICK HERE
Long before anyone who is reading this was born, the people of our town helped to build, grow, and maintain the best football program anywhere in the country. They put pieces in place that have lasted through decades. The Massillon Tiger Football Endowment Fund is the next piece that will stand the test of time and help to further fund Tiger Football long into the future.
We are partnered with the Stark Community Foundation as the custodian of the fund. The Stark Community Foundation is a 501c3 charitable organization and was established in 1963. They operate over 800 endowments and funds for organizations all over the area including United Way of Stark County, Walsh University, Massillon Museum, and the Boys and Girls Club of Massillon. They are an established partner that handles all the financial aspects of this fund to maintain its success and growth.
The aim of the fund is setting a financial foundation that is not as dependent on year to year fundraising and will ensure the continuation of Tiger Football for generations into the future. This is a long term project for the football program. The impacts of setting up a fund like this are not meant to be felt immediately. We endeavor to plan ahead for the needs of the program in 10, 20, 30, 40+ years. We will be working on this over the long haul and hope this will continue to grow and make a major impact on the program years down the road. Established in 2021, the fund has already received many generous donations and is well on its way to achieving these goals.
Massillon holds a special place to all of us. Since 1891, wherever life has taken us, whether you’re in the stands on Friday nights or you’re somewhere else across the country or even the world, this is home. For 130+ years Massillon Tiger Football has been the fabric of this community. Please consider supporting this endeavor so that future generations of Tigers can continue this great tradition of ours on to the ages.
If you have any questions, please email us