From Coach Greg Corsale
7th Grade football is no longer a youth sport. It is now run through MJHS just as 8th Grade football is. To sign your child up for football you need to register on final forms. This will include everything on one site that you just update throughout the years for other sports. No more paper forms. https://massillon-oh.finalforms.com
Sports physicals this year will not be offered through the Boys & Girls Club. With the hospital closing they lost the volunteers that offered that for our kids. You are responsible to get your child a physical and a physical form filled out and turned in. A copy of that of that physical form can be found at massillontigersathletics.org
Summer workouts will start June 5th. Workouts will be held at MJHS on Tuesday and Wednesday from 5:00 – 7:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00 – 11:00 am. These workouts are not mandatory, but are encouraged for children not playing a sport through the summer. If your child is playing a summer sport, they made a commitment to that team and that comes first.
I need any child that is coming to the workout to have the final forms registration completed before they arrive. This will include contact information that I need in case of an emergency.
Please share this information with any parent that has a child going into 7th Grade. With the changeover from youth to junior high this season, I expected to have some confusion. Any questions that you might have, please contact me. I have included my email below. Looking forward to a fun season. Go Tigers!!!
Coach Greg Corsale