WASHINGTON HIGH WINS SECOND TILT Beats New Philadelphia 13 to 7
Here Saturday; Local Team Scores touchdown With Second to Go
Washington high school chalked up its second victory of the season, Saturday afternoon when it defeated the red and black of New Philadelphia, 13 to 7 on Massillon Field.
The game was marked by few thrills and was not a typical Massillon-New Philadelphia game. The strong rivalry that usually displays itself when the two teams battle was lacking Saturday afternoon, and New Philadelphia fans strongly accused their team for not displaying the proper amount of fighting spirit.
The orange and black showed little football Saturday afternoon in an offensive way. The only time the Massillon gladiators showed any punch was when their captain, “Whitey” Laughlin got into the game. “Whitey” played about eight minutes Saturday and during that time the youthful Tigers chalked up their two touchdowns.
With a secondary backfield starting for Massillon and New Philadelphia lacking sufficient drive to gain much ground through the heavier orange and black line, neither team threatened to score until late in the second period.
The drive for a touchdown was started when Briggs took Kobelt’s punt on the New Philadelphia 48-yard line. On the next play he made three yards, while Grant went through right tackle for eight more and a first down on the visitor’s 37-yard line. With less than a minute remaining in the half, the local team began a forward passing attack. Grant tossed a four-yard pass to Laughlin and on the next play tossed another to Foster for a first down on the red and black’s 22-yard line. A pass from Grant to Briggs was good for 22 yards and brought a touchdown. Only one second remained in the half when the play was started. Laughlin carried the ball through left tackle for the extra point.
The second Massillon touchdown came early in the fourth quarter. With the ball on the Massillon 41-yard line, Fox circled right end on an end around play for a gain of 20 yards, but the ball was called back and the locals penalized 15 yards on a Massillon foul. Laughlin ripped off five on the next play and Evans then duplicated Fox’s stunt by circling left end behind good interference for 25 yards and a first down. Grant made five yards and Laughlin four more. Laughlin then found an opening and raced to the 28-yard line before he was tackled. Briggs made six yards on two plays and Laughlin made three more. Laughlin then plowed through for eight yards and a first down on “Philly’s” 12-yard line. Briggs made five yards and Laughlin four more, placing the ball three yards from the red and black’s goal. Laughlin made two yards on the next play and it was first down and goal with only a yard to go. “Whitey” plunged across. An attempted pass for the extra point was grounded.
A flock of substitutions followed the second Massillon touchdown and “Philly” found it comparatively easy to gain ground against the less experienced orange and black team. It was against these players that the visitors scored their touchdown in the last two and one-half minutes of the game. Getting the ball on their own 40-yard line, the red and black gridders began a passing attack. The first was completed for eight yards and the second brought a gain of 25-yards. From all appearances the second pass should not have been allowed for the receiver was not the first New Philadelphia man to touch the ball. The pass, however, was declared complete and a 15-yard penalty inflicted on the youthful Tigers gave “Philly” the ball on the 12-yard line. Four plays netted first down and Witmer went across for a touchdown from the one-foot line in two plays. Olmstead drop-kicked the extra point across.
The orange and black excelled in number of first downs, making the required yardage 12 times to “Philly’s” nine. The youthful Tigers completed four out of seven passes for a gain of 37 yards, while New Philadelphia gained 31 yard by the aerial game. Massillon was penalized 65 yards and the r4ed and black 70 yards.
Several hundred rooters attended the game from the Tuscarawas county seat. The team was accompanied by the school’s 55-piece uniform band which paraded the gridiron between halves. The Massillon school band also staged a drill, forming a large “M” in front of the student section.
New Philadelphia has failed to make much of a showing on the gridiron yet this year. The red and black has yet to win a game and has been defeated by two secondary teams.
However ,it is hopeful of taking Dover high into camp in the big game of the year, Thanksgiving Day.
Lineup and Summary:
Massillon – 13 Pos. New Philadelphia – 7
Fox LE Noble
Geis LT Carey
Henderson LG Fish
Buttermore C Alexander
Mauger RG Wheatley
Anthony RT Knauss
Shanabrook RE Shaffer
Grant QB Olmstead
Foster LHB Jenkins
Schnierle RHB Ankney
Andrews FB Kobelt
Score by periods:
Massillon 0 7 0 6 13
New Philadelphia 0 0 0 7 7
Massillon – Fisher for Geis, Evans for Shanabrook, Garland for Anthony, Laughlin for Andrews, Briggs for Schnierle, Swaford for Laughlin, Andrews for Swaford, Laughlin for Andrews, Schnierle for Laughlin, Harris for Evans, Malone for Fox, Appleby for Fisher, Mann for Garland, Hourriet for Briggs, Straughn for Malone, Anthony for Appleby.
New Philadelphia – Airhart for Carey, Carey for Airhart, Witmer for Kobelt, Tinker for Carey.
Touchdowns – Briggs, Laughlin, Witmer.
Points after touchdown – Laughlin (carried), Olmstead (Drop kick).
Referee – Lobach (F. & M.).
Umpire – Connors (Bates).
Head Linesman – Kirk (O.W.U.).
Times of periods – 12 minutes.