66 TO 0
Uhrichsville Beaten in One Sided Contest
Local Team Completely Outclasses Visitors
at All Angles of Game
Uhrichsville Makes Required Yards Twice
Score Varies One Point From Last Year
In the first game of the season, Massillon high downed Uhrichsville high on the high school grounds Saturday afternoon by the one-sided score of 66 to 0.
The Massillon aggregation surpassed its opponents in all points of the game. Although the locals were much heavier than the visitors, yet they were much faster and showed superior team work and knowledge. The heavy Massillon backfield tore great gaps in the Uhrichsville line and reeled off gains of ten and twenty yards at a down. Uhrichsville made the required yards several times on forward passes.
Every Massillon player put up a good game and the team work was excellent, considering this was the first game of the season. For the Uhrichsville team, Quarterback Echfeld and Fullback Reese were the shining lights.
The game started with Massillon lined up to receive. Kester got the ball and carried it back to the middle of the field and by line bucks over the line for the first touchdown, after a minute and a half of play. Kester kicked goal.
Score 7 to 0.
Massillon kicked to Uhrichsville who, unable to make the required yards, was forced to punt. Massillon again began a steady march up the field. When near the goal, Limbach received a pretty forward over the line, making the second touchdown. Here the new ruling that a forward pass may be received over the goal line helped Massillon. Under last year’s rules a forward could not be received over the goal line. Kester kicked goal.
Score 14 to 0
Massillon again kicked to Uhrichsville, but they lost the ball on downs and with the ball once more in possession, Massillon crossed the goal line. Goal was missed.
Score 20 to 0.
In the second quarter some of the lighter Massillon men were put in, but still the score continued to pile up and touchdowns by Kester made it 33 to 0 at the end of the first half.
At the beginning of the second half Uhrichsville received, but was soon forced to punt. Again it was the same old story, Massillon carried the ball across for another score. Goal was missed. Score 40 to 0.
On the next kickoff Massillon needed but one down to get the ball across the line and Hollinger ran 30 yards for a touchdown. Goal was missed.
Score 46 to 0.
Massillon began to use forward passes to a good advantage and these coupled with terrific line plunging netted three more touchdowns before the final whistle, making the final score 66 to 0.
Last season the first game of the season was with Uhrichsville and the score was 65 to 0, just one point less than Saturday’s score. A fair sized crowd was out to witness the game and the loyal high school supporters were on hand to cheer their team on to victory.
Line up and summary
Massillon Pos. Uhrichsville
Limbach le Greeley
Wells lt Demuth
Theis, Gates lg Edwards
Rider, Spuhler c Green
Baer rg Fisher
Becker rt Mitchell
Johns, Smith re Ripley
Hollinger, Vogt qb Echfeld
Miller (c) lhb Marshall
Rudy rhb Kennedy
Kester fb Reese
Massillon – Kester 4; Hollinger 3; Rudy 2; Limbach 1.
Referee – Bast.
Umpire – Atwater.
Head Linesman – Fugate.
Timers – Coleman and Ross.
Time of quarters – 10 minutes.