Local School Team
Defeated Uhrichsville 65 to 0
Massillon Boys Outweighed Visitors;
but to That the Entire Credit Cannot be Laid
Coach Fugate’s New, Brilliant Passes Worked Without a Hitch
Although Uhrichsville was represented by a team of small boys, it was the general opinion, Saturday afternoon, when Massillon high school defeated the former team by the score of 65 to 0 that Coach Fugate had turned out an almost wonderful team this year. The larger part of the team is of first year material.
The home team outweighed the Uhrichsville players by several pounds and showed much greater skill in their playing due to their training. The new passes, which to spectators would seem complex and almost impossible, worked out as regularly and smoothly as clock work.
Massillon’s backfield, including Kester, Heyman and Miller, together with Arther, quarterback, figured in most of the plays, although several times the linemen broke the rules of football etiquette and made touchdowns on fumbles.
Time and again, Heyman, playing right half, ploughed the line, but his plays were more spectacular as he dodged in and out through the numerous little Uhrichsville boys who were trying to play catch with him. In dodging football players it is doubtful if anyone could have dodged more men than did he.
Kester, fullback, was strong on plunging. Although he was given wonderful support and interference by the line players, when “Jake” could not see the hole where he though it should be, he made on to suit his ideas.
Miller, playing left half, played his first game with Massillon high school and played it well. He worked several times with forward passes and several connections with Uhrichsville boys long enough to make two touchdowns, both as the result of passes.
Captain Arther, also quarterback, came in for his turn time after time. Once, during the first quarter, he saw the ball roaming aimlessly about the field and after sticking it under his arm where the Uhrichsville players would not be likely to see it, walked to the goal line and made a touchdown.
Stoner, Rudy, Wagoner and Arther are the men whom the score keeper credits with making single touchdowns. Heyman leads the list with three. Kester and Miller follow with two each.
The majority of scores were made during the first quarter. Uhrichsville won the toss up and chose to receive. Massillon kicked and from that time, continuing about one minute and a little less than thirty seconds, the ball was kept in play until Heyman got the ball on first down and touched.
Practically the whole game was played in the same way. Massillon usually kicked off and of course it was always a Massillon player who made the touchdown.
All the new material on the team showed up in fine form. Albright, a new player, picked up the ball on a kickoff and carried it past several tacklers for over fifteen yards. It was the first time he had ever been in a football game.
The team will oppose Barberton on the local grounds next Saturday and look for a harder game.
Lineup and summary
Massillon Pos. Uhrichsville
Stoner le McClave
Wagoner lt Demuth
Wells, Weimer lg Reed
Rudy, Ryder c Green
Limbach, Albright rg Ripley
Baltzly rt Hellyer
Stearns, Johns re Dooling
Arther qb Reese
Miller lhf Beltz
Kester fb Exley
Heymen rhb Retzler
Massillon – Heyman; Kester; Miller; Arther; Wagoner; Rudy; Stoner.
Massillon – Heyman 10.
Referee – Bast.
Time of periods – Two 10 minute; Two 12y minute.
Time of game – 3 o’clock.