Warren Triumphs Over Weakened High Eleven
Two Touchdowns Scored In Muddy Gridiron Battle
Leaving its backfield stars, Captain Hess, Rosenberg and Ulrich, at home so they may be in good shape for the annual duel with McKinley High of Canton, at Lakeside Stadium, Canton, next Saturday, the orange and black football team of Washington High school last Saturday afternoon took a 13 to 0 drubbing from Warren High school at the latter place. The game was played on a gridiron deep in mud and the major portion of the contest was staged in a blinding snow storm.
Although the orange and black did present a patched up lineup the youthful Tigers gave the Warrenites a stiff engagement but with only two men in the backfield, Boerner and Hax, who have played in any number of games the local team was not able to pierce the Warren defense for a score.
Coach David B. Stewart, realizing that victory over Canton would be greater triumph than to defeat Warren did not take any chances of exposing his regular stars to further injuries and so did not send them with the balance of the team. Hess, Rosenberg and Ulrich are just getting back into shape after sustaining injuries in other games.
Warren scored its first touchdown near the close of the first half. A bad Massillon punt paved the way for the score. Fifty seconds remained to be played in the second quarter when Norman, Warren quarterback, scooped up the ball and ran 45 yards for a touchdown. Goal was missed.
Warren’s second touchdown came early in the third quarter. Warren received and ran the ball back 20 yards. Then Larch heaved a pass to Right End Dixon who ran 25 yards for the score. Goal was kicked.
Jamison, Potts, and Hax were Massillon’s stars while Smith, Warren right guard, was the shining light for Warren, playing a great game of defense.
Now For Canton
Warren – 13 Pos. Massillon – 0
Nellis LE Lyons
Frost LT Nelson
Persult LG Kallaker
Buckwalter C (c) Potts
Smith RG Rutherford
Shelton RT Snyder
Aurnend RE Jamison
Dixon QB Hax
Norman LH Boerner
Lerch (c) RH Pflug
Thomas FB Borga
Warren 0 6 7 0 – 13
Touchdowns – Norman, Dixon.
Goal from touchdown – Lerch.
Substitutions: Warren – Andres for Shelton; Frost for Andres;
Andres for Norman.
Massillon – Wendling for Borga; Borga for Wendling; Fisher
for Borga; Rohr for Wendling.
Referee – Beck, Mount Union.
Umpire – Herwig, Grove City.
Headlinesman – Grimm, Colorado.
Timer – Mikesell, Warren.
Smith, Massillon.
Time of quarters – 12 minutes.