Martin’s Ferry Ties Orange And Black In Season’s Opener, 7-7
Outweighed but not out gamed orange and black gridiron warriors of Washington High school Saturday afternoon fought desperately to emerge from their first scholastic battle of the 1920 campaign with Martin’s Ferry, last year’s champion’s of the Ohio River Valley with a 7 to 7 tie, the contest being staged on the school’s new athletic field on Pearl street.
Having an advantage of at least 10 pounds to the man in weight, the purple and white eleven of the Southern Ohio city, put its best foot forward to subdue the local gridders, and while they came mighty close to achieving their ambition in the last quarter, the grit and determination of the youthful Tigers rose above the brawn and strength of the invaders and held the enemy in check when defeat seemed imminent.
Sheer pluck and aggressiveness saved Coach Snyder’s lads from defeat. Exhibiting a tendency to fumble at critical stages of the contest, the orange and black never lost hope or never gave up trying to win, although it was handicapped because of lack of a smooth working machine and an offensive that was able to pierce the Martin’s Ferry eleven.
The youthful Tigers did not win Saturday because they did not resort to an open attack but relied mainly upon line plunges to make their gains. Had they attempted to piece the defensive wall of their opponents by an aerial attack they might have emerged from the strife a victor for of the two forward passes that the local team attempted one resulted in their lone touchdown.
But it was the team’s first game and the faults, which cropped out during the melee should be ironed out by Coach Snyder during the coming week. The material is there – plenty of it for a great eleven and with more attention to open work and forward passes the orange and black should develop into a winner.
Fumbles twice were costly to the local aggregation. Once in the second quarter Hess dropped the pigskin after a dash around end, and Marker, Martin’s Ferry halfback, picked it up and scampered 29 yards for the visitors set of counters. Again, in the third quarter after a steady march of 40 yards towards Martins Ferry’s goal, Greenfelder dropped the ball on the 19-yard line and Massillon lost a chance to score. Numerous other fumbles were made during the contest.
Massillon drew first blood near the end of the initial period. After kicking off to the visitors, who fumbled, Massillon lost the ball, also by fumbling, but recovered on Martins Ferry’s 40-yard line when center Lyons covered a Martins Ferry fumble.
Then the youthful Tigers started an offensive toward the visitor’s goal which did not end until the ball had been placed back of the goal posts for a touchdown. Greenfelder, Graybill and Hess ripped open the visitors’ line for steady gains, carrying the ball to the 18-yard line where Graybill shot a long pass to left end Fashnacht who grabbed it and was downed on Martin’s Ferry’s one yard line. Greenfelder then plowed through left tackle for the touchdown and a moment later kicked goal.
In the second quarter after three exchanges of punts Hess started from Massillon’s 35-yard line on a dash around right end but dropped the ball when tackled, Marker scooping it up and running 29 yards for a touchdown. Evans kicked goal.
Play was even in the third quarter until near the close. Martins Ferry started off with a rush marching the ball from its 20-yard line to Massillon’s 20-yard zone before being halted and losing the ball on downs. Then the orange and black commenced a march toward the visitor’s goal which was not halted until Greenfelder fumbled on the 19-yard line after making a nice gain on a plunge through the line. The quarter ended here and in the fourth, the visitors commenced a dodged attack to batter down Massillon’s defense and score a victory.
The orange and black was on the defensive most of the final quarter, having to kick against a strong wind which left the punting advantage very much in favor of the enemy. Martin’s Ferry succeeded in working the ball within Massillon’s 30-yard line but the orange and black made a determined stand within the shadow of its goal posts and Evans, star of the visitor’s offensive, was unable to pierce the local gladiators for the gains that meant a touchdown. The struggle ended with Martin’s Ferry in possession of the ball on Massillon’s 15-yard line.
Massillon made nine first downs to eight for the visitors, six of the local team’s downs coming in the first quarter while Martin’s Ferry made five in the third. Massillon punted six times, Greenfelder doing the kicking, while the visitors kicked five times.
Martin’s Ferry completed two forwards and failed in six other attempts. Quarterback Evans was the shining light for the visitors being the only backfield man able to make any gains against the orange and black. Greenfelder showed to good advantage for Massillon on offense while Ulrich’s defensive work stood out prominently. Ulrich has the earmarks of a coming star. Although light he plays a determined game and hits the line like a bullet.