1907: Massillon 0 Canton Central 44
Sad Blow to Supporters Of the M.H.S. Team.
Lack of Enthusiastic Support Cannot be Charged as Cause of the Trouble – One Hundred Massillon Students Saw Game – Other Sporting News.
Lamentably loose and inaccurate tackling combined with Canton High’s successful use of the forward pass, are the only explanations which Massillon High is able to offer for her crushing defeat at the Stark county fair grounds Wednesday afternoon. The score of 44 to 0 in favor of the team from the county seat was a sad blow to Massillon High’s supporters, as a victory was confidently expected. In the first game of the season, Massillon High played Canton High a 0 to 0 game, which is the best showing made so far this year by the local team.
Lack of enthusiastic support was certainly not the cause of Massillon’s defeat, whatever else might have caused it. Over one hundred high school students, principally girls, accompanied the team and kept up a running chorus of screams, squeals, derisive songs and sadly jumbled yells during the entire game. The feminine contingent evidenced the proper spirit as they did not cease their joyful noises when touchdown after touchdown was scored by those rude Canton boys. The joy of the Canton girls got somewhat beyond bounds as they attempted to lord it over Massillon High’s fair representatives in quite a pugilistic manner, but the threatened riot was quelled without bloodshed. However, the Massillon girls had some biting comments to make on Canton’s hospitality and courtesy to visiting rooters.
The game was played at the Stark county fair grounds, where an excellent gridiron has been laid out. Canton High was not supported nearly as strongly as was expected. Although Canton High played the same team as in the beginning of the season, it showed a vast improvement in every branch of the game, especially in the forward pass. Canton was able to gain her yards on neither end runs or line bucks and was excelled in punting. Practically every gain was made on the forward pass and the double pass, but these gains were usually immense as a result of Massillon High’s deplorably loose tackling. Several of her touchdowns were made on runs of half the length of the field. Massillon High played fairly well on the offensive, Grinnell and Sonnhalter making some excellent tackle and cross bucks, while Dow and Wagner were used in running the ends with but less success. Dow and Captain Grinnell tackled hard and accurately but the rest went after their men with but little confidence. In the second half the tackling improved wonderfully, Wells, Richeimer and Wagner landing some men very neatly.
Grinnell kicked off to McGregor at 3:15 and the ball was brought to the middle of the field. K. Miller received the ball on a punt but made no gain. Grinnell made excellent gains on a series of tackle bucks, but Canton gained the ball on downs. McGregor gained well on line bucks. A forward pass fails and Wagner gets the ball. Stephanson received the ball on a punt but was brought to the earth by a good tackle by Wagner. By means of a double pass, Stephanson now eluded or shook off all the Massillon players and made the first touchdown after a twenty-five yard run. McGregor kicked goal. Score 6 to 0.
Grinnell kicked to Stephanson, who although tackled by half a dozen Massillon players, gained half of the field before he was downed. Canton High failed to gain and was also penalized fifteen yards. Massillon received the ball on downs but Captain Grinnell’s punt was blocked. Canton returned the punt to Sonnhalter, who failed to gain. Massillon was penalized and had twenty-five yards to gain, and Grinnell punted. A forward pass to Stephanson worked beautifully and he eluded everyone but “Yank,” who brought him to earth. McGregor went fifteen yards for the second touchdown. He missed goal.
Score 11 to 0.
Toward the end of the half Massillon High visibly weakened, particularly in tackling, and the half ended with the ball on Massillon’s twenty-five yard line.
No changes were made in the line-ups at the beginning of the second half. McGregor kicked to Wagner. Canton gets ball on downs and Brookes and Stephanson work double pass for long gains. In several minutes McGregor shot through the line like a catapult for a touchdown, but Wells blocked the goal kick. Score 16 to 0.
Massillon High’s tackling now improved. Dow and Wagner bringing their men down hard. Weeks made a forward pass to McCoy for a long gain and Canton gained steadily. McGregor went the last fifteen yards for the touchdown. McGregor missed goal.
Score 21 to 0.
Grinnell kicked to Brooks, Richeimer bringing him down in his tracks. After several plays Stephanson broke away and ran half the length of the field for a score. He was tackled at the goal line by Richeimer. McGregor kicked goal. Score 27 to 0.
Grinnell kicked to McCoy, who ran half the field before being downed. Sonnhalter advanced the ball a little on a punt and Grinnell returned it. McGregor ran thirty yards for a touchdown. McCoy kicked goal. Score 33 to 0.
Hope was now dying fast in the breasts of Massillon High’s supporters and the corners of the mouths were down instead of up. Guy Wells raised a little enthusiasm by a brilliant tackle, but this soon subsided when Stephanson, closely followed by Dow, ran half the field for a touchdown. Dow downed him just behind the line. McCoy kicked goal.
Score 38 to 0.
McGregor carried the ball back forty yards. Punts were exchanged, Grinnell far excelling. Brookes carried it back a short distance and then Weeks made the best run of the game, seventy yards for a touchdown. McGregor missed goal. Score 44 to 0. The half ended before the ball was well in play again.
The teams lined up as follows:
Massillon High Pos. Canton High
Dow le Blythe
Baer lt Eynon
W. Miller lg Wise
Erb c Waterhouse
Hollinger rg White
Richeimer rt Harris
Wells re Stephanson
K. Miller qb Brookes
Wagner lhb McCoy
Grinnell rhb Weeks
Sonnhalter fb McGregor
Touchdowns: Canton – McGregor 5; Stephanson 3.
Goals kicked by: Canton – McGregor 2; McCoy 2.
Referee and umpire, alternating – Merwin of Massillon.
Hazlett of Canton.
Timer: Cronebaugh of Massillon.
Head Linesman – Hall of Massillon.
Linesman – Atwater of Massillon
Krammer of Canton.
Attendance – 300.
Time of halves – Twenty-five and Twenty minutes