Tag: <span>Sidney Jones</span>

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1913: Massillon 13, Canton Central 13


In a game full of brilliant tackling and spectacular playing M.H.S., in the last game of the season, held its old rival Canton high to a tie score, 13 to 13, Saturday afternoon on the local grounds. All touchdowns were made by the use of the forward pass, both teams depended largely upon this method to gain. Canton excelled in the art of forward passing, working four straight forwards in the third quarter.
Not since the old Tiger days has such a crowd of football fans been assembled as on Saturday afternoon. They were massed around the field five and six deep and were continually rooting and cheering the players.

Canton sent over a large delegation of rooters and with the high school band stationed on the south side of the field kept up a continual din through the game.

On the north side were the high school students and led by cheerleader, Kirk Baxter let out yell after yell through the entire contest. When Rifer shot the ball to Hollinger for the first touchdown after a few minutes of play bedlam broke loose and cheer after cheer rent the atmosphere.

Between halves the student body held a parade around the field and a Canton rooter wishing to enlarge his collection of pennants grabbed a banner from one student, a riot threatened, it was quickly broken up and the offender ordered out of town by Mayor Kaley.
The day was ideal for a football game, probably a little to warm for the players, but spectators were well satisfied. The grounds were in fine condition also.
Captain Cholly of the red and black won the toss and choose to defend the west goal. Kester kicked off, Cholly returning the ball 15 yards. Cholly went through the line for 6 yards. Cholly goes through left tackle for 6 more making first down. Massillon held and Canton punted,

Massillon’s ball on the 46 yard line, Kester goes through for 5, Rider makes 1 yard, Smith goes through left tackle for 30 yards. On the next play Rider shot the ball to Hollinger for the first touchdown. Kester kicked goal.

Massillon’s second touchdown came in the second quarter on a forward from Kester to Rogers who ran 20 yards for the score. Kester failed goal. On the next kickoff Canton started a steady march down the field, line plays and forward passes placed the ball on the one-yard line with four downs to make the required one yard; the orange and black line held and Canton was unable to cross the goal line.

Canton’s first touchdown came in the second quarter on a double pass from Cholly to Douds to Brown registered the first score for the red and black. Cholly missed goal.

On the kickoff, Rudy received the ball and sustained injuries which forced him to leave the game, Spidle taking his place. Rider captured a Canton forward and ran 50 yards as the half ended before being downed.

Massillon receives. A forward from Rider to Hollinger makes a gain of 50 yards, Canton blocked Rider’s attempt at a drop kick. The red and black working forward after forward made their second touchdown. A pass from Snyder to Jackson for 40 yards made the score. Cholly kicked goal. Score tie.

Both teams were now fighting desperately to score, the ball kept zig-zagging back and forth through the middle of the field. The red and black would work forward passes for big gains only to be held for downs by the fighting wearers of the orange and black. With a few minutes left to play, Kester recovers a blocked punt and with a five yard penalty for a Canton player being offside, the ball was placed on the one-yard line. With victory within their grasp, the orange and black were unable to cross Canton’s goal line. On an end run, Rider was thrown for a loss of 4 yards. Kester went through the line for 3 on the next play, he fumbled and a Canton player recovered. They immediately kicked out of danger. The quarter ended with the ball in the middle of the field.
For the orange and black, Smith and Hollinger played the star games with Theis, Rogers and Kester close seconds. Smith at halfback tore through the Canton line for many big gains and played the best game of his career. Hollinger at right end stopped everything that came his way and gave a brilliant exhibition of hard and accurate tackling. Theis at tackle was too big an obstacle for the Canton backs to surmount and not a yard was made through him. Rogers at left end played a strong defensive game and scored one of the touchdowns. Kester, although not kicked the ball with his usual skill, easily out punted his rival; the Canton team being weak in the kicking department. Kester also hit the line well and made several long gains. The orange and black line played low and the red and black found it impossible to gain any ground through them. Houriet pitted against a man weighing 175 pounds, playing him off his feet.

The red and black excelled in the use of the forward pass, working it time and again for large gains.

Captain Cholly the brilliant captain of the Canton team was easily the star of the game. Had it not been for his great playing Canton would have been beaten by a large score. He entered the game with three damaged ribs and often had to be assisted to his feet after being downed. In returning punts he is in a class by himself, by his twisting and dodging, often bringing the ball back to where it was kicked from. He was forced to quit the game in the last quarter.

Following is the line up and summary
Massillon – 13 Pos. Canton –13
Rogers le Douds, Cook
Theis lt Hague
Houriet lg Pontius
Spuhler c Volzer
Paroz rg Wise
Rudy Capt –Spidle rt Van Vorhis
Hollinger re Jackson
Rider qb Snyder
McLaughlin, Vogt lh Zengler, Cook
Smith rh Cholly Capt.
Kester fb Brown

Massillon – Hollinger; Rogers.
Canton – Brown; Jackson.

Referee – Snyder (Cleveland).
Umpire – Gibson (Mt. Union).
Head Lineman – Bast (Massillon).

Time of quarters: 15 and 12 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1912: Massillon 0, Canton Central 19

Locals Outplayed Throughout Game
Massillon’s Two Halfbacks Play Brilliant Game
Canton Line Always Held at Critical Moments
Both Teams Use Forward to Good Advantage.

In a hard played and interesting game, Canton high took Massillon high into camp Saturday afternoon by a score of 19 to 0. Although the local team displayed some of the dash and snap that was so evident in the Shaw high game something seemed to be lacking that gives a team vim and life.

However, the Massillon team played hard and gave Canton a mighty tussle but the local eleven were clearly outplayed. Massillon probably gained as many yards as her opponents until they got within 20 yards of the coveted line when they would be held for downs and the ball would change hands. The Massillon backfield put up the star game and pulled off many long gains but when the ball was worked near the Canton goal, the line would fail to hold and the man carrying the ball was often thrown back for a loss. Massillon excelled in open work and several spectacular forward passes were pulled off for gains of 20, 30 and 40 yards.

Although the whole team played a good game several stood out as putting up the best work. Miller, the speedy Massillon captain, played his usual brilliant game, carrying the ball for good gains by his twisting, dodging and fleetness. Many times on the defense he nailed the runner in his tracks, cutting the gains. Rudy the dashing halfback, was in the game over his head and his terrific line smashes brought the spectators to their feet many times. He also handled several forward passes cleverly, gaining forty yards on one of them. Hollinger ran the team well, handled punts in great style and at one time, by a clean tackle, saved the Massillon team from being scored on another time. Kester played a hard game but was unable to do his best work on account of a charley horse and Stern, the speedy little end, was suffering from the same injury which greatly impaired his speed, but he put up a plucky game in spite of it.

In one respect Massillon was equal if not better than the Canton school. The Massillon rooters deserve much credit for their good work. Under the leadership of Henrich and Baxter they kept up a continual din until the very end of the game and never once did they stop rooting even though the score kept piling up against their team, they never allowed their support to fail. Nearly 500 local fans accompanied the team.
Canton received. Canton started up the field but Rider got possession of the ball on a fumble. Canton regained the ball in the same manner and started up the field, making first downs regularly. Hollinger brought down a Canton runner, cutting off a touchdown. Canton continued down the field and placed the ball on the one-foot line but the locals took a brace and held them for downs. Massillon punted out of danger. Miller intercepted a Canton forward and the Massillon team started to march up the field, but on the 30-yard line were held for downs and the ball went to Canton . Rider speared a Canton forward and the first quarter ended with the ball about in the middle of the field.

Stern got a pretty forward from Hollinger that netted 30 yards. On the next down Massillon lost the ball. Canton was forced to punt and after Massillon lost the ball on a fumble, Canton again punted. Massillon was held and punted. Soon after Canton scored their first touchdown when Cholley went through Massillon’s right wing and sprinted 68 yards. Flickinger missed goal. Score 6 to 0.

Massillon received and Rudy returned the ball 20 yards. After Hollinger got 20 yards on a forward the first half ended.
Canton kicked and Kester returned 15 yards. Massillon went about 30 yards and lost the ball on a fumble. Hollinger got a Canton forward and Rudy gained 30 yards on a forward from Hollinger. Massillon lost the ball on downs. Mooth raced forty yards on a forward pass before being downed. Luntz carried the ball to the six-inch line and on the next down he carried it over. Goal was missed. Score 12 to 0.

Massillon received. Rudy gained 40 yards on a pretty forward. Canton captured a Massillon forward but Rider recovered the ball on a fumble. The quarter ended with the ball in Massillon’s possession.

Canton worked the ball into Massillon territory but lost the ball on downs and Massillon kicked. Rudy got a Canton fumble but Massillon was held for downs and forced to punt. The punt was blocked and Wise grabbed the ball and went for a touchdown. Goal was kicked. Score 19 to 0. After several more minutes of play the game ended.

The lineup and summary
Canton Pos. Massillon
Mooth le Limbach
Wise lt Theis
Seyle lg Eckstein
Turner c Rider
Hague rg Baer
B. Gibson rt Becker
Flickinger re Stern
Cholley qb Hollinger
West (c) lhb Miller (c)
Wade rhb Rudy
Luntz fb Kester

Canton – Brown for Wade; Jackson for Mooth.
Massillon – Johns for Sterns; Smith for Johns.

Canton – Cholley; Luntz; Wise.

Canton – Flickinger.

Referee – Snyder (Harvard).
Umpire – Downs (Reserve).
Head Linesman – Erb (Canton).

Time of periods: Two 15 minutes; Two 12y minutes.

Timers: Coleman (Massillon).
Marshall (Canton).