1895: Massillon 0 Canton Central 6
October 28, 1895
A Lively Game of Football at Pastime Park
The high school football teams of Massillon and Canton met at Pastime Park, Saturday afternoon, and after two spirited halves, Canton won, score 6 to 0.
The teams lined up as follow:
Betham Left End W. List
Dillon Left Tackle Arter
Hurford Left Guard Harrison
Gauchat Center Capt. Eoltz
Turnbull Right Guard Featheringham
Bald Right Tackle Hawkins
Linn Right End O. List
Day Quarterback Crawford
Pumphrey Left Halfback Lester
Jahn Right Halfback Howald
Cubbison Fullback Dangler
The Massillon eleven succeeded in preventing the Cantons from scoring in the first half. Dangler opened the second half with a good kickoff. There were several fine plays, and when time was called the ball was on Massillon’s thirty yard line and the score 6 to 0.