Tag: <span>N.E.O. Big Six</span>

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1935: Massillon 65, New Philadelphia 0

Powerful Offense Rolls up 10 Touchdowns, 28 First Downs as Team Plays Perfect Football; Travel to Niles Saturday


Having turned back the New Philadelphia invasion 65-0 Saturday, the Washington high Tigers today began two weeks of intensive training for their all important battle Nov. 23 at Canton, the game that will give Massillon a chance to lay claim to the state title.

Niles will be played Saturday in an N.E.O. Big Six contest, but that game should take care of itself and except for setting up a defense to meet Niles’ system of play, Coach Paul Brown will pay little attention to this Saturday’s game.

Tigers Demonstrate Great Power
Brown began bringing his Tigers uphill with the New Philadelphia contest and if they keep on coming like they did Saturday, they will carry dynamite in every move by Nov. 23.

It was Dads’ day Saturday and the Massillon boys showed off before their fathers seated on the sidelines by playing perhaps their most perfect game of football this season. Only once before during the year did they approach that performance and that was at Portsmouth when they rolled over the Ohio River city 46-0.

The Tigers were never at full strength Saturday, for Bob Glass their regular fullback, was kept on the sidelines with an injured ankle. What’s more the other 10 regulars played only half a game because they were not needed.

Snyder Plays Fine Game
All the subs got their chance Saturday and how they did come through. John Snyder played the entire game at fullback. He carried the ball well and his blocking was superb. Matthew Carter stole the show from the other backs, when supported by fine blocking, the raced 67 yards to a touchdown in the third period. Willie McDew played a fine defensive game, as did Don Snavely, next year’s center and from end to end and around the ring in the backfield the subs distinguished themselves with a fine performance.

The offense of both first and second teams was smooth and versatile. When long gains were needed, Howard Dutton and Mike Byelene threw passes and seldom were Massillon backs stopped without gain. That was because of the superior charge of the Tiger forward wall that always kept pushing the Quakers back toward their goal.

The Massillon offensive produced 28 first downs and 10 touchdowns. When a team is working as smoothly as that, it is retaining possession of the ball most of the time and the opposition has little chance to gain. New Philadelphia made six first downs, three in the third period when the visitors’ second stringers pitted against Massillon second and third stringers, passed and plunged their way to three consecutive first downs the last on the Tigers two-yard line. The period ended there and the Massillon first stringers went in to protect their goal. They succeeded. Four plays failed to net a single inch and Howard Dutton punted back safely to midfield. A boo went up from the visitors stands and some Massillon fans joined, for not allowing the Quakers to score, but Coach Paul Brown desired to test the defensive strength of his first team when backed up against its own goal.

Tigers Smother Plays
It was only the second time this season the team was in this position and the first time, a week ago, Akron West pushed over a touchdown.

Not so Saturday however. Every play on the two-yard line was smothered under a mass of orange sweaters. After Dutton had punted out safely, the visitors made three attempts to carry the ball but failed each time and on fourth down Francis muffed a bad pass from center and the ball rolled back to the Quakers’ 30-yard line where Morningstar covered for Massillon. Coach Brown immediately sent his second team back in to finish the game.

Apparently disregarding New Philadelphia’s fine record the past two seasons which included 16 victories in 17 games, the Tigers went to work at the kickoff and Snyder carried the ball back to the 34-yard line. Dutton and Jake Gillom made five yards and Dutton made it first down on the visitors’ 39-yard line. Gillom, running hard line he did at the start of the season, made 14 yards in two trips and a first down on the 25. Gillom again made four and Dutton swept his left end for 17 yards and a first down on the four-yard line. Anderson came around end but plunged over for the touchdown. But the play was sent back, New Philadelphia was penalized to the one-yard line for being offside. Gillom plunged over for the touchdown. Dutton failed to make the extra point.

Morningstar kicked off to Wortman who brought the ball back 15 yards to the 30-yard line. When two plays failed to gain, Wortman quick kicked to Gillom on the 35. He returned 12 yards. New Philadelphia drew a five yard penalty for offside and on the first play thereafter, old Jake tucked the ball under his wing and hauled the mail 48 yards around right end for the second touchdown. Snyder failed to carry the extra point across.

Long Pass Scores Touchdown
Simonetti brought Morningstar’s kickoff back to the 39-yard line. Two plays gained three yards and Wortman kicked a beauty to Herring who took the ball on a bounce near his goal line and got back to the 15 before being downed. Herring made eight yards and Byelene ripped off 17 for a first down on the 40. Snyder made two but Herring lost two. Byelene then stepped back and shot a 30-yard pass to Charley Anderson who caught the ball and with a clear field ahead raced another 30 yards for the touchdown. Byelene failed to carry the ball over for the extra point.

The Tigers were on their way to another touchdown when the first quarter ended. Following the third touchdown, Morningstar kicked to Wortman who returned to the 27. Updegraph got through for four yards but other attempts to carry failed and the visitors punted to Herring who took the ball on his 30 and ran back 19 yards. Byelene completed a pass to Anderson but Charley was out of bounds when he caught the ball. He stepped right back and tried it over, completing one for a gain of 17 yards. There the quarter ended.

Second Period
Snyder rammed through for 18 yards and a first down on the 16-yard line. Herring made a yard at center and Byelene made it first down on the six-yard line. Snyder added two and Herring carried to within inches of the goal but the Tigers were penalized 15 yards for holding. Byelene made five and then tossed to Herring for a touchdown. Eddie Molinski placekicked the extra point.

A complete second team took over the game for the Tigers. New Philadelphia received and when Duda tried to pass, Byelene came up with the ball and was downed on the Quakers’ 48-yard line. Herring made four yards and Byelene passed 14 yards to Bob Swoger who was in for the first time this season. Herring and Byelene made it first down on the Quakers’ 19-yard line. Byelene passed to Odell Gillom for a touchdown and plunged the extra point across. That made the score 32-0 and there it stood the remainder of the half.

First Team Starts Second Half
The first team went back in for the Tigers at the start of the third period. McDew took the kickoff back to the 20-yard line. Jake Gillom fumbled and Stempfly covered for New Philadelphia on the Tiger 30. Stempfly was tossed for a five-yard loss and when two more plays failed, Wortman kicked out on the 23-yard line. Dutton ran 16 yards to the 39 and passed to Snyder for a 15-yard gain. A nine yard pass to Morningstar and a plunge by Snyder made it first down on the 37. When two passes were wide of their mark, Dutton circled his left end for 10 yards and a first down on the 27. He passed to Anderson for 27 yards and a touchdown and another pass to Morningstar produced the extra point.

Morningstar kicked off to Wortman who brought the ball back to the 25-yard line. Simonetti lost two yards on a fumble and when he tried to pass, Morningstar intercepted and ran for a touchdown. The officials, however, ruled that Held clipped from behind on the play and penalized the Tigers 15 yards from the point where the violation took place. Dutton immediately passed to Morningstar for a first down on the nine-yard line. New Philadelphia was penalized five yards for being offside on the next play and Dutton ran for a touchdown. Gillom plunged the extra point.

The subs carried on for the Tigers. Updegraph brought the kickoff back to his 40. Simonetti passed 16 yards to Reiser for a first down and flipped another to Wortman for a first down on the Tiger 32-yard line. Simonetti plunged for four but when he tried to pass on the next play, Snyder intercepted on the 20 and brought the ball back to the 33-yard line. Carter was immediately turned loose around his right end and behind fine interference, he wove his way into the open and raced 67 yards for a touchdown.

Byelene’s pass for the extra point was knocked down.

New Philadelphia made its only threat thereafter. Trimmer brought Miller’s kickoff back to the 41-yard line. Duda passed to Trimmer just short of a first down and then rammed center for a first down on the Tiger 47. Duda passed to Rodd for five and then tossed one to Trimmer for a first down on the 25. Another to Trimmer gained first down on the
15-yard line. Duda made six yards and a five-yard penalty inflicted on the Tigers for being offside gave New Philadelphia a first down on the four-yard line. Francis made two yards but a lateral, Duda to Francis failed to gain. The quarter ended with the ball on the
two-yard line and the Tiger first team went into the game.

Fourth Period
Duda twice tried the center of the line and failed to gain. Dutton kicked back to Francis who was downed on the Massillon 43-yard line. Three plays gained a yard and Francis got a poor pass from center when he tried to punt on fourth down and the ball rolled back to the Massillon 30-yard line where Morningstar recovered. The Massillon subs went back into the game. Byelene and Carter made eight yards and Snyder rammed through for a first down on the 20. Snyder made nine yards and Byelene made it first down on the
10-yard line. Carter skirted right end for seven. Byelene put the ball on the one-yard line and Snyder went over. Byelene passed to Swoger for the extra point.

Following the kickoff New Philadelphia made another brief rally. Trimmer brought the ball back to the 34 and Duda tossed a pass to Rodd for a first down on the Tiger 49. Duda to Simonetti gained five and Duda plunged to a first down on the 39. Duda lost two yards and Carter intercepted his pass on the 36. Carter made five but Massillon w as penalized 15 for holding.

Byelene made five on a spinner and the visitors were penalized five yards for taking too many times out. Carter made three but New Philadelphia was offside and was penalized five yards. Byelene ran to a first down on the visitors’ 40. Snyder was stopped without gain but Byelene came around left end for 13 yards and another first down on the 27. Carter advanced the ball six yards and Byelene went over on a 21-yard run. The try for the extra point failed and the game ended shortly thereafter.

Both teams threw many passes. The Tigers completed 11 of 21 for 200 yards and two extra points. New Philadelphia completed eight of 18 for 73 yards and had three intercepted.

Where the visitors only lost 20 yards in penalties, the Tigers were set back 70 yards.

Season’s Second Largest Crowd
The crowd of 6,500 fans was perhaps the second largest of the season while the reserved seat sale even exceeded that of any other game.

The New Philadelphia band of 100 pieces and the Tigers’ snappy band drilled between halves.

The game ended the Tigers’ home season and that suggests a pat on the back for S. Earl Ackley, faculty manager, who always remains in the background and who seldom sees a football game because he is too busy making everything else run smoothly in the park. Ackley likewise makes all arrangements for road trips and as business manager for the Tigers had done a great job this year.
Power To Spare
Massillon Pos. New Philadelphia
Anderson LE Emery
Held LT Fisher
Updegraff LG Sherer
Voss C Smith
Woods RG Kuenzil
Buggs RT Bedilon
Morningstar RE Resier
Dutton QB A. Gopp
J. Gillom LH Updegraph
Molinski RH Wortman
Snyder FB Simonetti

Score by periods:
Massillon 18 14 20 13 65

Massillon – McDew, lg; O. Gillom, le; Anderson, lt; Moffett, rt; Miller, rg; Snavely, c; Byelene, qb; Herring, lh; Spillman, rh; Snyder, fb; Carter, lh; Swoger, re; Lee, c; Graybill, lg; Howard, lg.
New Philadelphia – Mason, rg; Francis, lh; Stempfly, rh; Stoneman, re; M. Hanna, lg; Trimmer, fb; Brick, lt; Banks, qb; Hostetler, c; Hummell, c; Bliss, lt; Eichel, rt; Swisshelm, qb; Duda, fb; Rodd, qb.

Massillon – J. Gillom 2; Anderson 2; Herring 1; O. Gillom; Dutton; Snyder; Carter; Byelene.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Molinski (placekick); Byelene, J. Gillom (carried); Swoger, Morningstar (passes).

Referee – Howells.
Umpire – Rang.
Head Linesman – Barrett.

Augie Morningstar