1917: Massillon 0, New Philadelphia 28
Poor Passing and Fumbling Gives New Philadelphia a Chance to Register Victory
Red and black clad gridiron warriors of New Philadelphia high school won revenge Saturday afternoon over the orange and black of Massillon high school. The Tuscarawas county lads defeated the local aggregation 27 to 0 in a stiff battle on the M. B. A. C. lot.
Poor passing, causing numerous fumbles, gave New Philadelphia its opportunity to score all but one of its four touchdowns. The orange and black, although outweighed by the down staters, who put on the field the heaviest team that has represented New Philadelphia for many seasons, was far superior to the red and black as long as it played together and played football.
But Coach Snavely’s green team which was stacking up against its first real opponent, probably was a little excited and unable to hold together its machine-like play, for it only showed its ability in streaks and then New Philadelphia was hard put to stop it.
Besides erratic passing the orange and black showed a decided tendency to tackle high and furnished little opposition for the men who attempted to advance the ball. “Swig” Thomas, one of the veterans of the team, ran New Philadelphia’s ends several times for substantial gains, but “Swig” was compelled to skirt the red and black wingmen with practically no interference.
New Philadelphia’s first touchdown came after six minutes of play. New Philadelphia received but was forced to punt. Thomas reeled off a first down for Massillon around left end, but then came a bad pass and a fumble, and the locals lost 15 yards. Archbold dropped back for a punt but the pass from center went over his head and New Philadelphia covered on the 18 yard line. Smashes at the line carried the ball to the one yard line from which Warner bucked it over for the first score. Gross kicked goal.
Toward the end of the first quarter a bad pass to Thomas, causing him to drop the ball, which was covered by New Philadelphia on Massillon’s 25 yard line, put the down staters in position to score. Harris and Gross negotiated a first down on a forward pass and the red and black plowed up the line for another 10 yards putting the ball on the five yard line as the quarter ended. Massillon tried hard to hold its opponents but the visitors, with their heavy line and backfield resorted to the old game of line plunging and on the second play in the second quarter, Harris went through center for New Philadelphia’s second touchdown. Gross kicked goal.
During the balance of the second and the third quarters and for the great part of the fourth, Massillon battled its foe on even terms, at times opening up and playing brilliantly. Had the orange and black depended upon open formations for its gains instead of line plays it probably would have fared better. Coach Snavely’s boys worked a number of long forwards and gained many yards around the red and black ends.
New Philadelphia’s last 13 points came in the last three minutes of play. The red and black covered a Massillon fumble and several line smashes brought the ball within striking distance and Warner carried it over, Gross kicking another goal. Massillon received and attempted a forward pass which was intercepted by Gross who ran 20 yards for the fourth touchdown. He missed goal. Massillon made a desperate effort to score in the last few seconds of play and worked the ball to the 15-yard line but the whistle ended the contest.
Massillon – 0. Pos. New Phila. – 27.
Myers le Gross
Cheney lt Stoller
Edwards lg Limbach
C. Graybill c Mathias
Harrison rg Burris
Ertle rt Freeman
Howells re Horger
Fulton q Harris
Thomas lh Hartman
Converse rh Moore
Archbold f Warner
Touchdowns – Warner 2, Harris, Gross.
Goals from touchdown – Gross 3.
Referee – Maurer of Wooster.
Umpire – Miller of Massillon.
Timer – Copenhaver.
Time of quarters – 12 ½ and 15.
Substitutions – Massillon: Miller for Meyers, Ertle for C. Graybill, C. Graybill for Ertle, Taylor for Ertle, Kemp for Taylor, Archbold for Howells, E. Grabill for Fulton, Wittmann for Archbold, Greenfelder for Converse. New Philadelphia: Hansen for Moore.