Tag: <span>Lisbon</span>

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1915: Massillon 46, Lisbon 0


Using straight line bucks and end runs with an occasional forward pass, Massillon high school’s orange and black eleven Saturday kept its slate clean and goal line uncrossed by swamping Lisbon high 46 to 0 on the driving park gridiron.

With the regular lineup in the game in the first half Massillon ran wild, doing practically as it pleased with the blue and white lads from the Columbiana county school. All of the orange and black’s points were made in this half.

In the second half Coach Snavely pulled out most of his first string men and sent in the substitutes, who found it impossible to score. The machine-like play, so much in evidence in the first half, was missing during the latter stages of the game and numerous fumbles kept Massillon from increasing the count.

Information that Wooster, which Massillon plays next Saturday, had spies on the sidelines, gathering data regarding the local team’s play, caused Coach Snavely to issue the order for nothing but straight football. No trick plays were uncovered.

One minute and 12 seconds after the whistle blew Massillon scored a touchdown when McLaughlin played through left tackle for 30 yards. From then on until the end of the half Massillon kept ramming the line and piling up points.

McLaughlin and Roderick were the big ground gainers for the orange and black. Roderick received a punt on the 40 yard line in the second quarter and by great running carried it over the line while McLaughlin caught a Lisbon punt in midfield and carried it to the two yard line before being downed. Houriet played a strong defensive game.

Lisbon was badly crippled and could do little, making only three first downs to Massillon’s 10.


Massillon – 46. Pos. Lisbon – 0.
Harrold le Bowling

Johnson lt Wetzel

Archbold lg Galbreath

Bischoff c Harrison (c)

Graybill rg Lafferty

H. Stultz rt Adams

Houriet (c) re Fife

McLaughlin qb Hendricks

Zorger lhb Guy

Converse rhb Lewis

Roderick fb Donnalley

Score by quarters:
Massillon 20 26 0 0
Lisbon 0 0 0 0

Substitutions: Massillon – Johnson for Harrold, Zepp for Bischoff, Muskoff for Graybill, Burke for McLaughlin, Hollinger for Burke, E. Stultz for Zorger, Stoner for Johnson.

Touchdowns – McLaughlin 2, Roderick 2, Zorger 2, Houriet 1.
Goals after touchdowns – McLaughlin 4.

Referee – Plott of Otterbein.
Umpire – Copenhaver of Massillon.
Head linesman – Boerner of Massillon.
Timers – Smith and Byers.

Time of quarters – 10 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1911: Massillon 27, Lisbon 0

Massillon’s Fake Forward
Helped With the Outcome
Kester, Heyman and Stearns
are Credited With Making the Entire Score
Lisbon’s Playing Was Good
and the Team Showed Organization

In a hard fought game Massillon high won from Lisbon high Saturday afternoon by the score of 27 to 0, the total score including four touchdowns, a drop kick and four goals. It was one of the hardest games the varsity has played this year and was incidentally the first game played with Lisbon.

Heyman again led off in the game, not only with the highest total score of 17 points, but also carried off every play around his side of the line. Heyman also kicked a drop over the bar during the second period from the thirty yard line.

Kester followed up his interference which was generally conceded Saturday to be the best organized that has been played by the high school. During the last few minutes of the fourth period Kester crossed the line for a touchdown.

Stearns, right end, scored the first touchdown of the game during the first three minutes of play when he broke up a Lisbon pass and carried the ball from the center of the field for a touchdown.

Massillon received the ball on the kickoff, Kester advancing it to the thirty yard line. McComb, Lisbon end, stopped Miller after the ball had been in play but a few seconds, when the latter threatened a touchdown from the center of the field. Rudy here made heavy gains through the line. Stearn broke up a forward and turned it into a touchdown. Heyman kicked goal.

Lisbom received the ball on the kick off, the ball being put in play on the thirty yard line. Arther, at this time received the longest forward made during the game and carried the ball from the center of the field to the thirty yard line. Heyman attempted a drop but was blocked and later recovered by Massillon and on the next down Kester carried it through the Libson line for eight yards and a touchdown. The period closed.
Massillon 6
Lisbon 0

The ball was put in play at the opposite end of the field on the twenty-five yard line by Massillon. Heyman after considerable hesitation by the team, dropped the ball over from the thirty yard line.

Massillon kicked to Lisbon but quickly recovered the ball when the visitors failed to make yards. Heyman and Kester again worked the same old reliable fake forward, the former making a touchdown. Heyman kicked goal.

Lisbon received the ball, Miller breaking up the interference and downing the runner before any harm was done to Massillon’s yards. Arther again carried a long pass while Kester, Rudy and Miller worked heavy line bucks, decreasing the distance to the goal with every down. Heyman followed up a formidable interference and touchdown, later kicking goal. The period closed with no additional score.

The third period opened and closed with no unusual plays with the exception of Adam’s attempt to make a place kick for Lisbon. The fourth period passed off quietly until Kester made a touchdown during the last few minutes of play.
Massillon 27
Lisbon 0

The Lineup and summary
Massillon Pos. Lisbon
Arther (capt.) le McComb
Wagoner lt H. Hollinger
Limbach, Albright, Johns lg Applegate
Rider c Deemer
Baer, Weymer rg Lewis
Wells rt Panier
Stearns re Fletcher
Rudy qb Moora
Miller lhb Hum
Kester fb Porter
Heyman rhb Adams (capt.)

Massillon – Heyman 2; Stearns; Kester.

Massillon – Heyman 4.

Drop kick:
Massillon – Heyman.

Referees – Bast; Steele; alternating
Head Linesman – Atwater.

Time of periods: 10 and 12y.

Time of game: 2:30.

Attendance: about 500.