1929: Massillon 32, New Philadelphia 7
Tigers Wallop New Philadelphia In Muddy Battle, 32-7
Playing a brand of football that shattered comparison between them and their opponents, especially in the first half, the leather-toting Tigers of Washington high school, Saturday afternoon on Massillon Field, ran up the largest score made in a New Philadelphia game since athletic relations between the two schools was resumed in 1924, beating the visiting Quakers, 32-7.
The Tigers got their first real taste of muddy football, Saturday, and plainly showed that they are as capable of playing on a wet field as on a dry one. The field was plenty muddy before the battle between the two rivals started and a slight rain which fell all during the first half didn’t help the situation a bit. The mud didn’t hinder the local boys at all. They kept plodding straight through the Quaker line, time after time, for first downs despite the handicap of a muddy field.
Tigers Score Early in Games
As has been the case in their past four games the Tigers didn’t wait long for their first touchdown. It came the first time they got possession of the ball. The orange and black gridders secured the ball on the visitors 33 yard line after Byrd, New Philadelphia half, made a poor punt, the ball going straight up in the air.
A series of line plunges by Williams and Kester put the ball on New Philadelphia’s
three-yard line and Williams crashed through the first six markers. A line plunge for the extra point didn’t pan out.
Clendening Scores Second
The second touchdown came shortly after the second quarter ended. A neat punt by Kester put the ball on the Quakers two-yard line. Byrd punted and the local boys in a series of plunges put the ball within scoring distance. The Tigers lost the ball, however, on downs but Byrd’s punt was returned to the opponents’ 24-yard line. Williams and Clendening carried the ball to the eight-yard line where Clendening took it over for the markers. Clendening kicked for the point.
It wasn’t long after that until another seven points were added to the score. A New Philadelphia man fumbled and Knowlton recovered for Massillon on the Quakers 32-yard line. Williams, Clendening and Kester carried the ball down the field to New Philadelphia’s one-yard line. Kester carried it over and Clendening’s kick for extra point was good.
Tigers Held in Second Half
New Philadelphia made a valiant and hard fight to stop the massacre in the second half and succeeded in holding the Tigers a lot better than they had during the first session. They couldn’t keep the local boys from scoring during the third quarter, however. Near the middle of the period after three tries had netted only a few yards, Byrd prepared for a kick. He wasn’t fast enough, however, and was downed on his own 40-yard line Massillon getting the ball. After three plays had netted the Tigers little Kester kicked to the Quakers’ five-yard line. Byrd also punted and Clendening took the ball 20 yards to the visitors’ 25-yard line. A neat crash through the line by Clendening and several plunges by Williams and Worthington put the ball on New Philadelphia’s seven-yard line. Williams went through for the touchdown. Clendening’s kick was wide.
New Phila. Opens Up
The Quakers marked up their first and only touchdown of the game early in the final period. After making no gains to speak of in three plays at the end of the third session, Byrd kicked and Clendening covered. On the first play Clendening fumbled and Kislig recovered for the visitors. Several neat passes by Byrd, one for 22 yards, put the ball on Massillon’s six-yard line. Another pass looked like it was good for a touchdown but the runner was tackled outside and the ball was placed on the two-yard line. Rohrbach crashed through for the points and Byrd added one more by a pass to Rohrbach.
The final score came shortly after that. Clendening took a punt on the 50-yard line. Williams got seven, Kester took the ball from center and tossed it to Clendening. The colored lad started around left end, eluding the opposing players. Tway on a fast run, his shirt was grabbed by a New Philadelphia man and it looked like he was going to be downed but a quick turn to the right and he was free with nothing but goal posts in front of him.
Clean Contest
Despite the rivalry between the two schools the game was probably the cleanest played here this season. Only three penalties were inflicted, the Tigers getting them all.
Clendening and Williams were the stars of the day. Clendening played one of the neatest games seen on the local lot this year, substituting flashy end runs for crashes through the line. Williams helped the Massillon cause considerably by his clever hops over the opposing line for plenty of yardage. The other men in the backfield looked well while the line held the visitors helpless most of the time.
Byrd starred for the visitors, carrying the ball a large part of the time and getting off some fine punts when they were needed.
First Period
Massillon kicked and New Philadelphia recovered on its own 40-yard line. A try through the line netted a yard. Byrd punted poorly, his only one of this kind in the game. It went straight up and Williams covered for Massillon on New Philadelphia’s 33-yard line. Three tries through the line by Rice and Williams netted 10 yards for the first down of the game. Williams went through again, this time for six. Kester added four for another first down.
Williams got three through the line. Rice added four more before Williams got another yard. Kester took the ball for three more and a third first down, putting the ball on the visitor’s three yard line. Williams took it over for a touchdown. Williams’ line plunge for the extra point failed.
Massillon kicked. A New Philadelphia man fumbled and Pfister recovered for the orange and black on the visitors’ 35-yard line. A left end run by Rice netted no gain. A try by Williams brought no gain. Kester punted and Byrd returned for the Quakers, Massillon getting the ball on the 50-yard line. Williams made two and Kester added seven more. A Massillon man fumbled and the ball rolled towards the visitors’ line. A wearer of the orange nad black fell on the ball on the 25-yard mark.
Three plays by Kester and Williams netted another first down. Massillon received the first penalty of the game, five yards for offside. Rice made three through the line and Williams failed to gain. Knowlton fumbled but recovered with a loss of 10 yards. Kester kicked the ball over the opponents’ line, the Quakers getting it on their own 20-yard line. Rohrbach tried a right end run with no gain. Byrd punted. Kester covering on New Philadelphia’s 40-yard line. An end run by Rice brought no gain. Williams made four and Kester none as the quarter ended.
Second Quarter
Massillon had the ball on New Philadelphia’s 35-yard line as the quarter opened. Kester punted on the first play, putting the ball on New Philadelphia’s two-yard line. Byrd punted, Kester being downed on the visitor’s 22-yard line. Williams made two and Clendening three in three tries. Williams went straight through for 10 yards and a first down. Williams plunged again getting three. Clendening made no gain and Kester lost four yards. A Clendening to Kester pass was missed but Kester recovered. New Philadelphia got the ball.
Without trying a play Byrd punted and Kester was downed on the Quaker’s 24-yard line. Two tries netted two yards before Clendening crashed through for nine more and another first down. Williams made five and the ball was on the visitors’ eight yard line. Clendening went straight through the line for another touchdown. Clendening’s kick was good, making the score 13-0 Massillon.
Foutz returned Massillon’s kick to his own 35-yard line. A New Philadelphia player fumbled and Knowlton recovered for Massillon on the 32 yard strip. Clendening got eight through the line. Williams made three in a clever jump over the opposing line for one more first down. Williams made another jump for six yards, Kester added one, Williams got one more and Clendening marked up another first down with five yards. Kester made no gain. Kester got eight around left end, putting the ball on the Quaker’s one-yard line. Kester carried it over for a touchdown. Clendening’s kick was good and the score was 20-0, Massillon.
Byrd was downed on his own 30 yard line after receiving a Massillon kick. Byrd’s pass failed. Byrd was stopped without gain and then punted. Kester recovering on his own
49-yard line. Massillon received its second penalty, this one for 15 yards. Williams made two through the line before Clendening punted to the New Philadelpia 48 yard line. Byrd lost four as the half ended.
Third Quarter
Massillon kicked and New Philadelphia recovered on its own 34-yard line. Massillon got another five yard penalty. Byrd made two. Byrd tried a pass, Kester intercepting and carrying the ball 15 yards to New Philadelphia’s 45-yard line. Three tries by Williams netted four yards. Kester’s lateral pass was no good and New Philadelphia got the ball on its own 49-yard line. Foutz got three around left end. Byrd got nothing on an end run. Byrd’s pass was grounded and he kicked, Kester fumbled the ball and New Philadelphia recovered. Two tries by the Quakers netted nothing. Byrd’s pass failed. He attempted a punt but was downed before he could get started on his own 40-yard line.
Clendening made four in three tries. Kester punted to the visitors’ five yard line. Byrd returned the punt. Clendening taking the ball on the Quaker’s 45-yard line and carrying it 20 yards before being downed. Worthington got four and Clendening added 12 and another first down on a long run around right end. Williams made two and the ball was on New Philadelphia’s seven yard line. Williams took it through for the touchdown. Clendening’s kick failed.
New Philadelphia kicked, Massillon being downed on its own 40-yard line. Kester was stopped without gain, fumbling the ball on an end run. The ball rolled outside. Clendening fumbled on the next play but recovered with a four yard loss. Kester punted to New Philadelphia’s 36-yard line. Byrd lost three but added two as the quarter ended.
Fourth Quarter
Byrd kicked, Clendening being downed on his own 30-yard line. Clendening fumbled and Kislig recovered for New Philadelphia on Massillon’s 24. Rohrbach was thrown for a 10-yard loss on a long end run. A Byrd to Rohrbach pass was good for six yards. Byrd tried another pass, this time to Foutz for 22 yards and New Philadelphia’s first first down. The ball was on Massillon’s six yard line. Byrd failed to gain. A Byrd to Rohrbach pass was good. The New Philadelphia runner was tackled outside and Massillon was given a penalty, giving the visitors’ another first down and putting the ball on the one-yard line, half the distance to the goal. Fowler made no gain but Rohrbach crashed the line for the visitors’ first touchdown. A Byrd to Rohrbach pass was completed for the extra point, making the score 26-7, Massillon.
New Philadelphia kicked and Massillon got the ball on the 50-yard mark. Clendening made four around right end. Massillon got a five yard penalty. Williams went through for six yards. Kester’s punt was outside and New Philadelphia got the ball on its own 20-yard line. Rohrbach made no gain. Byrd lost a yard. Foutz made no gain. Byrd punted and Clendening was downed on the 50-yard line. Williams made seven Kester took the ball on the tossback, passed it to Clendening who made a beautiful run around left end, then cut sharply to the right and carried the ball 43 yards for a touchdown. Clendening’s kick failed. The score was 31-7, Massillon.
Massillon punted, the Quakers recovering on their own 30-yard line. A Byrd to Foutz pass was good for seven yards. Foutz lost one around left end. A Byrd to Rohrbach pass was good, the runner being forced out by Williams when it seemed he was off on a point getting run. The ball was on Massillon’s 48-yard line, the pass being good for 20 yards. Byrd lost seven. Byrd’s pass was grounded. Byrd kicked, a Massillon man fumbled but another local boy recovered on the Massillon 25-yard line. A neat pass by Kester over the heads of the opposition to Houriet netted the orange and black 28 yards, putting the ball on the visitors’ 47-yard line.
Another pass by Kester failed. Rice’s right end run was good for nine yards. Massillon fumbled and New Philadelphia recovered. Byrd’s pass was unsuccessful. Coach McGrew started to make substitutions and soon there was an entire new Massillon team on the field. Byrd’s pass to Hurst was good for eight yards. Rohrbach made two for a first down. A try through the line netted a yard before Byrd was thrown for a 12 yard loss. A Byrd to Foutz pass netted 10 yards. Byrd’s pass to Rohrbach was good for eight yards. Rohrbach made no gain and Byrd tried another unsuccessful pass as the game ended.
Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. New Phila.
Worthington LE Hixon
Price LT Marsh
Snodgrass LG Swaney
Lewis C Rosenbery
Pfister RG Mathias
Willison RT Kislig
Houriet RE Hurst
Kester QB Foutz
Knowlton LH Byrd
Rice RH Rohrbach
Williams FB Fowler
Score by periods:
Massillon 7 13 6 6 32
New Philadelphia 0 0 0 7 7
Massillon – Clendening for Rice; Blatz for Price; Hoyman for Lewis; Singer for Kester; Kester for Singer; Rice for Worthington.
New Philadelphia – Douds for Swaney; Swaney for Douds.
Massillon – Williams 2; Clendening 2; Kester.
New Philadelphia – Rohrbach.
Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Clendening 2 (placekicks).
New Philadelphia – Rohrbach (pass from Byrd).
Referee – Morgan (Youngstown).
Umpire – Shafer (Akron).
Head Linesman – Barrett (Sebring).