1919: Massillon 14, Akron West 7
The Washington High-Akron West game was called off this morning on account of rain. Friday’s heavy down-pour and today’s continued rain made the field to wet for play
The biggest local scholastic football game of the season will be played Tuesday afternoon when Massillon high’s crack orange and black eleven tackle Akron West, strongest of the Akron high schools on the Central Steel field.
The game has all the ear marks of a real battle outside of the Toledo Scott dues, probably will be the toughest on the local team’s schedule. The game will commence at 2:30 o’clock.
Orange and Black
Crush Akron West’s Championship Hopes
The orange and black gridiron eleven of the Washington high school celebrated the first anniversary of the signing of the Armistice by shattering the hopes of Akron West’s crack team of warriors winning the interscholastic championship of Ohio.
Displaying their best football of the season the attack of the youthful Tigers was too vigorous for the Summit county lads and the orange and black crew annexed its sixth victory of the season 14 to 7. Only stellar playing on the part of the high school athletes brought victory to the local school.
The defeat handed the gridders of West high was their first reverse of the season and entirely unexpected. Full to the brim of confidence, the visiting eleven expected to take the orange and black varsity into camp, but the vicious onslaught of the Washington high blasted its hopes.
The Akron crew came here true to form and placed on the field the best team seen here this season. The Akron eleven showed it had the right to be ranked as one of the leading high school elevens in the state when in the first few minutes of play it began a fruitful march to the goal.
Akron won the toss and Massillon kicked to the visitors, the runner being downed on his 34-yard line. On the second play Akron punted to Stuldreher. A mix-up in signals on Massillon’s first down caused a fumble which Akron recovered. After making two first downs on line plunges and a forward pass, Jackson fumbled, Massillon recovering on its own 10-yard line.
Greenfelder kicked 30 yards to Ammans. Ammans, the Akron right half, made 10 yards on a cross buck carrying the ball to Massillon’s 20-yard line. A double pass over the goal line fell in J. Smith’s handle for the first set of counters of the game. Shutt kicked goal.
Akron then kicked off to Oberlin who was downed on his 40-yard line. From there the Massillon squad made a march straight through the Akron team for a touchdown. Runs and plunges by Greenfelder and Stuldreher carried the ball to Akron’s one-yard line, from where Archbold bucked it over the goal line. Greenfelder kicked goal.
The final set of counters and winning points came to the orange and black team in the second period. Getting the ball in midfield, with the stellar line of the local eleven tearing big gaps in the visitors’ line, Stuldreher, Hess and Greenfelder carried the ball to the
one-yard line. Greenfelder plodded through left tackle for a touchdown. He also kicked goal.
From then on the play see-sawed back and forth in midfield with neither team enjoying great opportunities to score. Akron tried desperately to tie the count and resorted to open play during the entire final two periods. With the exception of the pass which netted its points, Akron failed to do much with open work.
Hess, who is rapidly developing into the offensive star of the local team, was forced to retire in the second period, when he sustained a bad bump in tackling Shutt. The offensive attack of Greenfelder and Stuldreher were the bright lights in the Massillon offensive, while the defensive playing of Oberlin and Archbold stood out prominently, through the entire line played a stalwart game, the Akron backs being able to gain little ground on plunges. The work of Shutt and Ammans showed best for the Summit county team.
Lineup and summary:
Akron – 7 Pos. Massillon – 14
Myers le Herman
G. Smith lt Taylor
Haas lg Clay
Mason c Angstadt
Clark rg Harrison
Harper rt Oberlin
J. Smith re Howells
Jackson q Stuhldreher
Ritter lh Greenfelder
Ammans rh Hess
Shutt f Archbold
Score by quarters:
Akron 7 0 0 0 7
Massillon 7 7 0 0 14
Tilton for Clay, Clay for Tilton, Hollerboch for Hess, Tilton for Clay, Jameson for Herman. Adams for Harrison, Graber for Taylor.
Touchdowns – Smith, Greenfelder, Archbold.
Goals from touchdowns – Shutt, Greenfelder 2.
Referee – Blythe, Mount Union.
Umpire – Bast.
Head Linesman – Wincek.
Timer – Liggett.