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Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1930: Massillon 7, Akron South 7

Washington High And Akron South Battle To 7-7 Tie


An offside penalty inflicted on Akron South enabled Washington high school to tie the Cavaliers of the Rubber City 7-7 Saturday afternoon in an interesting battle at League Park, Akron.

After a listless first half in which the local team gained but little ground, the Tigers went out in the last two periods to batter through the inspired Akron defense and score a touchdown and come within a few yards of pushing over a second marker.

Fortunate to Gain Tie
But though the local team on a whole out played its opponents yet the Tigers can consider themselves fortunate that they broke even, for had not Akron been offside when Clendening’s placekick after touchdown went wide, the score would have read:
Akron 7; Massillon 6.

Though the line showed a lot of strength in the first two periods, the Massillon offense failed to flash any driving power and was exceptionally poor on lending interference to the ball carrier. Time and again the runner was dropped in his tracks when his teammates failed to clear South tacklers out of the way. As a result, the first quarter and a large portion of the second period was nothing more than a kicking duel between Kester of the local school and Gabalac and Porter of south. They booted the ball almost on even terms, Kester kicking against the wind in the first period.

In the second period however, South began to resort to a more versatile attack, and forward passes were mixing in with end runs and spinner plays. The deceptiveness mystified the Massillon defense and after Porter had returned a punt from his own 10-yard line to his 35-yard line, the Cavaliers launched an attack that did not end until the Tiger goal line was crossed.

Rogerson Scores On Pass
Neidert found an opening at center for two yards, but Gabalac wiggled through on a spinner play to his 45-yard line. Neidert went through left guard for a gain of five yards and Rogerson ripped off four more on a reverse play through his left tackle. Porter made it first down on the Massillon 43-yard line. Gabalac was stopped after a center rush of three yards and Clendening knocked down a long pass destined for Rogerson, Porter crossed up the Tigers, however, before being downed. The Tigers braced momentarily, and only allowed Rogerson three yards in two attempts Neidert faked a spinner and found an opening for six yards, and with only a foot to go, Gabalac slipped through for a first down on the Massillon eight-yard line. Gabalac lost a yard, and the Cavaliers still had eight yards to go after Rogerson carried the ball. Then it was that Gabalac stepped back and hurled a perfect pass to Rogerson, who was left unguarded. He caught the ball on the goal line and went over in one step. Gabalac placekicked the extra point. Neither team showed any more offense the remainder of the first half.

Tigers Strong In Third
The Tigers started in with a rush in the third quarter that served notice that sooner or later they were going to score a touchdown. They carried the ball from their own 35-yard line to the Akron 37-yard line, when a 15-yard penalty ended the touchdown march.

Though the orange nad black began their drive for points in that period, they did not succeed in crossing the Cavaliers goal line until the early minutes of the fourth quarter. After an exchange of punts, they came in possession of the ball on their own 47-yard line. Bordner hit for five yards but a five yard penalty sent the locals backward instead of forward. Kester’s pass was knocked down but Williams moved the ball 15 yards in three cracks at the line for a first down on the South 37-yard line. He hit for three more, but the Tigers were offside and penalized five yards. Kester reeled off five around right end and Williams faked a spinner and shot through left guard for four yards. The same play yielded seven more yards and a first down on the Akron 26-yard line. Kester got a yard at tackle but Clendening was stopped without gain. The teams reversed their position on the field as the quarter ended. Kester tossed a pass to Clendening that gained but one yard and with fourth down up, the Massillon quarter flipped the ball to Hess who ran to the Akron five-yard line before being downed. In two plays Kester carried the ball over for six points. Cledening’s attempted placekick for the try for point after touchdown was wide and short of the goal posts, but South was ruled offside on the play and the point was given the Tigers and the score was tied at 7-7.

Lose Ball On Eight-Yard Line
The local team threatened again in the middle of the period when it carried the ball from the 49-yard line to the eight-yard line where it was lost on downs by inches. The Cavaliers had but the one opportunity to score while the Tigers were only dangerous on two occasions.

While Massillon failed to make a first down during the first half, the Cavaliers negotiated the 10-yard distance four times. On the other hand, the Tigers made four first downs in each of the third and fourth periods, while the Rubber City boys were stopped in their tracks.

The local team intercepted four Akron passes, knocked three down while five were completed for a total gain of 50 yards.

Massillon tried five passes and completed two for a gain of 20 yards.

The game nearly set a record for the small number of players taking part. Only one substitution was made by Coach McGrew while the South tutor altered his lineup but twice during the afternoon.

Only a small crowd witnessed the tussle a great contrast to the huge crowds which have viewed Akron-Massillon games in years past.

The high school band was taken by bus to the game and kept one side of the field ringing with music while the south band pepped up the other side.

Line up and summary:
Massillon – 7 Pos. Akron S. – 7
Getz LE Orcutt
Willison LT Ridge
Worthington LG Smith
Schott C Huth
Monroe RG Popavich
Price RT Mansor
Hess RE Niedert
Kester QB Porter
Clendening LH Gabalac
Singer RH Rogerson
Williams FB C. Niedert

Score by periods:
Massillon 0 0 0 7 7
Akron South 0 7 0 0 7

Massillon – Bordner for Singer.
Akron South – Martinkus for Mansor; Kazon for Popavich.

Akron South – Rogerson.
Massillon – Kester.

Point after touchdown:
Akron South – Gabalac (placekick).
Massillon – Willison (forfeit).

Referee – Smith.
Umpire – Clifford.

John Kester
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1930: Massillon 2, Cleveland Heights 0



As sure as Jack and Jill went up the hill the Washington high school gridders climbed the pinnacle of fame Friday evening on Massillon Field when they attained the distinction of handing Cleveland Heights high school its first defeat in two and one half seasons by a 2-0 score. A safety in the second period did it, but those two points were as good as a million as far as returning the Tigers victors was concerned and now, out of the blackness of the night, the Massillon team has risen from a mediocre football team into one that other schools must reckon with in their quest for football achievements.

For three years Cleveland Heights has sat on the crest of gridiron glory, but the Hilltoppers were knocked from their supreme position last night and took their fall harder than Humpty Dumpty.

First Defeat in 25 Games
Heights had a reason to go home a mourning band of rooters, for since the middle of the season of 1927 the Hilltoppers have had the pleasure of seeing fans from opposing teams take the beating and only once during the intervening period had their goal line been crossed. That was in the middle of the 1928 season, for the 1929 grid outfit battled through the season without being scored upon. If records are accurate, Heights up to last night had played 25 consecutive games with some of the best teams in northeastern Ohio, without defeat.

There was nothing lucky about the Massillon victory last night. The local gridders did get the breaks but they made them as a result of hard consistent playing on the part of every member of the team, and their points came as a result of good football rather than a chance fluke.

It was the superior punting of John Kester, sturdy Massillon quarterback that gave the Tigers their margin of victory. Standing in midfield early in the second period, Kester directed a beautiful punt to the northeast corner of the field that rolled out on the one-yard line.

Willison Blocks Kick
Heights immediately dropped back into punting formation with Ryan stationing himself near the back fence to make the kick. Taking advantage of the Hilltopper’s position, big Bob Willison off with the snap of the ball, broke through the line and threw himself against the pigskin just as it left Ryan’s toe. The ball bounded into the crowd at the end of the field, automatically awarding the Tigers a safety and two points.

Two points looked like a slim margin at that stage of the game, for the Hilltoppers had already demonstrated their ability at carrying the ball away for three first downs in the opening period of play. With the advantage in their favor, however, the Massillon boys playing like the Tigers of old set out to retain their lead with the greatest exhibition of fighting spirit seen on a local gridiron in several years. Heights tried and tried hard but could not pierce the strong defense thrown up by the gallant orange and black boys.

Yield Ground Stubbornly
The Massillonions slowly yielded ground when playing in the Cleveland portion of the field, but once the visitors advanced beyond the 50-yard mark they had to fight for every yard they made. Though the Hilltoppers gained much more ground from scrimmage, rolling up 10 first downs to the local team’s four, Kester’s punting on each occasion sent the invaders back to the starting point and thus made up for the lost ground.

So tight was the Tiger defense last night that the visitors on only two occasions succeeded in threatening the orange and black goal line. That was in the first and middle of the fourth quarter when a series of forward passes in the latter attempt carried the ball to the 30-yard line where the Tigers held for downs.

Heights Attack Versatile
While the local team played purely a defensive game and was able to do little against the visitors, Heights showed a very versatile attack that two weeks ago would have swept the locals off their feet. With Ippolitto carrying the ball most of the time, the Clevelanders rushed the ends for several long gains, the ball carrier always being protected by a strong wave of interference. To meet this running attack, a change was made in the Tigers’ defense in the second half that worked successfully. The Hilltopper’s also uncorked the deadly passing attack that has carried them to so many victories and pulled them out of more than one tight pinch in their triumphant march of the past three seasons. But the Tigers were prepared to combat the aerial game, intercepting three passes, knocking down or grounding eight others, while only three were completed for a total of 46 yards. Ippolitto was given plenty of protection in throwing the ball, but with two Massillon men hanging back in a safety position he had the hardest kind of a time picking out a member of his team who was not covered on the play.

Tigers Threaten
The Tigers did not show a whole lot on the offense although they did register four first downs, three in the closing minutes of the game, when after absorbing all the battering the Hilltoppers could hand out they set out to score a touchdown for themselves in a drive that ended on the 20-yard line.

The running attack of the local team was broken up with injury of Clendening in the first period when he was kicked in the back of the head while tackling a Heights runner. With Clendening put out of the game the Tigers could not mix up their off tackle and line bucks with end runs and passes and as a result depended almost entirely upon straight football.

Singer Shows Dash
Singer, however, who replaced the colored flash, played a whale of a game and with Williams, stocky fullback, bore the brunt of the attack. Several times these boys smashed through the visitors’ line for good gains, their touchdown attempt in the closing minutes of the game ending on the 20-yard line where the ball was forfeited to Cleveland by the margin of a foot. Not one forward pass was attempted by the local team, the Tigers not taking any chances of throwing the ball into the arms of a Cleveland player when they had the lead. The locals lost 15 yards from scrimmage as a result of penalties, while the Hilltoppers were set back a total of 20 yards.

Getz Shines on End
Considerable credit for stopping the dashes around the Massillon ends must be given to Getz who refused to be taken out of the play and who invariably succeeded in turning in the ball carrier where he could be dropped by one of the secondary men. His play on the wing of the line was one of the outstanding individual performances of the game.

While the Clevelanders never seriously threatened the Massillon goal line the local team on two occasions tossed a scare into the Hilltoppers’ bench. Late in the first period Don Hess intercepted one of Ippolitto’s passes on the latter’s 40-yard line and dashed back to the
16-yard mark before being downed. Four plays gained nine yards, the locals losing the ball seven yards from the Cleveland goal.

Large Crowd at Game
The largest crowd since the game with Canton McKinley in 1928 attended the Friday evening encounter. The gate receipts were swelled considerably by a large rooting section from Cleveland, 300 of whom purchased reserve seats. The local students cheered lustily and gave the best demonstration of support from the bleachers heard in many a game.

First Period
Kester kicked off to the 36-yard line after Ryan had negotiated a first down, the Tigers stopped the visitors who punted over the goal line. Gaining possession of the ball on their own 20, the locals found themselves stopped in their tracks, a muffed pass from center resulting in the loss of 10 yards. Kester’s punt went out of bounds in midfield. Ippolitto got away for a dash to the 26-yard line but the Tigers braced and the Cleveland threat was frustrated when Clendening intercepted a pass on the 16-yard line. Failing to gain, Kester got off a beautiful punt that traveled 71 yards sending the Hilltoppers back to their 24-yard line. Hess placed the Tigers in a position to score by intercepting a pass on the Cleveland 40 and dashing back to the 16-yard line, but four attempts to pierce the line gained little more than nine yards and the Tigers forfeited the ball to Cleveland, seven yards from the scoring stripe. The ball was returned by a punt to the local team when the first period ended on the Cleveland 44-yard line.

Second Period
Williams made five yards in two plays and Kester dropped back on the fourth down and sent a punt out of bounds on the Cleveland one-yard line. Ryan backed up against the fence to return the kick but Willison crashed through and blocked the punt, the ball going into the crowd for a safety. Cleveland kicked from the 20-yard line to the Tigers who after failing to gain, returned the boot to the Hilltopper’s 13-yard line, thus gaining seven yards on the exchange. Failing to make a first down in three plays the visitors booted the ball back to midfield. Three plays netted the locals a first down on the 39-yard line, but they later lost the ball on downs on the 30-yard line. Ippolitto got away for a dash to the
47-yard line, but a lateral pass was short and Price covered the ball for the locals. Failing to gain, Kester punted over the goal line and the half ended two plays later.

Third Period
Soon after the kickoff the visitors began a drive that for a time scared the Massillon fans. Getting the ball on their own 20-yard line, they carried it back to the Massillon 45-yard lines where the orange and black braced and forced the Hilltoppers to punt. The locals after gaining but six yards in two plays returned the kick to the Cleveland 35-yard line. Ippolitto got away for a first down in midfield but again the Massillon boys braced and forced the visitors to punt.

Fourth Period
A return kick by Kester sent Cleveland back to its own 27-yard line. After they had negotiated a first down the Clevelanders were stopped three times with little gain and punted wide and outside on their own 47-yard line. A 15-yard penalty set the Tigers back a bit and Kester punted to the Cleveland 34-yard line. Cleveland then negotiated two long passes, one gaining a first down in midfield and the other carrying the ball to the 39-yard line where the visitors were stopped by the Tigers who took the ball on their own 33-yard stripe. With Singer and Williams carrying the ball and a five-yard penalty helping some, the locals marched up the field to the Cleveland 20-yard stripe where they were held for downs, losing the ball by a foot. Cleveland took the pigskin and tried a long pass which fell inches beyond the reach of the intended receiver who had an unmolested path ahead of him to the goal. Another attempt to score by the air route only led to the pass being intercepted by a Massillon player and the locals were on the visitors’ 33-yard line when the game ended.

Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos Cleveland
Getz LE Banko
Willison LT Hemingway
Monroe LG Chesnutt
Schott C Thom
Worthington RG Gordon
Price RT Axtel
Hess RE Mathewson
Kester QB Curfman
Foster LH Truman
Clendening RH Ippolitto
Willison FB Hemingway

Score by periods:
Massillon 0 2 0 0 2

Massillon – Singer, rh; Bordner, lh.
Cleveland Heights – Lenz, re; Mehring, fb.

Safety – Massillon.

Referee – Calhoun (Denison).
Umpire – Ave (Baldwin-Wallace).
Field Judge – Henderson (Pomona).
Head Linesman – Watkins (Harvard).

Periods – 12 minutes.

Massillon’s Boys Deliver

Independent Sports Editor

A pat on the back – and a good resounding one – for those fighting and courageous orange and black warriors of Washington high school who Friday night, completely kicked over the dope bucket and smeared a 2 to 0 defeat upon a powerful and skillful Cleveland Heights eleven in one of the most dramatic high school football games ever staged in Massillon.

It was an inspired Washington high school team that took the field Friday night to battle for the honor of their school. But they were fighting for more than their school. They were fighting for their coach Elmer McGrew, who was called to Beaver Falls, Pa., early in the week by the death of his father and who was unable to watch his boys in action last night.

They were fighting for victory over a powerful and highly rated foe because they felt that a triumph would, in some small measure at least, show to their grief stricken and absent coach that they were with him to a man and would do what they could to lighten, if possible, the mantle of sorrow which had been cast about his shoulders by the death of his parent.
* * * *
Never has a Washington high school football team fought harder and more magnificently than did that orange and black squad last night. From the opening whistle to the bark of the final gun they were in there fighting – fighting as only boys with the heart of a lion and a never-say-die spirit know how.

There was Johnny Kester whose brilliant punting on more than one occasion carried his team out of the danger zone. There was Bob Willison, a stalwart and powerful tackle who hurled himself through the Cleveland Heights line and blocked the punt that gave his team a safety and eventually victory. There was little Don Hess who grabbed a Cleveland forward pass out of the air and streaked almost to the goal line. There was stocky Glen Williams whose powerful thrusts tore gaping holes into the Cleveland line. And there were eight or nine other boys who fought with all their might and main and saw their efforts crowned with victory – as sweet a victory as ever a Massillon high school team achieved.
* * * *
For thrilling moments and dramatic tenseness last night’s game ranked with that memorable and never-to-be-forgotten classic with Cleveland Shaw high in 1922 which Massillon won 7 to 6 in a brilliant final period spurt.

Given only an outside chance of defeating the powerful Cleveland Heights aggregation, one of the greatest scholastic teams in Ohio, Washington high’s gridders never quit trying. They had to fight hard. They had to be on their toes all the time for the visitors were strong. They were liable to break loose at any time. They possessed a splendid running attack and a deadly forward passing machine but they never scored. Great as they were they simply could not pierce that snarling wall of orange and black. It was tougher than steel last night.

Because they chalked up such a splendid victory over such a worthy foe; because they showed a fighting spirit that won the acclaim of the fans and because they played the best game of football a Washington high school team has displayed in a long time, they deserve a great big pat on the back.

So let’s give it to them!

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo Gameday

1930: Massillon 26, Conneaut 0

Tigers Will Play First Night Game With Conneaut, Friday


FOOTBALL fans of Massillon and various other sections of Stark and maybe a few surrounding counties will see their first night game here Friday evening, when the Tigers of Washington high school make their third bid for victory with Conneaut high school gridders furnishing the opposition.

Unless all pass jurisdictions do not mean a thing, the game should attract one of the biggest crowds in the history of the local athletic field. More local fans will travel to the field than ever before if for no other reason than just to see how a football game looks when it is played under the stars. Football enthusiasts from other sections of the country will come here for the same reason and, if they choose to cheer either of the two teams, it is almost certain that they will pick the local squad.

Out for the First Triumph
Under those conditions the only thing which will be needed to make the evening a great success is for the Tigers to crash through for a victory – their first of the season.

Predicting a victory for the Tigers under the present circumstances which include a complete lack of knowledge of what kind of a team Conneaut has would be rather foolish. Before making predictions it is always best to know just what kind of opposition a team is going to have and that is something which is not known here except for the fact that Conneaut started off its season week-end before last with a 6-0 defeat by Cleveland Marshall.

Tigers Hard at Work
It can be safely said that regardless of how tough the visitors are they are going to have to work plenty hard to throw the Tigers for their third straight loss. Losing three games in a row isn’t a thing which is relished by any athletic team of the local high school or in fact, any school, and the football playing Tigers are going to do their best to prevent such a thing which would just about ruin all their hopes for any kind of season.

That it will be a different team than the one which took a 6-0 defeat from Akron East more than a week ago which will face Conneaut is certain. Of course the players will be the same but, if what the Tigers have shown in practice since that time and in the Lorain game Saturday is any indication, their playing will be better.

The Tigers, those who saw the Lorain game claim, were just about as good again Saturday as they were against East more than a week ago. That backfield hesitation which just about squashed all chances for victory against the Akron squad was conspicuous by its absence when the orange and black gridders went up against Lorain, it is said. The line was stronger and the other play was better also, the spectators reported. If that is the case the Tigers should get going in earnest Friday evening.

One Change Planned
With probably only one change it is possible that the Tiger lineup will be the same as it was against East, the change being one made in the Lorain game – Getz playing left end instead of Worthington. Worthington has been a sick boy for several days and, although he was out for school yesterday, it is possible that he will not be able to play Friday. Getz, who was one of the Tigers backfield men last year, played a nice game at the end position.

Johnny Kester, classy punter probably will start at quarterback. Singer, half, started in that position at Lorain and looked fair during the half he was in. Kester went in the second half and played a much better game than he did against East, calling the signals like he used to last year.

Night Practice
Just how playing under lights will affect the Tigers is uncertain. In scrimmages they held two consecutive nights against two other local squads the boys played real good ball.



NEW page in the football history of Massillon was written at Massillon field, Friday evening, and as it was made the orange and black clad Tigers of the school marked up their first victory of the season in an impressive manner, defeating a tough lot of gridders from Conneaut high by a 26-0 score.

To the persons who in years to come will read of this bit of football history the principal point of interest will be the fact that the game was the first night affair played in this city. To the fans who attended the game the largest item was the Tigers’ imposing victory.
Maybe it was because they wanted to make a good showing in their first night game – or maybe it was because they have settled down to the important business of winning football games. Whatever the reason, the fact remains that the same team which played more or less like a sandlot squad two weeks ago snapped out of it last night to pull off a series of neat plays which completely overcame the Conneaut gridders, seven of whom are veterans of last season.

Breaks Aid Local Gridders
Taking advantage of the breaks given them and manufacturing a few for themselves the Tigers marked up four touchdowns, the first coming not more than three or four minutes after the game started and the last being chalked up near the middle of the final quarter.

To a backfield including three veterans of the 1929 squad and one recruit starting his first game for his new alma mater belongs the lion’s share of the glory. It was that backfield which gave the local school its first 1930 victory. The line unfortunately, did not show up as well as the backfield although it did look considerably better than it did in the first game two weeks ago.

Fumbles Hurt
Conneaut it must be admitted certainly got its share of the tough breaks. These breaks started on the very first play when Jerry Mosher, fullback and captain of the squad, fumbled as he was returning the first kick. The most disastrous of the others was a fumble early in the second half which completely broke up a determined rally which had netted 40 yards on three plays.

It looked like the Tigers were going to score earlier than they did when Worthington recovered Mosher’s fumble on Conneaut’s 38-yard line on the first play. Three tries at the line, however, didn’t give the Tigers the necessary yardage and Kester punted, the ball being downed on Conneaut’s six-yard marker. Lyons immediately returned the punt, Kester taking it on the center stripe and carrying it to his opponent’s 25-yard line.

Clendening went through a nice hole made for him for eight yards and Conneaut took a five yard penalty for off-sides to put the ball on Conneaut’s 12-yard line. Foster went through for two yards. Clendening made one and Foster made five more, putting the ball four yards away from the goal and only two from a first down.

First Score of Season
In the next play Kester took the ball and handed it to Clendening who circled left end and scored Massillon’s first touchdown of the game and season. Clendening’s kick was good and the score was: Massillon, 7; Conneaut, 0.

Conneaut started a determined march up the field on the next play, Lyons, clever halfback, returning the ball from Conneaut’s 30-yard stripe to Massillon’s 40-yard line in two successive smashes at the line. A disastrous fumble on the next play by Grice was recovered by Getz and the brief spurt was at an end.

For a few minutes after that the action was near midfield, the big features being a clever right end run by Foster which netted 15 yards and Worthington’s crashing through to throw the Conneaut runners for nice losses.

However, only a few minutes elapsed after the start of the second session before Massillon scored again. The successful try for the touchdown started when Foster returned a Conneaut punt to his own 33-yard line. Three successive line drives by Clendening brought a first down, the ball being on Conneaut’s 21-yard stripe. Clendening circled right end for five yards, putting the pigskin 16 yards from the goal line.

The Massillon line pulled what was probably its best bit of football in the game on the next play when it made a hole big enough for a locomotive to go through to permit Kester to go over for the touchdown. The kick was blocked and the score was: Massillon, 13; Conneaut, 0.

Pass Intercepted
Another Conneaut fumble gave the Tigers the ball on their opponent’s 41-yard stripe but an attempt for a third touchdown was spoiled when Mosher took Clendening’s pass and was downed on his own 35-yard line. Conneaut started a passing attack as the half neared its end but only one of them was good, it netting seven yards. The half ended with Massillon maintaining its 13-0 lead.

The Conneaut coach must have done something to his players between halves because they certainly came back for a few minutes. Jerry Mosher probably the best man on the team, started to carry the ball and on three successive tries made 40 yards, lugging the leather from his own 25-yard line to Massillon’s 35-yard stripe. His first play brought 17 yards and a first down, the second 14 yards and another first down and the third only a foot less than the required yardage for another first down.

Conneaut’s hard luck appeared on the next play when Mosher fumbled and a Massillon man recovered on the Tiger’s 26-yard line. That break seemed to take the heart out of the visitors because when they got the ball again they didn’t do a thing, losing four yards on two tries.

Williams Scores
A poor punt which sent the ball only 25 yards to Conneaut’s 45-yard line put the Tigers in place for their third touchdown. On the first play Kester ran back a little, sighted his man and passed to Clendening for a 20-yard gain. On three successive smashes at the line Williams got 13 yards and another first down. Williams again carried for two yards as the quarter ended.

With but 10 yards separating them from the goal the Tigers played determined ball to get the touchdown. Clendening crashed the line for four yards and Williams put the ball only six inches the wrong side of a first down. Williams went through for first down, placing the ball less than a foot from the goal. On the deciding play the Massillon line crashed over the Conneaut players and Williams piled on top of them over the line for six points. The kick was no good, the score being: Massillon, 19; Conneaut, 0.

Only a few minutes of play remained but it was long enough for another score. Massillon took a Conneaut punt on the opponent’s 47-yard line. A five-yard gain by Williams and a 15-yard penalty for Conneaut because of rough playing put the ball on Conneaut’s 25-yard line.

Kester went around right end for two yards. Williams made six through and Clendening lost two before the goal gaining play came. A successful pass from Kester to Worthington back of the goal brought the marker. Williams went through Conneaut’s line for the extra points.

From then on the game was not so interesting, Conneaut’s last minute try for a touchdown against a team made up of substitutes which was ruined on two successive penalties for the visitors, furnishing the only thrill of the last few moments. Fighting still as the last minute was being ticked off a Conneaut man recovered a Massillon fumble and started down what looked like a clear field but was downed by a Tiger substitute as the gun went off.

Backfield Shines
Picking out a star from those backfield men is difficult. All of them played well, Kester punting his best of the season, Clendening making nice gains on end runs, Williams crashing the line for first downs when they were needed, and Foster playing a very nice game in every respect. The backfield looked more like the one of last season than at any other time this year.

The line was better than usual but showed that there is still room for improvement. Worthington was probably the outstanding player of the line. He made several nice tackles.

Jerry Mosher and Lyons, fullback and half, were the outstanding stars of the visiting team. Mosher only got going on one or two occasions but when he did there wasn’t any stopping him. Lyons played a fast game, circling end a number of times for nice gains.

The first downs of the game were even, both teams getting eight. Massillon’s came when they did the most good while Conneaut got practically all of theirs in territory where they didn’t do much good.

Night football, without a doubt, was given the approval of all fans who attended the game. The bright lights made the field as light as day, the complete absence of shadows even making the game somewhat easier to follow than a regular day affair.

The Tigers added to the brightness of the occasion with their new uniforms with orange jerseys trimmed with black and carrying white numbers. The game took on a festive air as the drum corps of Massillon Post N. 221, American Legion paraded before the game and during the half, putting on some of its prize-winning drills during the recess period.

The crowd was disappointing to say the least. About 1,500 persons, very few if any more than the number present at the Akron East game two weeks ago, were present.

The summary:
Massillon Pos. Conneaut
Getz LE Watson
Willison LT D. Mosher
Mudd LG Malaney
Schott C Dickey
Worthington RG Johnstrone
Price RT Maney
Hess RE Hissimaki
Kester QB Higgins
Foster LH Grice
Clendening RH Lyons
Williams FB J. Mosher

Score by periods:
Massillon 7 6 0 13 26

Conneaut – Burr for Watson; Brady for D. Mosher; Ritari for Burr; Cobuzzi for J. Mosher; J. Mosher for Cobuzzi; D. Mosher for Brady.
Massillon – Suttle for Getz; Hoyman for Schott; Singer for Foster; Snodgrass for Mudd; Porter for Kester; Getz for Suttle; Hoyman for Schott; Roderick for Getz; Schott for Hoyman; Snodgrass for Roderick.

Massillon – Clendening; Kester; Williams; Worthington.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Clendening; Williams.

Referee – Welther, Akron.
Umpire – Wagner, Mt. Union.
Head Linesman – Kelley, Salem.

John Kester
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1930: Massillon 0, Lorain 14

Lorain Backfield Cracks Inexperienced High Line

Special to The Independent

LORAIN, Sept. 29 – Weakening before a persistent Lorain attack in the first and third quarters, Washington high of Massillon lost its second game of the season here Saturday, by a score of 14 to 0.

Although outplayed most of the way, the Massillon eleven made a hard fight of it, never allowing Lorain any ground that was not hotly contested.

Massillon’s lone opportunity to score came late in the last quarter after a pass from Singer to Williams put the ball on the 13-yard line from the 35. Kester made a charge at the line and placed the ball on the 10-yard marker. Lorain held Massillon to a yard gain on the next down and on the third, Urbanic, Lorain’s star tackle broke through to throw Kester for a four-yard loss and their chance was gone.

Pass Brings Score
In beating off the invasion of orange and black, the Lorain team made nine first downs to Massillon’s four, scoring six of them in the first half. In the second half, both teams resorted to a kicking duel which cut down the number of downs. Kester had a slight advantage in the exchanges.

Lorains’ first touchdown against the Tigers came in the first quarter when after marching from their own 35-yard line to Massillon’s 30-yard line in three straight downs, Nickolette heaved a 15-yard pass to Bahoric who raced across the line. Bahoric, in turn place-kicked the point to his own touchdown.

The second touchdown came in the third quarter. This time, it was a one-man proposition. Starting on Massillon’s 35-yard line, Stan Pincura Lorain’s star quarterback, carried the ball eight times in succession, to put it across the line. He drove at the Tiger right guard and tackle each of these eight times, making two first downs on the way to the goal line by himself. After scoring the touchdown, Pincura plunged over the line for the extra point.

Clendening, Kester Star
Massillon’s line showed its inexperience in the more crucial moments when it was unable to withstand the rush of the home town attack. They seemed to hold better when in neutral territory.

The veteran backfield of the invading team was not able to do much against a powerful Lorain line and Clendening succeeded in circling the local ends only on two occasions for any appreciable gains.

However, Clendening and Kester were the outstanding stars of the game for the Tiger team. Kester pounded at the Lorain line hard but often met his own forwards backing into him. Twice he was able to make first downs when he could find a hole but they were rare. His kicking was up to its usual fine form.

Clendening played a fine game in the safety positions despite a treacherous wind which frequently made it almost impossible to catch the kicks of Nickolette.

The summary follows:
Lorain – 14 Pos. Massillon – 0
B. Urbas LE Getz
Donohue LT Willison
J. Urban LG Snodgrass
Busick C Schott
J. Pincura RG Mudd
Urbanic RT Price
Cinniger RE Hess
S. Pincura QB Singer
Bahoric LH Kester
Nickolette RH Clendening
Kohlmyer FB Williams

Score by periods:
Lorain 7 0 7 0 14

Touchdowns: Lorain – Bahoric and S. Pincura.

Points after touchdown: Lorain – Bahoric (placekick); S. Pincura (scrimmage).

Referee – Howell (Sebring).
Umpire – Houghton (Oberlin).
Head Linesman – Johnson (Navy).

John Kester
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1930: Massillon 0, Akron East 6



The third time is the charm. At least everybody claims it is. The varsity football team of Washington high school proved that it is the exception which proves that rule as well as others when it took its third consecutive 6-0 defeat from gridders representing Akron East in the season’s opener on the local athletic field, Saturday afternoon.

Playing practically even ball with their opponents during the first three quarters of the game despite the fact that East had a large edge as far as first downs were concerned, the Tigers saw their hard work go for nothing in the last few minutes of play when the Rubber City squad made a determined march almost the entire length of the field to score the only touchdown of the afternoon.

It was a punt that carried the ball a mere foot over Akron’s line which put the pigskin on the Oriental’s 20-yard line from where it was carried by the East gridders to the Tigers’ goal.

March 80 Yards for Score
Several times before East had the ball much closer to the Massillon line and nothing had happened but this time things were different. With 80 yards separating them and victory, the Orientals started their march. And what a march it was. Five consecutive first downs, the gaining of which brought forth most of the tricks known to the popular game, carried the ball to Massillon’s 20-yard line. An off tackle play was tried by East and then Fessler circled left end for the remaining distance. The Akronites narrowly missed gaining an extra point when their kick for goal hit the left side of the goal post.

That march down the field looked more like a steam roller putting an end to a tough job than a group of high school football players going after a victory. Stopping a cattle stampede would have been about as easy as stopping those East gridders once they got started in the right direction and it is doubtful whether any team in the state could have accomplished the trick.

The wearers of the orange and black tried valiantly to thrust back the Orientals as they had done several times before but the strain of playing three quarters of mid-season ball in weather better suited for swimming than football, coupled with the fact that they were up against a much more experienced team proved too much.

Misses Try For Goal
The Tigers narrowly missed scoring against East in the early minutes of the final quarter on a try for a placement kick. Getting the ball on Akron’s 40-yard line the Tigers carried it to the 25-yard line on a succession of plays, one of them, a pass from Singer to Hess being good for 12 yards. With five yards gained on three plays, Kester dropped back for the kick. For a moment it seemed like Massillon was to get the first points of the day, the ball heading directly for the center of the goal post. However, the kick was a trifle short, the ball missing the cross bar by inches.

East started off like a flash in the first quarter, marking up several first downs on the first few plays. The visitors worked the ball into Massillon territory several times but the new Tiger line, somewhat weak when the ball was near the center of the field, always tightened up when the Massillon line was in danger of being crossed and held the Orientals back where they belonged. Nearly all of the play was in Massillon territory the first quarter.

Kester Hold Punting Edge
The Tigers reversed things in the second session, keeping the pigskin on East’s side of the field a larger part of the time. Most of the time during that quarter the ball was in the air, Kester and Fessler putting on a punting duel with Kester holding an edge due to the fact that although his distance was about the same as East’ punter he nearly always placed the ball where he wanted it – over the edge near the Akron line.

Despite the fact that East got 13 first downs to five for the Tigers, the Massillon line looked rather good. Holding an experienced and veteran squad like East has to that many first downs and only one touchdown would do credit to any line in the state. Except in that final drive all of East’s first downs came near midfield, the Tiger line stopped the Orientals dead when they approached Massillon’s end of the field. Worthington and Hess looked well on ends with Willison and Hoyman showing up well at tackle and center respectively.

The Tigers’ veteran backfield didn’t look as well as it did during several of its games last year. The boys seemed to be unable to get started soon enough to get very far. An inability to get East’s defensive stars out of the way soon enough was what prevented the orange and black wearers from gaining much ground.

Few Substitutions
Fessler showed up best for the visitors. Time and time again he crashed through the Tigers’ line or circled end for nice gains. Fontaine and Ostravitch, two men who helped East defeat Massillon last year, also aided the Akron cause a lot. Their spin delay which they also used last year resulted in several nice gains. Appleby played a clever game at right end for the visitors.

Despite the fact that it was the first game of the season for both squads there was little rough playing, East getting the only 15 yard penalty for that. East was set back 10 yards and the Tigers went 10 yards in the wrong direction, all because of their over-anxiousness except in the one instance for East.

Substitutes were few, Coach Elmer McGrew making two changes on right guard and the East coach changing only at half.

The weather was unsuited for football. Except for a light breeze during the second half there was nothing which made the weather anything that desired for football. A fairly large crowd saw the game, about 1,500 fans filling the stands.

First Quarter
Fontaine kicked off for Akron, Massillon getting the ball on its own 40-yard line. Two line plunges by Clendening netted five yards. Kester punted to Akron’s 25-yard line. Fontaine circled right end on Akron’s first play for 10 yards and a first down. Ostravitch went through Massillon’s line for two yards. Fontaine crashed through for 10 more yards, giving Akron another first down. Ostravitch and Fessler got another first down on successive line plunges. Ostravitch was thrown for a two yard loss. He made four yards around left end on the next play. Gray went around right end for 12 yards, putting the ball on Massillon’s 18-yard line.

Massillon’s line was working hard but Fessler, Ostravitch and Fontaine gained eight yards on three tries. Fontaine passed to Fessler but the play did not give them enough gain and it was Massillon’s ball on its own 10-yard line. Williams made six yards through the line before Kester punted to the 50-yard line. Ostravitch gained a yard. Fessler added eight more and Ostravitch got two more for another first down. Fontaine went around right end for seven more yards. Ostravitch got five more and another first down. Fontaine and Ostravitch got three yards on two line plunges as the quarter ended with the ball on Massillon’s 23-yard line.

Second Quarter
Fontaine went through the line for two yards. A pass was no good, Massillon taking the ball on its own 21-yard line. Clendening was thrown for a yard loss. Kester’s punt was returned 10 yards to Akron’s 45-yard line. Ostravitch made five around right end. Akron received the first penalty of the game, five yards, on the next play, the ball being on Akron’s 25-yard line. Fessler got away on a long end run and had a clear field with the exception of Clendening. Clendening crashed into him and downed him on Massillon’s 40-yard line after he had gained 15 yards. An Akron man fumbled and Massillon recovered.

Clendening went through for two yards. Williams lost a yard. Kester punted to Akron’s 23-yard line, Fessler returning the ball on a punt to Massillon’s own 40-yard line. Massillon got its first five-yard penalty on its first play. Kester’s pass was unsuccessful. Kester punted but Akron got another five-yard penalty on the play, Massillon keeping the ball. Kester made one yard through before East got another five yard penalty. Williams crashed the line for four yards and a first down. Three plays gave Massillon eight yards. Kester punted to Akron’s 10 yard line. Fessler returned the punt, putting the ball on his own 38-yard line by kicking it over the line. Williams got one through the line. Kester dropped the ball but recovered it with a one-yard loss. Singer’s pass was unsuccessful. Kester punted, placing the ball on Akron’s 15-yard line. Fessler punted, the ball being placed on Massillon’s 46-yard line.

Kester’s pass was unsuccessful. Williams got a yard through the line. Clendening punted, Akron getting the ball on its own 20-yard line. Akron got another five yard penalty. Fessler and Fontaine marked up another first down before the quarter ended.

Third Quarter
Williams kicked to Akron’s 20-yard line, an East man returning the ball to the 30 yard marker. Two plays gave East another first down. Fontaine made two yards and Gray lost one. Fessler punted, Clendening returning the ball 24 yards to Massillon’s 44-yard line. Kester went around end for four yards. Williams got two through the line. Massillon was penalized five yards. Kester punted to Akron’s 15-yard line, the ball being returned five yards. After a five-yard gain, Fessler punted to Massillon’s 45-yard line. Kester fumbled and an Akron man recovered on Massillon’s 44-yard line. Gray and Fessler got another first down, the ball being on Massillon’s 31-yard stripe. Ostravitch made a yard and Fontaine lost one. Fessler went through for two. Fessler punted, Massillon getting the ball on its own 20-yard line. Williams got one through the line and lost two on the next play. Kester punted but Akron was penalized 15 yards, putting the ball on Massillon’s 35-yard line. Two tries at the line netted two yards. Kester punted, Akron taking the ball on its own 10-yard line. Fessler returned the ball on a punt to his own 40-yard line as the quarter ended.

Fourth Quarter
Williams got a yard around right end. He added two more on the next try. Singer completed a pretty pass to Hess which netted 12 yards, putting the ball on Akron’s 25-yard line and giving Massillon another first….SOME COPY IS MISSING.

It was Akron’s ball. Fontaine was thrown for a four yard loss. He gained five around right end. Fessler punting, Clendeing returning the ball to the 50 yard marker.

Singer made three around right end. Williams got two through the line. Kester’s pass to Clendening was just a little wide. Kester punted, the ball seemingly dropping a yard short of the line as a Massillon man dropped on it. The officials ruled it had crossed the line and gave Akron the ball on their own 20-yard line. The decision did not please the Massillon fans. Fontaine got 11 yards on two tries for a first down. Akron was penalized five yards. Ostravtich made no gain. Gray got away on a long right end run which netted 14 yards. Fessler added two more for another first down. Fontaine went through for five yards. Fessler added yard for another first down with the ball on Massillon’s 48-yard line. Ostravitch got 12 yards on a long end run for another first down. Fontaine got two around right end and Fessler crashed through the line for three more, putting the ball on Massillon’s 31-yard line. Fontaine’s pass to Appleby was good for 11 more yards and another first down, putting the ball on Massillon’s 20-yard line. Fessler took the ball on a run around right end and cleared the Massillon players for the touchdown. Fontaine’s kick for the extra point was unsuccessful when the ball hit the post.
Score: Akron East, 6; Massillon, 0.

Fessler’s kick was over the line and Massillon took the ball on its own 20-yard line. Kester’s pass was too wide. Williams made seven yards through. Kester added four for a first down. The game ended just as the next play started.

Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. Akron East
Worthington LE Appleby
Willison LT Whittaker
Snodgrass LG Bennett
Hoyman C Schentz
Foster RG Vosper
Price RT Owens
Hess RE Padelka
Kester QB Fontaine
Singer LH Gray
Clendening RH Ostravitch
Williams FB Fessler

Score by periods:
East 0 0 0 6 6

Massillon – Roderick for Foster; Mudd for Roderick.
East – Lindsey for Gray.

East – Fessler.

Referee – Sellers (Youngstown).
Umpire – Rang (Akron).

John Kester
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1929: Massillon 31, Canton McKinley 6



With the alertness and craftiness of the famous jungle cat the Washington high school Tiger sneaked through the traps that had been set for it at Canton Saturday afternoon, clawed the turf four times behind the Bulldog goal line and roared out of Lakeside stadium with a 31-6 victory, the greatest score that has ever been rolled up in a Canton-Massillon high school football clash.

The real Obie could not be captured like the paper Mache Tiger that was taken from the clubhouse last week and returned to the school Saturday. It would not be captured, and though 11 fighting Bulldogs tried every known bit of strategy to subdue the orange and black terror, the Tiger was still on the field as the sun began to sink in the west and the Bulldogs were cooped up in their kennel and the door locked for another season.

Fought With Vengeance
“Canton – why did you steal Obie? It wouldn’t have been so bad – but you stole Obie.” Those words created a laugh in the stands when uttered by an enthusiastic Massillon fan, but they emphasized the spirit of vengeance with which the Massillon gridders split their traditional rivals asunder in the third and fourth periods Saturday afternoon.

Striking as swiftly as a tornado, the whirlwind offense found its golden gate in sight shortly after the start of the third period and swept through it to victory with a suddenness and power that not only shocked the Canton spectators but left the Massillon fans gasping.

An intercepted forward pass did it, and it changed defeat into victory so quickly that the morale of the McKinley players was broken and the fighting spirit lost.

Trailing 6-3 at the half, none but the Tigers and probably their coach were confident of victory when the teams took the field after the rest recess. A bit of hard luck gave Canton the ball on its 40-yard line. But just when Massillon fans were looking on with abated breath for fear McKinley would get away with another of these passes such as scored a touchdown in the second period, Blatz came out of no where to spear Hartsel’s wild heave and sprint 60 yards for a touchdown. All the Massillon tackle had to do was run and that he did and what McKinley players remained in his path were blocked out of the way by the orange and black interference that was mustered together quickly to produce the decisive score of the day. Clendening kicked the extra point from placement, and Canton was whipped. But the Tiger wasn’t through. It came back to score three more times in the fourth quarter on offensive drives that left no doubt as to which was the better team on the field.

Crafty And Alert
The Tiger was alert Saturday, following the ball continually and getting nearly all the breaks. And it was crafty, deceiving the red and black defenders time and again with reverse and spinner plays executed through the good judgment of Quarterback John Kester. The deception of the Tiger attack was most plainly noticeable on the try for point on the last touchdown, when the entire McKinley team rushed to knock down an expected placekick while Williams waltzed through the line for the extra marker. Again the craftiness of the Tiger came to light when the star of the game won the game by not carrying the ball. “Watch Clendening”. Those two words were drilled into the red and black nightly for the past two weeks and the Bulldogs were so intent upon watching the orange and black shadow that they forgot that Massillon had three other ball carriers who could plunge for gains.

Used For Deception
Realizing that Clendening, his star open field runner, would be trailed like a criminal Saturday, Coach Elmer McGrew built his running attack around Kester, Williams and Getz, and left Clendening to take carrying the ball on reverse and spinner plays. In the first half of the game Clendening carried the pigskin but a few times and being watched so closely gained only a few yards but when the red and black began to pay less attention to him in the latter part of the game, Kester gave him the ball and he got away for several nice runs, scoring one touchdown.

Backfield Worked Smoothly
But Clendening was only one of a quartet of backs who performed like a machine, Saturday. Williams’ hard smashes left an impression every time he collided with the Canton line and Kester’s off tackle dashes cut the red and black line to pieces. Getz, playing his second game in the backfield, made several neat gains and played a great defensive game as did the entire Massillon line; Lewis, Williams and Houriet outstanding. But to Blatz goes the glory of turning the tide of battle and upsetting the spirit of the Canton team.

The Tigers were first to score. After passing up two opportunities in the first period, the orange and black, early in the second quarter got the ball on the 24-yard line as a result of a poor punt by Fehn. Kester immediately smacked left tackle for seven yards. Williams added two more and Getz made it first down on the 11-yard line. Clendening failed to gain more than two yards in three plunges and with the ball on the nine-yard line, the colored flash dropped back to the 20-yard stripe and with Kester holding the pigskin, applied his educated toe to the leather for a field goal, giving the orange and black three points.

McKinley Scores
But the lead was short lived, for after the kickoff there was an exchange of punts, which would up with Kester getting a bad pass and juggling the ball which kept him from getting away his punt on the fourth down, McKinley gaining the leather on its 33-yard line. A four-yard plunge and a short pass gave the red and black a first down on the 23-yard line, and after Plaver had plunged for a two-yard gain, Hartsel stepped back and tossed a long pass to Smith who had slipped from his right end over to the left side of the field unnoticed to take the ball and scamper for a touchdown. Rich’s attempted kick was low.

That ended the scoring for the first half and Blatz’s sprint of the day in the early minutes of the third period has already been described. While the Tigers’ second touchdown was not scored until the fourth period it was in the making in the closing minutes of the third period. The drive started when the Tigers got the ball in midfield on a punt. A running attack carried the pigskin to the eight-yard line as the quarter ended. On the second play of the fourth period, Kester lugged the ball across, and Clendening kicked goal. Getting the ball in the center of the field the orange and blacks a few minutes later again hit their stride, rushing the leather to the 17-yard line where Rich, Canton end, was caught slugging and a 15-yard penalty was inflicted on the red and black. Williams went through for the touchdown and Clendening kicked goal. Hartsel fumbled the following kickoff and Houiet recovered on the 26-yard line. Clendening and Kester carried the ball to the one-yard line where Clendening took it across. Williams plunged over for the extra point.

Tigers Excel in Every Way
The orange and black was superior in every department of play, making 17 first downs to Canton’s seven, and averaging 48 yards on punts to Canton’s 34 yards.

The Tigers completed on pass in five attempts for a gain of 20 yards. McKinley completed five passes in 18 attempts for a gain of 37 yards. Four passes were intercepted by the local team.

The crowd was small compared to the usual Massillon-Canton gathering, officials estimating the size at 5,000. The McKinley band which drilled gaily between halves when winning, left the field before the end of the game as did about half the red and black spectators.

Canton’s main threat was Hartsel and he played his head off during the day, being identified in three out of every four plays run off by the red and black. He was over worked to such an extent that he could barely stand on his feet at the end of the game. Mottice and Rich were the main defensive threats of the Canton gridders.

First Quarter
Following the raising of the colors, McKinley which had won the toss, elected to receive at the south end of the field. Willison kicked off to Plaver who returned 13 yards to the 28-yard line. Hartsel failed to gain, and Lewis intercepted his pass on the next play on the 43-yard line. Clendening and Williams made seven yards. Fife, McKinley fullback, was hurt on the play and was replaced by Fehn. Williams went through for a first down on the 31-yard line. Kester struck for five yards and Canton was offside on the next play giving the Tigers another first down on the 22-yard line. Williams hit for three yards, but Kester failed to gain. Kester hit right tackle for four yards on the next play. On a fake placekick formation, Williams failed to make first down by less than a yard, Canton getting the ball on the 13-yard stripe. Hartsel hit for eight yards, but Fehn lost one. Hartsel moved the ball up two yards more and Fehn made it first down on the Canton 25-yard line. A trick lateral pass lost eight yards for Canton. When Hartsel could gain but a yard, Fehn punted to the Massillon 35-yard line where Rich downed the ball. Williams plunged for two yards but Getz lost the same amount. Kester punted back to the Canton 20-yard line. Houriet tossed Hensel for a four-yard loss. Getz covered Fehn’s fumble on the 20-yard line. Kester waded through for a 10-yard gain, but fumbled, McKinley recovering. Hartsel and Plaver made a first down in three plays on the 28-yard line. A reverse play failed but Hartsel slipped through his left guard for five yards. His pass was grounded and Fehn was called upon to punt. He booted the ball to the 45-yard line. Williams and Getz could gain but a yard and Kester returned the kick to the Canton 15-yard line.

Second Quarter
Hartsel’s pass was grounded and Lewis was hurt on the play. Snodgrass replaced Willison and the latter went to center. Hartsel was stopped after a one-yard gain and Fehn got off a poor punt, the ball going out of bounds on the 24-yard line. Kester hit center for seven yards. Williams and Getz made it a first-down on the 11-yard line. Clendening made three yards in as many line plunges but standing on the 20-yard stripe, kicked a field goal from placement with Kester holding the ball, placing the Tigers in the lead, 3-0.

Willison kicked off to Ross who returned 25 yards to the 30-yard line. Schott was hut on the play and after making menacing threats at Pfister, continued in the game. Hartsel slipped through for a seven-yard gain at left tackle. On the next play he made a first down on the Canton 40. A Canton pass was grounded but Massillon was found guilty of being offside and was penalized five yards. A pass, Hartsel to Rich gained yard, while another pass lost two yards. A third pass was batted down. Kester returned Plaver’s punt from the 20 to the 37-yard line. Williams made a yard and Kester two yards. A flock of McKinley players broke through and blocked Kester’s punt, Canton recovering on the 33-yard line. Hartsel made four yards and Canton took time out. A short pass, Fehn to Hartsel gained six yards and a first down on the 23-yard line. Plaver made two yards and Hartsel passed 21 yards to Smith for a touchdown. The attempted kick was low. Score: Canton, 6; Massillon 3.

Two kickoffs for Canton went offside and the Tigers were given the ball on their own
40-yard line. A pass was incomplete, but Canton was penalized five yards for offside, Williams made the other five yards and a first down in two plunges in midfield. Kester got two yards Houriet stumbled as he was about to take Kester’s pass and the ball was grounded. Kester on a fake reverse play to Clendening ran 15 yards to the 35-yard line. Clendening lost three yards, and Getz’s pass was grounded. Kester made two yards and then punted out of bounds on the 10-yard line. Hartsel gained seven yards on two plays before the end of the period.

Third Quarter
McKinley kicked to Williams who returned from his own 10-yard line to the 45-yard line. Clendening failed to catch a pass that would have resulted in a touchdown. Williams and Kester made seven yards and Kester punted over the goal line. Canton, however, was offside on the play and was penalized five yards.

This gave the Tigers a first down, but on the next play they were penalized 15 yards, taking the ball back to the locals 42-yard line. A pass to Clendening gained 20 yards. A second pass was grounded. Kester, trying to punt, was tossed for a loss of 15 yards when he juggled a high pass from center. Hartsel failed to gain, but on the next play, Blatz intercepted Hartsel’s pass and ran 60 yards for a touchdown. Clendening placekicked the extra point. Score: Massillon, 10; Canton, 6.

Willison kicked off to Ross who returned to the 30-yard line. Fehn could not gain and Plaver lost a yard. Clendening returned Plaver’s punt 15 yards to midfield. Kester and Clendening got eight yards and Kester punted over the goal. Hartsel and Fehn negotiated a first down on the local’s 37-yard line. Hartsel made a yard but on the next play his pass was grounded. Fehn could not gain so he punted out of bounds on the 50-yard line. Kester got seven yards in two off tackle plunges and Williams made it a first down on the 34-yard line. Williams hit for three, Getz three and then Williams on two more smashes at the line brought a first down 22 yards away from the Canton goal. Kester struck through tackle for four yards and McKinley took time out; Williams made three yards and Kester got away for a neat gain, plunging for a first down on the eight-yard line as the quarter ended.

Fourth Quarter
Kester plunged to the one-yard line and took it over on the second play of the final period. Clendening placekicked the extra point. Score: Massillon, 17; Canton, 6.

Williams kicked off to Ross who returned 18 yards to the 28-yard line. Hartsel made two yards, but Williams pulled down Hartsel’s pass on the Canton 35-yard line. In three consecutive plays, Williams plunged for a first down on the 25-yard line. Clendening made a yard. Williams banged away for six but the locals were penalized five yards for being in motion. Clendening and Kester could get but six yards and the Tigers surrendered the ball on the 18-yard line. Plaver could not gain, and Hartsel lost five yards. Plaver lost two more yards, Fehn punted to midfield, Clendening fumbled, but Pfister recovered the ball. Massillon fumbled again, but Kester recovered after a five-yard loss. Canton was penalized five yards for being offside however, and Clendening on the next play broke away for a 15-yard run to the 35-yard line. Williams hit tackle for seven yards and Kester made it a first down on the 23-yard line. Williams hit for nine yards and Canton was penalized 15 more yards when Rich was caught using his hands too freely. With the ball on the two-yard line, Williams banged across for the touchdown, Clendening again kicked the extra point. Score: Massillon, 24; Canton, 6.

Willison kicked off to Hartsel who fumbled, Houriet recovering on the 26-yard line. Williams made a yard and Canton was penalized five yards for taking time out too frequently. Clendening made it a first down on the 17-yard line. Kester in two plunges made it first down on the eight-yard line and Clendening took the ball across in three plays. McKinley expecting another placekick rushed Clendening but Williams took the ball off tackle and walked through unmolested for the extra point.

McGrew then sent in his entire second team. Massillon kicked off to the 28-yard line. A pass gained 12 yards and a first down for the red and black on the 40-yard line. When passes failed to gain the Tigers took possession of the ball, Rice gaining a couple of yards as the game came to an end.

Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. McKinley
Worthington LE Rich
Willison LT Hinton
Herman LG Niederhouser
Lewis C Mottice
Pfister RG Everett
Blatz RT Schott
Houriet RE Smith
Kester QB Ross
Clendening LH Plaver
Getz RH Hartsel
Williams FB Fife

Score by quarters:
McKinley 0 6 0 0 6
Massillon 0 3 7 21 31

McKinley – Smith.
Massillon – Blatz; Kester; Williams; Clendening.

Points after touchdown: Massillon – Clendening 3; Williams.

McKinley – Fehn for Fife; Crawford for Everett; Sleighter for Schott; Glaser for Crawford; Fife for Plaver; Benson for Sleighter; Davis for Mottice; R. Schreiber for Smith; E. Schreiber for Hartsel; Forsythe for Hinton.
Massillon – Williams for Lewis; Snodgrass for Willison; Lewis for Willison; Willison for Snodgrass; Hoyman for Lewis; Knowlton for Kester; Price for Herman; Mudd for Williams; Snodgrass for Willison; Singer for Lewis; Spencer for Pfister; Hoagland for Willison; Rice for Clendening; Beck; Myers; Monroe; Roderick; Shankling.

Referee – Shaffer (Akron).
Umpire – Morgan (Youngstown).
Head Linesman – Barrett (Sebring).

Time of quarters: 12 minutes.

Alfred Lewis
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1929: Massillon 46, Akron Kenmore 8



A warm up game with Kenmore Saturday as a part of preparation for the coming game with Canton McKinley this weekend, turned into nothing short of an exhaustive foot race that saw the Washington high school Tigers roll up their largest score of the season in downing their Akron opponents 46 to 8.

Kenmore came to Massillon with the reputation of having one good man and 10 other players and the score was somewhat as expected. In fact the Massillon reserve team was just about balanced with the Kenmore first stringers.

Seconds Start Game
Notre Dame’s plan of attack was used at Massillon Field Saturday afternoon when the Washington high regulars doffed their varsity shirts and handed them over to the yannigans. This deception somewhat fooled the Kenmore fans who were jubilant over the fact that their team had held the Tigers scoreless during the first quarter and had gained almost equally as much ground from scrimmage.

But the shouts grew faint when the regulars with torn and faded jersyes stepped upon the field and began giving the visitors a neat lesson in football.

The first stringers took no time in getting the ball into scoring position and soon after the opening of the second period Rice knifed through tackle for a touchdown. Two more followed in rapid succession as a result of recovered Kenmore fumbles within the 40-yard line. The teams’ first touchdown via the forward pass came when Kester flipped the ball to Clendening behind the Kenmore goal. It was followed by a drive from the 36-yard line which finally terminated when Williams bucked the ball across the goal.

Kenmore Can’t Stop Attack
Kenmore fought back at the Tigers with all its strength but that was only sufficiently strong to momentarily stop the locals at times during the game. At the conclusion of the first half the locals were out in front 20 to 0 and the third quarter had hardly opened until the score was boosted to 27 by a sensational run of 70 yards by Jack Clendening, shifty backfield ace. Rice, Getz and Kester banged across the visitors’ goal line before the end of the game, all three touchdowns coming as a result of long offensive drives directed at the Kenmore wings and tackles.

But the locals could not keep the visitors from scoring and therein the Akron supporters found great delight. The first points came on a safety when a substitute Massillon center passed the ball over Kester’s head, the ball rolling out of the end zone. The touchdown was no fluke and was scored on a succession of forward passes, one of which was muffed but declared complete when “Smiley” Weltner, umpire, ruled that Rice, Massillon back had interfered with the receiver. Forward passes carried the ball to the one-yard line and Caston, ace of the Kenmore backfield lugged the pigskin across.

Caston Constant Threat
Caston was a threat all the time but he was given little support by his teammates. Had he a good line in front of him he would make it miserable for his opponents. He hurls passes with deadly accuracy and is shifty when carrying the ball. Several times he got away for long runs and twice was tackled by the Massillon safety man.

The orange and black tried more passes Saturday than they have at anytime during the year and succeeded in completing four out of 13 for a gain of 83 yards. Kenmore tossed 20 passes and completed nine for a gain of 173 yards. Three were intercepted by the Massillon backs. In a matter of first downs the local eleven had a wide advantage, making the required yardage 26 times while Kenmore made 13 first downs. The Tigers were penalized 10 yards and Kenmore 25 yards.

Clendening Hits Stride
Clendening who was stopped in his tracks at Warren a week ago, got going again Saturday but played only a little over a quarter of the game. In that time he scored two touchdowns, one on a forward pass and the other on a brilliant run of 70 yards. He kicked three points after touchdown. Rice played his best game of the season and made many good gains while Williams and Kester carried on in their usual aggressive style.

Saturday’s crowd was small and would have been much smaller had it not been for the large number of junior high students who turned out to see the junior high preliminary.

First Quarter
Cargill kicked off to Mudd who returned from the 10 to the 39-yard line. Two plays failed to gain, and Kenmore was penalized five yards for being offside. Singer slipped through for a first down on the 47-yard line. Knowlton carried for seven yards and Bordner and Mudd made it a first down on the 36-yard line. Three plays gained seven yards but Singer’s pass on the fourth down to Bordner was too high for the latter to reach and the Tigers surrendered the ball on the 30-yard line. Stopped after a gain of six yards on two plays, Bachtel punted out on the Massillon 40. When his team could not gain Bordner returned the kick to the 35-yard line. Caston returning the ball five yards, Pullo failed to gain and Bachtel punted to Knowlton who was tackled without return on the Massillon 38-yard line. Mudd hit left tackle for three yards. Singer’s pass to Bordner was high, but on the next play Bordner got away around on a dash to the Kenmore 38-yard line. Mudd made four at tack le and a penalty advanced the ball five more yards. Singer slipped through for a first down on the Kenmore 27-yard line. A pass was incomplete but Singer found an opening for seven yards and Knowlton followed up with a first down on the 15-yard line. Three plays gained but four yards as the Kenmore line braced and Singer’s attempted pass on the fourth down was blocked, the Tigers losing the ball on the 11-yard line.

Caston got away for an 18-yard run for a first down on the 29-yard line. Pullo failed to gain but Caston ripped off 11 yards for a first down on the 40-yard line. Caston made three at left but Pullo failed to gain, as the quarter ended.

Second Quarter
Bachtel punted out on the Massillon 30-yard line. The Massillon first string team replaced the shock troops. Clendening passed over Williams’ head, but Rice and Williams picked up enough yards to make a first down on the 46-yard line. Clendening made two yards but consecutive penalties set the orange and black back 10 yards. Rice, however made up the loss and on a reverse play dashed to the Kenmore 25-yard line. Kester made five yards and Clendening a first down in two plays. Williams took the ball to the 8-yard line and Rice skirted left end for the touchdown. Clendening kicked the extra point from placement. Score: Massillon 7; Kenmore 0.

Caston returned Willison’s kickoff to the 37-yard line. Herman recovered a Kenmore fumble on the latter’s 42-yard line. Clendening ripped off 12 yards on the first play and Williams and Kester made it a first down on the 11-yard line. Kester stepped back and flipped a pass to Clendening over the goal line. He kicked the extra point from placement. Score: Massillon 14; Kenmore 0.

Willison kicked off to Caston who returned to the 27-yard line. Miller got away for a
nine-yard run but fumbled and Williams pounced on the pigskin on the 36-yard line. Rice and Kester brought a first down on the 25-yard line in two plays. Rice made a yard and Kester’s pass was blocked but Clendening broke loose for a first down on the 15-yard line. Kester picked up seven more and Williams plunged for a first down on the three-yard line. He went over for a touchdown on the next play. Clendening’s attempted placekick was blocked. Score: Massillon 20; Kenmore 0.

Willison kicked off to Caston who was dropped on the 25-yard line. Two plays and a
five-yard penalty gave Kenmore a first down on the 35-yard line as the half came to a close.

Third Quarter
Caston kicked off to Getz, who was tackled on the 30-yard line. A pass was incomplete, but on the next play Clendening circled right end and raced along the east side line 70 yards for a touchdown. He kicked goal. Willison kicked off to the 40-yard line. A pass, Caston to Stover brought a first down on the Kenmore 49-yard line. Another pass to Stover advanced the ball to the 32-yard line. Pullo failed to gain and Kester ended the threat by intercepting Caston’s pass on the 23-yard line. Williams made six yards.

Getz passed to Kester for a first down on the 38-yard line. Rice reeled off six yards around right end and Getz made it a first down on the Kenmore 45-yard line. Getz, Singer and Williams carried in turn and made a first down on the 30-yard line. Singer and Getz again advanced the ball to the 12-yard line, and Williams, Getz and Kester carried it to the two-yard line where Getz took it across. Williams bucked across for the extra point. Score: Massillon 34; Kenmore 0.

Caston returned Willison’s kickoff from the 20 to the 36-yard line. He passed to Pullo for a first down in midfield. When another pass failed and an end run lost eight yards, Caston punted out of bounds on the 34-yard line. Getz’s pass was wild. Williams made six yards. Kester ran to the nine-yard line and then placed the ball on the four-yard line as the quarter ended.

Fourth Quarter
Kester plunged for a touchdown on the first play of the fourth quarter. Williams failed to carry the ball across on a line buck for the attempted point. Score: Massillon 40; Kenmore 0.

Caston took the kickoff and returned it to midfield. Massillon began running subs into the game. Plays failed to fain and after one pass had been knocked down, Caston’s second pass was declared complete on interference, giving Kenmore a first down on the 35-yard line. Caston circled right end for a first down on the nine-yard line. Kenmore was penalized five-yards for being offside. A pass gained five yards but further gaining effort failed and Kenmore surrendered the ball on the nine-yard line. Hoyman’s pass traveled over Kester’s head and rolled by the end zone, giving the visitors two points. Score: Massillon 40; Kenmore 2.

Kester punted the ball from the 20-yard line to the Kenmore 35-yard line following the safety. Interference was again charged a Massillon back on a Kenmore pass and the visitors were given a first down on the local’s 27-yard line. Two passes were too long and brought a penalty of five yards but a third pass carried into the arms of Pullo who was tossed out of bounds on the one-yard line. Caston went across on the next play. His dropkick for the extra point waswild. The Tigers received, Singer carrying the kickoff to the 41-yard line. When the Tigers failed to gain, Bordner punted to the Kenmore 30-yard line. Three passes were grounded and Caston punted back to his own 40-yard line. Bordner passed to Beck for 31 yards and a first down on the nine-yard line. Rice went over for the touchdown. The attempted kick was blocked. Score: Massillon 46; Kenmore 8.

Kenmore received and opened up with more passes, Caston tossing one to Stover for a gain of 25 yards putting the ball on the 40-yard line. Singer, however, intercepted the next on the 34-yard line, and when the locals could not gain, Bordner punted to Kenmore’s 30. Another pass was grounded and a second was intercepted by Price as the game came to an end.

Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. Kenmore
Beck LE Simmons
Spencer LT Clearwater
Price LG Rodehaver
Hoyman C Cargill
Snodgrass RG Smith
Shanklin RT Pyers
Krug RE Stover
Singer QB Caston
Bordner LH Bachtel
Knowlton RH Pullo
Mudd FB Moyer

Score by periods:
Massillon 0 20 14 12 46
Kenmore 0 0 0 8 8

Massillon – Getz, e; Houriet, e; Willison, t; Blatz, t; Roderick, t; Myers, e; Monroe, g; Doerger, e; Pfister, g; Herman, g; Hoagland, e; Rice, hb; Clendening, qb; Kester, hb; Williams, fb.
Kenmore – Blaine, e; Meadows, fb; Van Houten, g; Seifried, fg; Kline, t; Miller, hb; Armain, hb; Stahl, e.

Massillon – Clendening 2; Rice 2; Williams; Getz; Kester.
Kenmore – Caston.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Clendening 3 (placekicks); Williams (line bucks).

Kenmore – (center pass over end zone).

Referee – Morgan (Youngstown).
Umpire – Weltner (Akron).

Alfred Lewis
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1929: Massillon 9, Warren Harding 13

Warren Scores First Victory Over Tigers In Eight Years


Just because it had an inefficient defense for the forward pass, Washington high school today is lamenting over its third loss of the season, and the first defeat suffered at the hands of a Warren high school team since 1921. Warren won, fair and square, 13 to 9, because it played better football than the Tigers in the second half of the game.

Given a touchdown in the second quarter largely as a result of poor judgment on the part of the Warren captain, the orange and black led 7 to 0 at the end of the first half. But Warren came to life in the third period, solved the Tigers’ weakness and began an air attack that brought two earned touchdowns and threatened to score a third.

Warren Defense Strong
Out weighed by their opponents, the Tigers found their offense stopped throughout the game by the Warren backs. No Massillon player got away for a gain of more than seven yards carrying the ball, while only one forward pass was completed and that for a gain of 22 yards.

Beaten seven consecutive times by the Massillon Tiger, Warren set out to conquer the jinx Saturday and accomplished its purpose. The red and white line checked the charge of Massillon forwards, and orange and black ball carriers were dropped in their tracks, frequently for losses.

Clendening, star halfback of the local team was of no value Saturday, for the red and white kept an eagle eye on him all the time and he lost more yards from scrimmage than he could gain. Williams was the only member of the Tiger lineup who could gain ground and what advances were made Saturday were the result of his crashes through the line. Kester’s punting likewise was a high spot in the orange and black’s defensive play.

Local Team Scores
The Tigers held the upper hand during the first half, and Warren’s efforts to advance the ball were made pitiful by the Massillon line. Massillon threatened once in the first period, but that was all.

Late in the first quarter the Tigers worked the ball to the 36-yard line where a pass was grounded on the fourth down. However, a Massillon man was found guilty of holding, and the Warren captain asked for the 15-yard penalty rather than the ball which set the Tigers back to their own 49-yard line. Kester punted and the ball went outside on the 18-yard line. When Latimer attempted to return the kick, the punt was blocked and Blatz recovered on the eight-yard line. Kester made a yard as the quarter ended and the first three plays of the second period with Williams carrying the ball each time, gave the orange and black a touchdown. Clendening place kicked the extra point.

Warren scored in the third period, passes taking the ball from midfield to the three-yard line, from which point Grizzerelli carried the pigskin across. The attempted passer for the extra point was tackled but the officials ruled that Massillon was offside and the point was awarded to Warren.

Triple Pass Wins Game
Passes and a 15-yard penalty placed the ball on Massillon’s 22-yard line in the fourth period, and a triple pass Latimer to De Santis to McKinney was good for a touchdown. An attempted line buck for the extra point was stopped dead.

Warren made eight first downs to the Tigers’ four, and completed six passes in 11 attempts for a gain of 81 yards. One of the seven passes attempted by the orange and black was completed for a gain of 22 yards.

Standing out head and shoulders above the rest of the players on the field was Kelly Latimer, Warren’s 190-pound fullback, who did a lot of Warren’s ground gaining, tossed and received passes and was right in the midst of things on defense, intercepting one of the Tigers’ forward passes. Warren was penalized a total of 70 yards while the orange and black was set back 25 yards.

Ward Young, assistant Canton McKinley football coach, umpired the game.

First Quarter
Titus kicked off to the Tigers, the ball being downed on the 33-yard line. Williams made a first down in three plunges on the 45-yard line. Two plays failed to gain and Kester punted out on the Warren 30. When Latimer fumbled, Willison recovered for Massillon on the 35-yard line. After losing two yards on three plays and penalized an additional five for offside, Kester punted out on the 15-yard line. Latimer punted to Worthington who was downed on the Warren 40. Williams and Clendening negotiated a first down on the 30-yard line. Clendening tried a pass but the receivers were covered and he was downed for a loss of five yards. Two more plays gained but four yards, and a Massillon pass was grounded. The ball would have gone to Warren at this spot, but the red and white captain accepted a 15-yard penalty rather than the ball and the Tigers were given a chance to punt near midfield. Kester punted outside on the 18-yard line. Latimer made a yard at right end, and the Massillon ends broke through and blocked his punt. Blatz followed the ball toward the Warren goal and falling upon it on the eight-yard line. Kester made a yard as the quarter closed.

Second Quarter
Williams hit for one yard, then three yards and then a touchdown. Clendening kicked goal with Kester holding the ball. Willison kicked off to Gizzerelli who caught the ball on the 15-yard line and returned to the 30. Three line plays gained but little and Latimer punted to the 30-yard line where Clendening touched the ball but failed to get hold of it and chased it back to the 10-yard line where he was downed with the pigskin. Williams made a yard and Kester punted back to his own 48-yard line, Warren gaining some 25 yards on the exchange. Dahringer passed to Latimer for a gain of 28 yards. A line plunge failed and a pass was incomplete and Warren was set backward on penalties totaling 20 yards. Kester intercepted Roger’s pass on the 20-yard line. Kester punted back to the Warren 36-yard line. Rogers gained seven yards but Dahringer lost the same amount. Latimer punted to Worthington who was tackled on his own 40-yard line. Williams made a yard but Clendening lost three. Kester punted out of bounds on the 20-yard line, gaining 16 yards on the exchange. Latimer punted to Clendening who returned the ball to midfield before the end of the half.
Third Quarter
Williams returned Titus’ kickoff to the 37-yard line. Clendening made two yards and Williams a yard but Clendening lost four on the next play. Kester punted out of bounds on the 33-yard line but the play was called back and Warren penalized five yards, giving the Tigers a first down on the 40-yard line. Two plays failed to gain, and Houriet went down fast under Kester’s punt to tackle Grizzereli without return on the 30. After two plays had gained seven yards Latimer punted to Clendening who fumbled the ball, Titus recovering on the 25-yard line. De Santis’ pass was grounded and Rogers was stopped without gain. Another pass was incomplete and Warren was penalized five yards when it had two successive incomplete passes. Failure of another pass brought another five-yard penalty. Latimer punted out of bounds on the 15-yard line. Kester returned the kick to midfield. Latimer circled his left end for a first down on the Massillon 40-yard line. Rogers made two yards, and a triple pass, Rogers to De Santis to Latimer, gained six more. Rogers circled his left end for a first down on the 20-yard line. He made a yard on the next play and De Santis tossed a pass to Gizzerelli for a first down on the three-yard line. Latimer picked up two yards and Gizzerelli sneaked through for the touchdown. A pass was called for the try for point but the passer was smothered. However, Warren was allowed the point when the officials ruled that a Massillon player was offside. Williams returned Titus’ kickoff to the 40-yard line. Three plays netted nine yards and Kester punted out of bounds on the 28-yard line. Two plays gained but little and Latimer returned the punt to the Massillon 40-yard line. The third quarter ended with the score tied at 7-7.

Fourth Quarter
Latimer punted to the goal line. Clendening attempting to run with the ball and fumbling but luckily recovering. Kester, standing behind his goal line, booted the ball back to the middle of the field. Latimer passed to De Santis for a first down on the 37-yard line and a penalty carried the ball to the 22-yard line. A triple pass, Latimer to De Santis to McKinney gave Warren a touchdown. An attempted line buck failed. Score Warren 13; Massillon 7.

Blatz returned Titus’ kickoff to the 42-yard line. Kester passed to Williams for a 22 yard gain. Two incomplete passes drew a five-yard penalty, and Kester punted out of bounds on the two-yard line. Latimer’s kick was blocked, but the ball bounded back over the fence for a safety. Score Warren 13; Massillon 9.

Latimer punted to Willison who returned five yards to midfield. Latimer intercepted Kester’s pass, on the 20. When he failed to gain, Latimer punted to Rice who returned the ball to the Warren 35-yard line. Latimer intercepted one of Kester’s passes again; and the red and white kept possession of the ball until the end of the game.

Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. Warren
Getz LE Davis
Blatz LT Mills
Herman LG Ripple
Lewis C Titus
Pfister RG Hilston
Willison RT McKinney
Houriet RE Humphries
Kester QB Dahringer
Clendening LH Rogers
Worthington RH Gizzerelli
Williams FB Latimer

Score by periods:
Warren 0 0 7 6 13
Massillon 0 7 0 2 9

Warren – Canzonetta for Ripple; De Santis for Dahringer.
Massillon – Rice for Clendening.

Massillon – Williams.
Warren – Gizzerelli; McKinney.

Point after touchdown:
Massillon – Clendening.
Warren –

Warren, blocked punt.

Referee – Newman.
Umpire – Young.
Head Linesman – Van Hill.

Alfred Lewis
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1929: Massillon 32, New Philadelphia 7

Tigers Wallop New Philadelphia In Muddy Battle, 32-7


Playing a brand of football that shattered comparison between them and their opponents, especially in the first half, the leather-toting Tigers of Washington high school, Saturday afternoon on Massillon Field, ran up the largest score made in a New Philadelphia game since athletic relations between the two schools was resumed in 1924, beating the visiting Quakers, 32-7.

The Tigers got their first real taste of muddy football, Saturday, and plainly showed that they are as capable of playing on a wet field as on a dry one. The field was plenty muddy before the battle between the two rivals started and a slight rain which fell all during the first half didn’t help the situation a bit. The mud didn’t hinder the local boys at all. They kept plodding straight through the Quaker line, time after time, for first downs despite the handicap of a muddy field.

Tigers Score Early in Games
As has been the case in their past four games the Tigers didn’t wait long for their first touchdown. It came the first time they got possession of the ball. The orange and black gridders secured the ball on the visitors 33 yard line after Byrd, New Philadelphia half, made a poor punt, the ball going straight up in the air.

A series of line plunges by Williams and Kester put the ball on New Philadelphia’s
three-yard line and Williams crashed through the first six markers. A line plunge for the extra point didn’t pan out.

Clendening Scores Second
The second touchdown came shortly after the second quarter ended. A neat punt by Kester put the ball on the Quakers two-yard line. Byrd punted and the local boys in a series of plunges put the ball within scoring distance. The Tigers lost the ball, however, on downs but Byrd’s punt was returned to the opponents’ 24-yard line. Williams and Clendening carried the ball to the eight-yard line where Clendening took it over for the markers. Clendening kicked for the point.

It wasn’t long after that until another seven points were added to the score. A New Philadelphia man fumbled and Knowlton recovered for Massillon on the Quakers 32-yard line. Williams, Clendening and Kester carried the ball down the field to New Philadelphia’s one-yard line. Kester carried it over and Clendening’s kick for extra point was good.

Tigers Held in Second Half
New Philadelphia made a valiant and hard fight to stop the massacre in the second half and succeeded in holding the Tigers a lot better than they had during the first session. They couldn’t keep the local boys from scoring during the third quarter, however. Near the middle of the period after three tries had netted only a few yards, Byrd prepared for a kick. He wasn’t fast enough, however, and was downed on his own 40-yard line Massillon getting the ball. After three plays had netted the Tigers little Kester kicked to the Quakers’ five-yard line. Byrd also punted and Clendening took the ball 20 yards to the visitors’ 25-yard line. A neat crash through the line by Clendening and several plunges by Williams and Worthington put the ball on New Philadelphia’s seven-yard line. Williams went through for the touchdown. Clendening’s kick was wide.

New Phila. Opens Up
The Quakers marked up their first and only touchdown of the game early in the final period. After making no gains to speak of in three plays at the end of the third session, Byrd kicked and Clendening covered. On the first play Clendening fumbled and Kislig recovered for the visitors. Several neat passes by Byrd, one for 22 yards, put the ball on Massillon’s six-yard line. Another pass looked like it was good for a touchdown but the runner was tackled outside and the ball was placed on the two-yard line. Rohrbach crashed through for the points and Byrd added one more by a pass to Rohrbach.

The final score came shortly after that. Clendening took a punt on the 50-yard line. Williams got seven, Kester took the ball from center and tossed it to Clendening. The colored lad started around left end, eluding the opposing players. Tway on a fast run, his shirt was grabbed by a New Philadelphia man and it looked like he was going to be downed but a quick turn to the right and he was free with nothing but goal posts in front of him.

Clean Contest
Despite the rivalry between the two schools the game was probably the cleanest played here this season. Only three penalties were inflicted, the Tigers getting them all.

Clendening and Williams were the stars of the day. Clendening played one of the neatest games seen on the local lot this year, substituting flashy end runs for crashes through the line. Williams helped the Massillon cause considerably by his clever hops over the opposing line for plenty of yardage. The other men in the backfield looked well while the line held the visitors helpless most of the time.

Byrd starred for the visitors, carrying the ball a large part of the time and getting off some fine punts when they were needed.

First Period
Massillon kicked and New Philadelphia recovered on its own 40-yard line. A try through the line netted a yard. Byrd punted poorly, his only one of this kind in the game. It went straight up and Williams covered for Massillon on New Philadelphia’s 33-yard line. Three tries through the line by Rice and Williams netted 10 yards for the first down of the game. Williams went through again, this time for six. Kester added four for another first down.

Williams got three through the line. Rice added four more before Williams got another yard. Kester took the ball for three more and a third first down, putting the ball on the visitor’s three yard line. Williams took it over for a touchdown. Williams’ line plunge for the extra point failed.

Massillon kicked. A New Philadelphia man fumbled and Pfister recovered for the orange and black on the visitors’ 35-yard line. A left end run by Rice netted no gain. A try by Williams brought no gain. Kester punted and Byrd returned for the Quakers, Massillon getting the ball on the 50-yard line. Williams made two and Kester added seven more. A Massillon man fumbled and the ball rolled towards the visitors’ line. A wearer of the orange nad black fell on the ball on the 25-yard mark.

Three plays by Kester and Williams netted another first down. Massillon received the first penalty of the game, five yards for offside. Rice made three through the line and Williams failed to gain. Knowlton fumbled but recovered with a loss of 10 yards. Kester kicked the ball over the opponents’ line, the Quakers getting it on their own 20-yard line. Rohrbach tried a right end run with no gain. Byrd punted. Kester covering on New Philadelphia’s 40-yard line. An end run by Rice brought no gain. Williams made four and Kester none as the quarter ended.

Second Quarter
Massillon had the ball on New Philadelphia’s 35-yard line as the quarter opened. Kester punted on the first play, putting the ball on New Philadelphia’s two-yard line. Byrd punted, Kester being downed on the visitor’s 22-yard line. Williams made two and Clendening three in three tries. Williams went straight through for 10 yards and a first down. Williams plunged again getting three. Clendening made no gain and Kester lost four yards. A Clendening to Kester pass was missed but Kester recovered. New Philadelphia got the ball.

Without trying a play Byrd punted and Kester was downed on the Quaker’s 24-yard line. Two tries netted two yards before Clendening crashed through for nine more and another first down. Williams made five and the ball was on the visitors’ eight yard line. Clendening went straight through the line for another touchdown. Clendening’s kick was good, making the score 13-0 Massillon.

Foutz returned Massillon’s kick to his own 35-yard line. A New Philadelphia player fumbled and Knowlton recovered for Massillon on the 32 yard strip. Clendening got eight through the line. Williams made three in a clever jump over the opposing line for one more first down. Williams made another jump for six yards, Kester added one, Williams got one more and Clendening marked up another first down with five yards. Kester made no gain. Kester got eight around left end, putting the ball on the Quaker’s one-yard line. Kester carried it over for a touchdown. Clendening’s kick was good and the score was 20-0, Massillon.

Byrd was downed on his own 30 yard line after receiving a Massillon kick. Byrd’s pass failed. Byrd was stopped without gain and then punted. Kester recovering on his own
49-yard line. Massillon received its second penalty, this one for 15 yards. Williams made two through the line before Clendening punted to the New Philadelpia 48 yard line. Byrd lost four as the half ended.

Third Quarter
Massillon kicked and New Philadelphia recovered on its own 34-yard line. Massillon got another five yard penalty. Byrd made two. Byrd tried a pass, Kester intercepting and carrying the ball 15 yards to New Philadelphia’s 45-yard line. Three tries by Williams netted four yards. Kester’s lateral pass was no good and New Philadelphia got the ball on its own 49-yard line. Foutz got three around left end. Byrd got nothing on an end run. Byrd’s pass was grounded and he kicked, Kester fumbled the ball and New Philadelphia recovered. Two tries by the Quakers netted nothing. Byrd’s pass failed. He attempted a punt but was downed before he could get started on his own 40-yard line.

Clendening made four in three tries. Kester punted to the visitors’ five yard line. Byrd returned the punt. Clendening taking the ball on the Quaker’s 45-yard line and carrying it 20 yards before being downed. Worthington got four and Clendening added 12 and another first down on a long run around right end. Williams made two and the ball was on New Philadelphia’s seven yard line. Williams took it through for the touchdown. Clendening’s kick failed.

New Philadelphia kicked, Massillon being downed on its own 40-yard line. Kester was stopped without gain, fumbling the ball on an end run. The ball rolled outside. Clendening fumbled on the next play but recovered with a four yard loss. Kester punted to New Philadelphia’s 36-yard line. Byrd lost three but added two as the quarter ended.

Fourth Quarter
Byrd kicked, Clendening being downed on his own 30-yard line. Clendening fumbled and Kislig recovered for New Philadelphia on Massillon’s 24. Rohrbach was thrown for a 10-yard loss on a long end run. A Byrd to Rohrbach pass was good for six yards. Byrd tried another pass, this time to Foutz for 22 yards and New Philadelphia’s first first down. The ball was on Massillon’s six yard line. Byrd failed to gain. A Byrd to Rohrbach pass was good. The New Philadelphia runner was tackled outside and Massillon was given a penalty, giving the visitors’ another first down and putting the ball on the one-yard line, half the distance to the goal. Fowler made no gain but Rohrbach crashed the line for the visitors’ first touchdown. A Byrd to Rohrbach pass was completed for the extra point, making the score 26-7, Massillon.

New Philadelphia kicked and Massillon got the ball on the 50-yard mark. Clendening made four around right end. Massillon got a five yard penalty. Williams went through for six yards. Kester’s punt was outside and New Philadelphia got the ball on its own 20-yard line. Rohrbach made no gain. Byrd lost a yard. Foutz made no gain. Byrd punted and Clendening was downed on the 50-yard line. Williams made seven Kester took the ball on the tossback, passed it to Clendening who made a beautiful run around left end, then cut sharply to the right and carried the ball 43 yards for a touchdown. Clendening’s kick failed. The score was 31-7, Massillon.

Massillon punted, the Quakers recovering on their own 30-yard line. A Byrd to Foutz pass was good for seven yards. Foutz lost one around left end. A Byrd to Rohrbach pass was good, the runner being forced out by Williams when it seemed he was off on a point getting run. The ball was on Massillon’s 48-yard line, the pass being good for 20 yards. Byrd lost seven. Byrd’s pass was grounded. Byrd kicked, a Massillon man fumbled but another local boy recovered on the Massillon 25-yard line. A neat pass by Kester over the heads of the opposition to Houriet netted the orange and black 28 yards, putting the ball on the visitors’ 47-yard line.

Another pass by Kester failed. Rice’s right end run was good for nine yards. Massillon fumbled and New Philadelphia recovered. Byrd’s pass was unsuccessful. Coach McGrew started to make substitutions and soon there was an entire new Massillon team on the field. Byrd’s pass to Hurst was good for eight yards. Rohrbach made two for a first down. A try through the line netted a yard before Byrd was thrown for a 12 yard loss. A Byrd to Foutz pass netted 10 yards. Byrd’s pass to Rohrbach was good for eight yards. Rohrbach made no gain and Byrd tried another unsuccessful pass as the game ended.

Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. New Phila.
Worthington LE Hixon
Price LT Marsh
Snodgrass LG Swaney
Lewis C Rosenbery
Pfister RG Mathias
Willison RT Kislig
Houriet RE Hurst
Kester QB Foutz
Knowlton LH Byrd
Rice RH Rohrbach
Williams FB Fowler

Score by periods:
Massillon 7 13 6 6 32
New Philadelphia 0 0 0 7 7

Massillon – Clendening for Rice; Blatz for Price; Hoyman for Lewis; Singer for Kester; Kester for Singer; Rice for Worthington.
New Philadelphia – Douds for Swaney; Swaney for Douds.

Massillon – Williams 2; Clendening 2; Kester.
New Philadelphia – Rohrbach.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Clendening 2 (placekicks).
New Philadelphia – Rohrbach (pass from Byrd).

Referee – Morgan (Youngstown).
Umpire – Shafer (Akron).
Head Linesman – Barrett (Sebring).

Alfred Lewis
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1929: Massillon 19, Barberton 0

Barberton Smothered Under 19-0 Score By Tigers Saturday


Invading the jungles of their opponents, the Washington high school Tigers pounced upon the Barberton Magics in all their fury Saturday afternoon and today are licking their chops with a degree of satisfaction over a 19 to 0 score.

More than hypnotic power is needed to defeat the Massillon gridders this year and the Magicians lacked that necessary strength. So weak were they on offense that they not only failed to score a touchdown but did not as much as register a first down during the entire four periods of play.

Penalties Interfere
Showing a powerful drive which has carried them through to victory in the past four games, the Tigers continually had the Magics fighting with their backs to the wall, frequently within the shadow of their own goal. Thrice the orange and black marched across their opponent’s goal, and they might have done it two or three more times had not penalties and other misplays interfered.

But while the Barberton lads were continually walking backward, the Tigers forward wall would not wrinkle under the thrusts of the Magic backs. The Barberton ball carriers failed at all times to gain sufficient ground to tally a first down and as far as they were concerned, the game might just was well have been played on a field 50 yards long, for the Magics found it impossible to advance the ball into the territory of the orange and black.

Linesmen Halt Opponents
The Massillon linesmen battled like demons and frequently sifted through the front ranks of the Magics to stop Barberton ball carriers before they could reach the line of scrimmage.

Barberton only succeeded in keeping the score from mounting any higher by fighting through every minute of the game. Their spirited determination to stop the Tigers came to a climax in the third period when within a space of a minute, Barberton players intercepted a lateral pass and recovered a fumble to make long dashes from midfield for apparent touchdowns. But the shouts of the frenzied fans turned into boos and hisses when the officials brought back the ball both times, correctly ruling that the passer had been tackled on the one play before throwing the ball, and that the fumbled ball touched the ground, thus making it dead, before the Barberton player recovered it. The steam of the argument that followed the bringing back of the ball the second time waxed warmly and resulted in the Magics being penalized 15 yards when their coach dashed out on the field to register an objection without first getting permission to set foot on the soil.

Tigers Route Scowls
Still protesting, but as usual getting nowhere with the powers to be, Barberton resumed play with a glare of fire and brimstone in every eye, but the scowls gave way to looks of weariness when a few minutes later the orange and black pushed over its third and final touchdown of the day.

The locals scored late in the first quarter when Clendening circled Barberton’s left end for a run of 20 yards and a touchdown. He placekicked goal. A march of 45 yards on straight football brought another six points in the middle of the second period with Williams lugging the pigskin across and the third touchdown was scored in the early minutes of the fourth quarter by Kester after a march of 60 yards.

The orange and black battered the Magic line for 17 first downs. While the Tigers did not use the forward pass, Barberton attempted four aerial heaves, having two intercepted, one grounded and completing one for a gain of six yards. Massillon was penalized a distance of 40 yards, while Barberton was set back 25 yards in penalties.

A small crowd witnessed the game, more than half of the fans being Massillon people. The Washington high band made the trip in a bus and played during the game and between halves.

First Period
Willison kicked off to Leiberth who returned to the 22-yard line. Three plays gained but little and a five-yard penalty set Barberton back for being offside. Lieberth punted to his own 45-yard line. Three downs gained six yards and Williams failed to make a first down by inches on the fourth play, the Tigers surrendering the ball to Barberton on the 37-yard line. Eight of the necessary 10 yards for a first down were picked up in three plays but an offside penalty hindered Barberton’s chance for a first down, and Lieberth punted to the 30-yard line. Rice picked up five yards, but when Clendening failed to gain, Kester punted back to the Barberton 27-yard line. After Weigand could get but two yards in a line plunge Lieberth punted out of bounds on his own 49-yard line. Clendening was covered in attempting a forward pass but he broke away from two tacklers and struggled two yards beyond the line of scrimmage before going under the pile. Williams made it a first down on the 36-yard line in two plunges. After Kester had skidded through a tackle for five yards, Clendening found an opening and got away for a 13-yard run to the 18-yard line. Williams, Kester and Clendening gained eight yards and the Tigers surrendered the ball to Barberton on downs when Clendening got but a yard on a double pass. Paolano immediately punted back to the 39-yard line, Clendening failing to return. Kester made a yard, but Rice lost two yards at left end. Kester circled Barberton’s right end for a first down on the 20-yard line. Clendening went around the other side for a touchdown. He placekicked goal.

Willison kicked off to V. Weigand who took the ball on his eight-yard line and aided by good interference carried it back for a run of 40 yards to the 48-yard line for his team’s feature dash of the day. The quarter ended before play could be resumed.

Second Quarter
Paolano was tossed for a five-yard loss by Williams, and when end runs failed to gain more than two yards, Lieberth punted out of bounds on Massillon’s 41-yard line. Williams hit center for seven yards and Clendening made it first down on Barberton’s 47-yard line. Rice got through for four yards and Kester reeled off 11 more, bringing the ball to the 32-yard line. Clendening’s six yard run and Kester’s dash brought another first down on the 21-yard line. Williams made two yards but a spin play was muddled up for a loss of three yards. Two more plays netted but eight yards and the ball was surrendered to Barberton on the 14-yard line. Barberton punted back to its own 45-yard line. Rice and Williams made eight yards, but a penalty of five yards for being offside set the Tigers back a bit. Kester got away for a 17-yard run making a first down on the 25-yard line. Clendening and Williams required three plays for a first down on the 12-yard line. Kester carried to the five-yard line and Williams took the ball across on two plunges. Clendening’s attempted kick was wise of the goal posts. Score: Massillon 13; Barberton 0.

Willison kicked off to Bozin who fumbled but recovered without return. Three plays gained six yards and Weigand punted out of bounds on his own 41-yard line. Williams made a yard and Kester eight yards, and on the third down Williams slipped through for a run to Barberton’s 28-yard line. The half ended with the score 13-0 in favor of the Tigers.

Third Quarter
Weigand kicked off to Blatz who returned to his own 40-yard line. Williams made yard. Kester was tackled just as he tossed a lateral pass to Clendening. Paolano intercepting the ball and running amidst the shouts of the student body for a touchdown. But the ball was called back and the touchdown ruled out, since the referee blew his whistle when Kester was tackled.

Kester punted out of bounds on Barberton’s 48-yard line. Two plays failed to gain, but a pass, Paolano to Brasamle gained six yards. Kester pulled down a second pass of Paolano’s. Kester fumbled on the next play, the ball hitting the ground and bouncing into the arms of Hackney who ran unmolested across the Massillon goal. But under the rules a ball is dead at point of recovery when it touches the ground and the ball was called back by the officials amidst a storm of protest from Barberton players and fans. Barberton was penalized 15 yards when its coach trotted out on the field without permission. Lieberth punted to Clendening, who returned to his 32-yard line. Massillon was penalized five yards for delaying the game. Barberton held, and Kester punted out of bounds on the Barberton 23-yard line. When two plays only gained four yards, Lieberth punted back to midfield. Kester made a yard, and Clendening got loose for a run of 29 yards for a first down on the 20-yard line. Kester picked up eight yards but the Tigers were penalized 15 yards for using the hands. Williams made three yards and Kester made 12 more. The Tigers failed to make the required yardage on the next two plays, however, and Barberton took the ball on the 14-yard line. Lieberth punted back to midfield. Three plays netted a first down on the 40-yard line with Williams gaining the greater distance. Clendening again found a hole and slipped and fell when he attempted to sidestep a tackler on the 23-yard line after a gain of 17 yards. Williams made five yards in two plunges and the quarter ended with the ball on the 20-yard line.

Fourth Quarter
Kester lost seven yards on a left end run. Williams plunged through for a first down on the seven-yard line from a fake placekick formation. Kester took the ball over in two plays. Clendening’s placekick for the extra point was blocked.

Willison kicked off to Lieberth on the 10-yard line who returned to the 21-yard line. The Tigers held on three plays and Paolano punted to Kester who made a fair catch on the 40-yard line. Clendening made five yards but the play was called back and the Tigers penalized 15 yards. When Williams failed to gain more than two yards Kester punted out of bounds on the 25-yard line. Two plays failed to gain and V. Weigand punted to Kester in midfield. Both coaches began refreshing their teams with substitutes. Barberton held, and Kester punted out on the 10-yard line. Weigand immediately returned the punt, the ball going out on the 43-yard line. Singer failed to gain twice, and Knowlton got but five yards on an end run. Kester punted out of bounds on the 18-yard line. Mudd intercepted a Barberton pass on the 22-yard line. Bordner lost five yards on a sweeping end run, and Massillon was penalized 15 yards. Mudd got off a good punt over the Barberton goal line. When plunging failed, Barberton returned the kick to the 46-yard line. Singer failed to gain but Knowlton made it a first down on the 37-yard line. Bordner lost two yards on an end run as the game ended.

Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. Barberton
Getz LE Hartman
Willison LT Weigand
Herman LG Anderson
Lewis C Seryak
Pfister RG Parker
Blatz RT Hackney
Houriet RE Brasaemie
Kester QB Whitman
Clendening LH Lieberth
Rice RH Paolano
Williams FB V. Weigand

Score by periods:
Massillon 7 6 0 6 19

Massillon – Worthington, rh; Snodgrass, lg; Knowlton, rh; Singer, qb; Hoyman, c; Myers, lt; Price, lg; Mudd, fb; Bordner, lh; Roderick, rg; Ashworth, le; Hoagland, rt; Spencer, re.
Barberton – Klause, lh; Whitman, lt; Thomas, lg; Bogin, le; Glany, rh; Bradus, rt; Burt, re.

Massillon – Clendening; Williams; Kester.

Point after touchdown:
Massillon – Clendening (placekick).

Referee – McPherson (Akron).
Umpire – Schrader (Wittenberg).
Head Linesman – Gregory (Denison).

Time of periods – 12 minutes.

Alfred Lewis