1966 Booster Club President

Richard Woolbert

Four hundred fans attended the May 5th Booster Club’s annual spring stag to hear former Tiger coach and new Duke University head coach Tom Harp speak. This was Coach Harp’s first speech here since his departure in 1956. Those in attendance also wanted to hear Coach Bruce’s report on the upcoming Tiger season.

Ironically, on May 14th, Coach Bruce was hired by Woody Hayes as Ohio State’s defensive backfield coach. Sandusky High School head coach Bob Seaman was hired on June 14th as the new Tiger head coach.

“A Rarity Occurred” in the 1966 season when the Tigers suffered their first losing season since 1931. Their 4-5-1 record would become the only losing season record in 65 years (1932-1996). Although they faced much adversity and chaos, the young men on this Tiger team played hard and were in every game with one exception – the Upper Arlington game. They handed state ranked Cleveland Benedictine and Steubenville their only setbacks of the season.

President Woolbert and his officers performed well in spite of adversity and disappointments. The Booster Club and fans are to be commended for the support shown. The 1966 home attendance ranks 4th in per game average attendance in Tiger Stadium history. A visiting newsman said of the 600 attending the WHS football banquet – “Only in Massillon.”