C. L. Albrecht
The season of 1936 found continued expansion of the Booster Club under President Albrecht. Every meeting throughout the fall drew a large attendance and the club became one of the City’s most popular organizations.
Activities included radio programs and press releases to advance the prowess and progress of the Tiger football program. A special train to the New Castle, Pa. game was a very popular Booster Club project. The train carried 600 fans and the WHS Tiger Band.
The 1936 Tigers again won the State Championship going 10-0-0 and extending the team’s undefeated streak to twenty games.
The year ended with the annual Booster Club banquet being held at Republic Steel’s ballroom. 650 boosters and quests attended this affair. Harry Stuhldreher, a former Massillon Tiger player, one of Notre Dame’s famous “Four Horsemen” and head coach of the University of Wisconsin, was the principal speaker. B. F. Fairless, president of the United States Steel Corporation, came home to the banquet to help honor the Tiger team. The Booster Club presented Mr. Fairless with a letter of appreciation for the personal interest he took in Tiger football.