I. M. Emery
The 1939 season opened with Cleveland Cathedral Latin and the dedication of the new Tiger ‘stadium. When the Board of Education found it impractical to expand the athletic facilities at the old Massillon field located at 3rd Street and Shriver Avenue SE, it turned to the present site to build a new 15,000 seat stadium. Among the many dignitaries that participated in the dedication was Lt. Governor, Paul M. Herbert.
The Booster Club broadened its publicity program under the presidency of I. M. Emery and Massillon Tiger football became the best known high school team in the country. So much so that LIFE MAGAZINE came to town, and did a photo piece on the Tigers for their October 2, 1939 issue. The Massillon Tigers were now a national entity.
So many desired to attend the 1939 Booster Club banquet and program that the club’s executive committee decided to move it to the high school. Only the guests seated on the stage of the WHS auditorium were fed. Tickets for the auditorium seats were sold allowing twice as many Tiger fans to attend the program. Ohio State head coach, Francis Schmidt, was principal speaker. The governor of Ohio, John W Bricker, came to extend his congratulations to the 10-0-0 state champion Tigers.