Uncover Spectacular Aerial Offensive To Wallop Downstaters
Riddling their opponents with knife like thrusts through the line, speedy dashes around the ends and uncorking as brilliant and deadly an aerial attack as any high school team has shown in years, the orange and black pigskin chasers of Washington high school last Saturday afternoon buried the Zanesville high team under a 48 to 0 score on Massillon Field, registering their second successive victory of the 1925 campaign. The Muskingham county aggregation never had a chance.
The downstaters fought hard but they were completely out-classed, Coach David B. Stewart’s victory-hunting warriors simply mopped up the gridiron with their Zanesville opponents and then sending them back home to recover from one of the worst defeats ever inflicted upon the downstate school. The local team, slow to get started because of numerous penalties in the first half, reached the peak of its attack in the second half and from then on did about as it pleased.
It was a smooth working outfit which Coach Stewart presented Saturday. In the opening game with Akron East a week ago the orange and black looked a bit ragged but not so Saturday. In the Zanesville encounter the team stepped along like a well oiled machine, seldom failing to carry through to a successful conclusion any drive it started.
Seven touchdowns were rolled up by the Massillon gridders during the course of the afternoon’s melee. Three of these were hung up by Kammer, the line cracking fiend, two by Laughlin and one each by Halpin and Brown. Zanesville never once threatened the Massillon goal line. In fact it never got inside Massillon’s 40 yard line.
Only two first downs were credited to the visitors. One of these came through a 12-yard forward pass. The other resulted from a 15-yard penalty inflicted on Massillon. Coach Stewart’s warriors ripped and passed their way through the Zanesville team for 20 first downs.
Everyone expected the local team to be able to gain a lot of ground on straight football but few looked for the orange and black to come through with such a well drilled and brilliant aerial attack. The local team worked seven out of 13 passes for a total gain of 123 yards. Five of its passes failed and Zanesville intercepted one. The visitors tried 18 passes, working but two for a total gain of 20 yards. Thirteen of their attempts failed while Massillon intercepted two.
It was Captain Vince Define and Paul Brown who successfully engineered the starting of the forward passing attack. Both showed great accuracy in heaving the ball into the arms of their teammates, although they have radically different systems for passing. Define is the type of passer who gets a lot of distance into his heaves, most of his passes traveling from 15 to 30 yards. Brown on the other hand, just takes the ball and flips it five or 10 yards into the waiting arms of a teammate. But both are cool, heady players, not the least bit inclined to get flustered and the type of performers who never shoot their passes until they see a man out in the open.
With these two lads continuing to direct the aerial attack with the same efficiency they displayed Saturday. Coach Stewart’s team is going to be mighty hard to stop. But not all the credit for the brilliant passing exhibition goes to Define and Brown. They did their part and did it well but credit also must be given to the lads on the receiving end, some great catches being made by Laughlin, Gump McConnell and Smith. Laughlin in particular made a beautiful catch of one of Define’s 30 yard heaves in the third quarter and it brought a touchdown, Laughlin plucking the ball out of the air just as he crossed the goal line, when it seemed that the ball would fall to the ground untouched.
From the way the local team played Saturday it would be mighty hard to pick out an individual star. Coach Stewart used many players and they all performed well. The line completely outplayed Zanesvilles forward wall, never once being dented by the Zanesville backs for any substantial gains and opening big holes for the Massillon backs to play through. The Massillon backfield men all showed up well. Halpin probably showed the most improvement. This tall, rangy youth is coming along fast and is going to be heard from more than once before the season closes. Laughlin also looked much better than a week ago. The veterans – Devine, Kammer, Smith and Brown – played their customary good games. They have already proved their worth.
Zanesville showed only one out-standing performer. He was Bynum, a flashy Negro halfback, who was the most consistent gainer for the visitors.
He is fast and hard to stop but with the balance of his team so completely outclassed it was hard for him to do much. He was forced out of the game in the third quarter with an injury and with him gone Zanesville’s attack was a complete flop.
The battle started with Massillon receiving. The orange and black carried the ball up the field on steady line bucks to the 30-yard line. Then a series of penalties robbed the team of a chance to score. But after an exchange of punts Zanesville fumbled on its 31-yard line and Kammer pounced on the ball. Then on the next play he smashed through right tackle and dashed 31 yards for the first touchdown. Halpin kicked goal.
That was all the scoring in the first quarter but hear the middle of the second period Define carried a Zanesville punt back to the visitors’ 40-yard line. Then followed a 15-yard penalty on Zanesville and a 15-yard dash by Define around right end, taking the ball within the 20-yard line. Halpin inserted himself into the Zanesville line and gained three. Kammer bucked again and the ball was on the forward line. Then Define toted it to within inches of the goal line and on the next play Kammer went over. McConnell drop kicked for the extra point.
It was shortly after that Zanesville displayed its only real offensive thrust of the game when Bynum heaved a pass to Farmer for 12 yards and the visitors’ first first down. Another pass gave them eight more but they lost the ball on downs on Massillon’s 40-yard line. Define tore off 25 yards around right end and then heaved a 15-yard pass to Brown but the whistle halted hostilities, the half ending with Massillon leading 14 to 0.
Things started off with a rush at the start of the third quarter and before the fans got settled Massillon had a touchdown, the result of a beautiful Define-Laughlin pass. Massillon received and Kammer went around end on the first play for 20 yards. Define, Laughlin and Kammer negotiated a first down in three plays and then Define grabbed the ball for a pass. The Massillon leader looked his field over well and then leaping into the air shot the ball down the field 30 yards to Laughlin who made a wonderful catch on the goal line and stepped over for the third touchdown. Price kicked goal.
That was the signal for quite a lot of Massillon scoring. Getting the ball in midfield on a punt, Define once more uncorked his aerial attack, this time heaving a 30-yard pass to Fritz.Gump who plucked the ball out of the air with educated fingers and was downed on Zanesville’s 17-yard line. Then Bullet Kammer was called on again and once more he delivered skirting Zanesville’s left end for 17 yards and the fourth touchdown. Price again kicked goal.
Another touchdown was to come before the quarter ended. Zanesville punted out on its 46-yard line. Halpin rammed through for 16 yards and on the next play made nine. Define made it a first down, taking the ball to the six-yard line. He made two on his next attempt and then Laughlin tucked the ball under his arm and went through for the fifth set of counters. Halpin kicked goal.
By this time Zanesville was desperate and ready to try anything and they opened the fourth quarter with a barrage of forward passes but none of them worked. Massillon finally came in possession of the ball on Zanesville’s 11-yard line and Define and Halpin carried it to the
two-yard line from where Brown bucked it over. Halpin’s attempt to kick goal was blocked.
It was then that Brown began his forward passing attack. Halpin intercepted a Zanesville pass on the visitors’ 38-yard line and carried it back to the 29-yard marker. Brown flipped a pass to McConnell for nine and Halpin made a first down. Halpin made five on the next buck and then Brown tossed another pass to McConnell, this one being good for 11 and planting the ball on the three-yard line. McConnell bucked for two and Halpin went over. Halpin also kicked goal, bringing the Massillon total up to 48.
The orange and black was well on its way to another touchdown when the whistle blew, the ball being held for downs. Zanesville punted to Brown who was downed on his 30-yard line. Brown immediately flipped a pass to Fulton for nine and then Williams, who had just cantered into the tussle, ripped off two gains of 13 yards each on dashes around left end. Then came another first down on three line plays, the ball being on the 20-yard line. Brown called his forward passing machine into action and tossed to Williams for nine.
Two bucks carried the ball to the four-yard line as the game ended.
Besides showing general all around improvement in both their offense and defense the orange and black also showed that a week’s practice had done wonders to develop place kickers. In the first game the local team did not make a point after touchdown but Saturday it missed only one in seven attempts. Halpin, Price and McConnell showing up well in this department.
Real Football
Massillon – 48 Pos. Zanesville – 0
Fulton LE Atha
W. Harris LT Watson
Singer LG Jones
Fricker C Sheridan
Tipton RG Price
W. Harris RT Williams
Thomas RE Lowe
Smith QB Bynum
Halpin LHB Schultz
Kammer RHB Farmer
Laughlin FB W. Smith
Score by quarters:
Massillon 7 7 21 13 48
Massillon – Crone for Tipton, Gump for Fulton, Define for Laughlin, McConnell for Halpin, Storrie for N. Harris, Dommer for W. Harris, Brown for P. Smith, Hummell for Kammer, Agler for Thomas, Price for Fricker, Laughlin for McConnell, Thomas for Agler, Kammer for Hummell, Smith for Brown, W. Harris for Dommer, Halpin for Kammer, Spuhler for Laughlin, Brown for Smith, Kelly for Washlick, Agler for Thomas, McConnell for Define, Dommer for Kelly, Williams for Spuhler, Spencer for Crone, Herbst for Gump, Fulton for Agler.
Zanesville – Batman for Sheridan, Morton for Watson, K. Sheridan for Farmer, Hinley for Williams, Maxwell for Jones, Botan for Atha, Allen for Lowe, Jones for Watson, Roberts for K. Sheridan, Hinley for Jones, Bynum for Schultz.
Touchdowns – Kammer 3, Laughlin 2, Brown, Halpin.
Points after touchdown – Halpin 3, Price 2, McConnell.
Referee – Maurer (Wooster).
Umpire – Tompkinson (Akron U.).
Head Linesman – Nish (Massillon).
Time of quarters – 3 1/3 minutes