Barberton Smothered Under 19-0 Score By Tigers Saturday
Invading the jungles of their opponents, the Washington high school Tigers pounced upon the Barberton Magics in all their fury Saturday afternoon and today are licking their chops with a degree of satisfaction over a 19 to 0 score.
More than hypnotic power is needed to defeat the Massillon gridders this year and the Magicians lacked that necessary strength. So weak were they on offense that they not only failed to score a touchdown but did not as much as register a first down during the entire four periods of play.
Penalties Interfere
Showing a powerful drive which has carried them through to victory in the past four games, the Tigers continually had the Magics fighting with their backs to the wall, frequently within the shadow of their own goal. Thrice the orange and black marched across their opponent’s goal, and they might have done it two or three more times had not penalties and other misplays interfered.
But while the Barberton lads were continually walking backward, the Tigers forward wall would not wrinkle under the thrusts of the Magic backs. The Barberton ball carriers failed at all times to gain sufficient ground to tally a first down and as far as they were concerned, the game might just was well have been played on a field 50 yards long, for the Magics found it impossible to advance the ball into the territory of the orange and black.
Linesmen Halt Opponents
The Massillon linesmen battled like demons and frequently sifted through the front ranks of the Magics to stop Barberton ball carriers before they could reach the line of scrimmage.
Barberton only succeeded in keeping the score from mounting any higher by fighting through every minute of the game. Their spirited determination to stop the Tigers came to a climax in the third period when within a space of a minute, Barberton players intercepted a lateral pass and recovered a fumble to make long dashes from midfield for apparent touchdowns. But the shouts of the frenzied fans turned into boos and hisses when the officials brought back the ball both times, correctly ruling that the passer had been tackled on the one play before throwing the ball, and that the fumbled ball touched the ground, thus making it dead, before the Barberton player recovered it. The steam of the argument that followed the bringing back of the ball the second time waxed warmly and resulted in the Magics being penalized 15 yards when their coach dashed out on the field to register an objection without first getting permission to set foot on the soil.
Tigers Route Scowls
Still protesting, but as usual getting nowhere with the powers to be, Barberton resumed play with a glare of fire and brimstone in every eye, but the scowls gave way to looks of weariness when a few minutes later the orange and black pushed over its third and final touchdown of the day.
The locals scored late in the first quarter when Clendening circled Barberton’s left end for a run of 20 yards and a touchdown. He placekicked goal. A march of 45 yards on straight football brought another six points in the middle of the second period with Williams lugging the pigskin across and the third touchdown was scored in the early minutes of the fourth quarter by Kester after a march of 60 yards.
The orange and black battered the Magic line for 17 first downs. While the Tigers did not use the forward pass, Barberton attempted four aerial heaves, having two intercepted, one grounded and completing one for a gain of six yards. Massillon was penalized a distance of 40 yards, while Barberton was set back 25 yards in penalties.
A small crowd witnessed the game, more than half of the fans being Massillon people. The Washington high band made the trip in a bus and played during the game and between halves.
First Period
Willison kicked off to Leiberth who returned to the 22-yard line. Three plays gained but little and a five-yard penalty set Barberton back for being offside. Lieberth punted to his own 45-yard line. Three downs gained six yards and Williams failed to make a first down by inches on the fourth play, the Tigers surrendering the ball to Barberton on the 37-yard line. Eight of the necessary 10 yards for a first down were picked up in three plays but an offside penalty hindered Barberton’s chance for a first down, and Lieberth punted to the 30-yard line. Rice picked up five yards, but when Clendening failed to gain, Kester punted back to the Barberton 27-yard line. After Weigand could get but two yards in a line plunge Lieberth punted out of bounds on his own 49-yard line. Clendening was covered in attempting a forward pass but he broke away from two tacklers and struggled two yards beyond the line of scrimmage before going under the pile. Williams made it a first down on the 36-yard line in two plunges. After Kester had skidded through a tackle for five yards, Clendening found an opening and got away for a 13-yard run to the 18-yard line. Williams, Kester and Clendening gained eight yards and the Tigers surrendered the ball to Barberton on downs when Clendening got but a yard on a double pass. Paolano immediately punted back to the 39-yard line, Clendening failing to return. Kester made a yard, but Rice lost two yards at left end. Kester circled Barberton’s right end for a first down on the 20-yard line. Clendening went around the other side for a touchdown. He placekicked goal.
Willison kicked off to V. Weigand who took the ball on his eight-yard line and aided by good interference carried it back for a run of 40 yards to the 48-yard line for his team’s feature dash of the day. The quarter ended before play could be resumed.
Second Quarter
Paolano was tossed for a five-yard loss by Williams, and when end runs failed to gain more than two yards, Lieberth punted out of bounds on Massillon’s 41-yard line. Williams hit center for seven yards and Clendening made it first down on Barberton’s 47-yard line. Rice got through for four yards and Kester reeled off 11 more, bringing the ball to the 32-yard line. Clendening’s six yard run and Kester’s dash brought another first down on the 21-yard line. Williams made two yards but a spin play was muddled up for a loss of three yards. Two more plays netted but eight yards and the ball was surrendered to Barberton on the 14-yard line. Barberton punted back to its own 45-yard line. Rice and Williams made eight yards, but a penalty of five yards for being offside set the Tigers back a bit. Kester got away for a 17-yard run making a first down on the 25-yard line. Clendening and Williams required three plays for a first down on the 12-yard line. Kester carried to the five-yard line and Williams took the ball across on two plunges. Clendening’s attempted kick was wise of the goal posts. Score: Massillon 13; Barberton 0.
Willison kicked off to Bozin who fumbled but recovered without return. Three plays gained six yards and Weigand punted out of bounds on his own 41-yard line. Williams made a yard and Kester eight yards, and on the third down Williams slipped through for a run to Barberton’s 28-yard line. The half ended with the score 13-0 in favor of the Tigers.
Third Quarter
Weigand kicked off to Blatz who returned to his own 40-yard line. Williams made yard. Kester was tackled just as he tossed a lateral pass to Clendening. Paolano intercepting the ball and running amidst the shouts of the student body for a touchdown. But the ball was called back and the touchdown ruled out, since the referee blew his whistle when Kester was tackled.
Kester punted out of bounds on Barberton’s 48-yard line. Two plays failed to gain, but a pass, Paolano to Brasamle gained six yards. Kester pulled down a second pass of Paolano’s. Kester fumbled on the next play, the ball hitting the ground and bouncing into the arms of Hackney who ran unmolested across the Massillon goal. But under the rules a ball is dead at point of recovery when it touches the ground and the ball was called back by the officials amidst a storm of protest from Barberton players and fans. Barberton was penalized 15 yards when its coach trotted out on the field without permission. Lieberth punted to Clendening, who returned to his 32-yard line. Massillon was penalized five yards for delaying the game. Barberton held, and Kester punted out of bounds on the Barberton 23-yard line. When two plays only gained four yards, Lieberth punted back to midfield. Kester made a yard, and Clendening got loose for a run of 29 yards for a first down on the 20-yard line. Kester picked up eight yards but the Tigers were penalized 15 yards for using the hands. Williams made three yards and Kester made 12 more. The Tigers failed to make the required yardage on the next two plays, however, and Barberton took the ball on the 14-yard line. Lieberth punted back to midfield. Three plays netted a first down on the 40-yard line with Williams gaining the greater distance. Clendening again found a hole and slipped and fell when he attempted to sidestep a tackler on the 23-yard line after a gain of 17 yards. Williams made five yards in two plunges and the quarter ended with the ball on the 20-yard line.
Fourth Quarter
Kester lost seven yards on a left end run. Williams plunged through for a first down on the seven-yard line from a fake placekick formation. Kester took the ball over in two plays. Clendening’s placekick for the extra point was blocked.
Willison kicked off to Lieberth on the 10-yard line who returned to the 21-yard line. The Tigers held on three plays and Paolano punted to Kester who made a fair catch on the 40-yard line. Clendening made five yards but the play was called back and the Tigers penalized 15 yards. When Williams failed to gain more than two yards Kester punted out of bounds on the 25-yard line. Two plays failed to gain and V. Weigand punted to Kester in midfield. Both coaches began refreshing their teams with substitutes. Barberton held, and Kester punted out on the 10-yard line. Weigand immediately returned the punt, the ball going out on the 43-yard line. Singer failed to gain twice, and Knowlton got but five yards on an end run. Kester punted out of bounds on the 18-yard line. Mudd intercepted a Barberton pass on the 22-yard line. Bordner lost five yards on a sweeping end run, and Massillon was penalized 15 yards. Mudd got off a good punt over the Barberton goal line. When plunging failed, Barberton returned the kick to the 46-yard line. Singer failed to gain but Knowlton made it a first down on the 37-yard line. Bordner lost two yards on an end run as the game ended.
Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. Barberton
Getz LE Hartman
Willison LT Weigand
Herman LG Anderson
Lewis C Seryak
Pfister RG Parker
Blatz RT Hackney
Houriet RE Brasaemie
Kester QB Whitman
Clendening LH Lieberth
Rice RH Paolano
Williams FB V. Weigand
Score by periods:
Massillon 7 6 0 6 19
Massillon – Worthington, rh; Snodgrass, lg; Knowlton, rh; Singer, qb; Hoyman, c; Myers, lt; Price, lg; Mudd, fb; Bordner, lh; Roderick, rg; Ashworth, le; Hoagland, rt; Spencer, re.
Barberton – Klause, lh; Whitman, lt; Thomas, lg; Bogin, le; Glany, rh; Bradus, rt; Burt, re.
Massillon – Clendening; Williams; Kester.
Point after touchdown:
Massillon – Clendening (placekick).
Referee – McPherson (Akron).
Umpire – Schrader (Wittenberg).
Head Linesman – Gregory (Denison).
Time of periods – 12 minutes.