Sideliner Yearly Dues.
Pay your sideliner yearly dues via the link below.
The Sideliners were organized in 1957 during the final season of Coach Lee Tressel. His concept was to create a group of Massillon supporters that could act as “Big Brothers” for the varsity players. Serving as personal mentors, the members became accessible to the players throughout the season for help in resolving any personal problems that they might have. In many cases, these associations evolved into long-term relationships.
In late May of each year, member-player assignments are discussed and finalized with the head coach. Then, by following an established season schedule, members and players meet for team meals and other associated events. Many times guest speakers or other supportive presentations are included.
In 2011 Coach Jason Hall initiated a program to include support for the younger players in the program. Eighth grade players are now assigned a senior player to mentor them in their transition from the Middle School to the High School.
Sideliner’s Creed
The Massillon Tiger Sideliners are men dedicated to the Massillon Tiger Football Program. Our dedication is shown by our support and encouragement to all people associated with the football program.
Realizing that high school football is a part of the Massillon Public Schools and a means to a positive end for our youngsters, we strive to develop mature attitudes in the student participating in the football program. We encourage these students to excel in their families, in the classroom, on the athletic field and in the community.
We strive to develop a positive relationship with the coaches, faculty and administration. All people associated with the football program must do all that is possible to continue to provide scholastic and athletic opportunities for our youth. Sideliners are men dedicated to the Massillon Tiger Football Program. Our dedication is shown by our support and encouragement to all people associated with the football program.
Realizing that high school football is a part of the Massillon Public Schools and a means to a positive end for our youngsters, we strive to develop mature attitudes in the student participating in the football program. We encourage these students to excel in their families, in the classroom, on the athletic field and in the community.
We strive to develop a positive relationship with the coaches, faculty and administration. All people associated with the football program must do all that is possible to continue to provide scholastic and athletic opportunities for our youth.
Massillon Tiger Football represents a strong sense of community pride. Many people in our community share this pride. As sideliners, we strive to conduct ourselves in a manner so as to set mature examples of sportsmanship, achievement and citizenship for all people in the community associated with Massillon Tiger Football.