(Plain Dealer Special)
YOUNGSTOWN, O., Nov. 9 – Paul Brown’s classy Massillon Tigers struck with devastating force to pile up a 26-to-0 victory over a surprising East High eleven here today.
A crowd of 13,000, largest to witness a scholastic game here for the last decade, saw the Tigers stride four times for drives of 53, 5, 72 and 78 yards to gain its tallies in the first half-time intermission. It was Massillon’s 32nd straight and eighth of the season.
Ray Getz returned Diane’s opening kickoff to the Massillon 28 and the Tiger machine went into high gear, scoring in eight plays with Blunt going over from 3 yards out. Getz added the point from placement.
Gilllom kicked off to Fabian on the goal line and Fabian returned to the East 20. Two running plays and a pass gained nothing and Fabian punted to James on the Massillon 47.
Gillom Scores
On the first play James tossed a 40-yard pass to Gillom on the 20 and the lanky All-Ohio end skipped the remaining yards unmolested.
Getz missed the placement for the point.
Talmadge Jackson sparked his team to life with an 18-yard return of Gillom’s kickoff to the East 23. Al Pert reeled off an 18-yard run and Jackson added 5 to make it first down on the East 35. Jackson gained 3 more and Pert whisked off tackle for another first down on the East 44.
Jackson and Powis each gained 1 and East resorted to the aerial game but without success as Robinson intercepted Fabian’s pass on the Massillon 44 and again the Tigers went on the march.
Pass Fails
James reeled off a 12-yard jump for a first down on the East 42, Robinson sprinted 28 for another first down on the 14. Gillom lost 5 and Massillon was set back 15 yards for clipping. Robinson’s pass to Gillom was knocked down. James gained 7 in two tries and on fourth down his pass intended for Gillom fell incomplete in the end zone.
Pert went to a first down on the East 41 as the quarter ended. Two running plays netted 8 and Powis’ pass failed. Fabian kicked out of bounds on the Massillon 17.
Here the Tigers marched 83 yards in 9 plays for their third score with Tom James cutting inside East’s left end for 52 yards.
The final Massillon tally came in the waning minutes of the second period. Taking the ball on its 22, Massillon needed but three plays to do the trick. James gained 3. Gillom passed to James for 17 and a first down on the East 42. James then passed to Getz on the 30 and Getz romped the remaining distance for the touchdown. Getz place kicked the point.
East seriously threatened the Tigers uncrossed goal line in the third period.
Taking the ball on their own 20, after Gillom’s kick went into the end zone, for an automatic touchback, East punched 66 yards down to the Massillon 14 before a last down fumble gave the Tigers the ball.
Gillom L.E. Lanzi
Henderson L.T. Mestichelli
Wallace L.G. Massacco
Appleby C Hash
Russell R.G. Direnzo
Broglio R.T. Diane
Robinson R.E. Laskin
Kingham Q Fabian
James L.H. Pert
Getz R.H. Jackson
Blunt F Powis
Massillon 13 13 0 0 – 26
Substitutions: Massillon – Armour, Demando, ends;
Oliver, Weisgarber, tackles; Hill, L. Cardinal, guards;
Fuchs, c; Adams, lh; White, rh; Pizzino, f; F. Cardinal, q.
East – Kraayck, e; Pilusi, t; Ciolin, c; Andrews, q;
Berger, rh; Delmark, lh; Wayland, f.
Touchdowns – Blunt, Gillom, James, Getz.
Points after touchdowns – Getz 2 (placements)
Yards gained rushing 214 104
Yards lost rushing 12 34
Yards gained passing 102 11
Net gain from scrimmage 304 81
First downs rushing 8 6
First downs passing 1 1
First downs penalties 1 1
Total first downs 10 8
Passes attempted 7 6
Passes completed 2 2
Opponents passes intercepted 2 1
Number of punts 3 7
Average distance of punts 37 26
Number of penalties 5 2
Total yards lost penalties 55 10
Number of fumbles 1 2
Opponents fumbles recovered 2 1
Number of kickoffs 5 1
Average distance of kickoff 38 37
Average yardage returning
kickoffs 11 15
Bengals Held Scoreless In Last Two Quarters By Aggressive Rival
Repository Staff Writer
YOUNGSTOWN – After hurling over four sudden scores in the opening half, Massillon was held scoreless for the remainder of the game as the Tigers whipped a fighting Youngstown East eleven 26-0 for their 32nd consecutive victory at Rayen stadium Saturday before 12,500.
Benefiting from a lull resulting between Tiger contests with Toledo Waite and Canton McKinley, the Youngstown gridders stole the second half show as they throttled the Massillon running assault and launched a determined drive that threatened the Tiger goal in the third period. The victory margin was the lowest for Massillon this season.
Content With Victory
The brilliancy of Tom James, Horace Gillom, Ray Getz and Fred Blunt in the first two quarters insured a decisive Massillon triumph and the Stark county team was content to avoid injury and play defensive football the rest of the day. After halting a Youngstown drive on its own 12-yard line, the Massillon starting eleven left the game at the end of the third period.
Massillon Youngstown
First down, rushing 12 7
First downs, passing 1 1
Total first down 13 8
Yards gained rushing 303 96
Yards gained passing 128 18
Yards lost 2 27
Net yards gained 429 87
Passes attempted 9 11
Passes completed 3 2
Passes intercepted 3 1
Passes incompleted 5 6
Fumbles 1 2
Opp. recovered 1 1
Own recovered 0 1
Penalties 55 10
No. of punts 2 5
Aver. Yardage of punts 39.5 46
The East lineup maintained a fighting attack throughout the game as Jack Perl and Bob Wayland, a pair of driving backs, pounded at quick holes opened in the Tiger line. Running hard from spinners and quick deceptive reverses, the two Indian runners picked up small but effective gains to compile eight first downs.
Blunt, James, Getz and Gillom each scored for Massillon as two touchdowns went over in the first period and two in the second. James again led the way for the Tiger scoring as he raced 52 yards for one tally and tossed long passes to Getz and Gillom for two other touchdowns. In the opening half, Massillon had possession of the ball six times and produced four touchdowns.
Three Passes Connect
Statistically, the Tigers compiled a huge advantage as they ran for 13 first downs, gained 303 yards from rushing and 128 yards on three completed passes. East netted 96 yards from rushing and 18 yards from passing.
The opening Tiger touchdown came three minutes after the kickoff on a sustained 73-yard march. From the 27-yard line, Getz piled through for five yards and Gillom crashed to the 47 for a first down on a spread formation. James shifted through tackle and traveled 32 yards to the East 21 and a moment later, ripped through a wide hole for 15 yards to the Youngstown 3. Getz was pulled down on the one-foot line and Blunt drilled over. Getz kicked the point.
East failed to gain after the kickoff and Massillon scored on one running play. Downed on the Tiger 47, James faded a pass to Gillom, who had broken loose behind the Youngstown secondary on the 17, and the score was 13-0. A penalty blocked the third Tiger advance as the quarter ended.
In the second period, Perl kicked out on the Massillon 17. Getz, John Pizziono and James carried the assault to the Tiger 47. James on his patented double threat, passing-running play broke down the sideline, escaping a net of tacklers and protected by a ring of blockers ran 53 yards to score. Five plays later, the Tiger scoring was completed. East punted out on the Massillon 21. Getz drove for three yards and took a pass from James for 16 yards. Again Getz slipped by the Youngstown aerial defense and grabbed a pass from James to race for a 59-yard touchdown.
Penalties Aid East
As play resumed in the final half, East took possession on the 20 when Gillom punted into the end zone. Wayland, a sophomore, pounded for three yards and the Youngstown offense began to move. Assisted by 25 yards in penalties, two completed passes and the smashing drives of Wayland and Perl, East drove to four first downs to the Tiger 22. Perl hit for a yard at guard and shot a seven yard-pass to Ray Delmark. Wayland plunged for a yard to the 12 but on fourth down fumbled and recovered to end the longest advance recorded against Massillon this season.
Caoch Paul Brown inserted his second eleven in the fourth period and the two teams battled on even terms. The Tiger reserves missed fire on a scoring opportunity late in the quarter when Dick Adams fumbled on the East 10 after he had covered a Youngstown fumble on the 4.
The Washington High swing band again kept customers in their seats following the contest as they combined forces with the Youngstown East band to offer a brilliant musical display. At half time, the Tiger musicians offered maneuvers in swing time and cast Obie the Tiger as a clarinet-playing, top-hatted Ted Lewis.
Massillon Pos. Youngs. East
Robinson LE Lanzi
Henderson LT Diana
Wallace LG Venglarcik
Appleby C Cioli
Russell RG Massocco
Broglio RT Mestichelli
Gillom RE Laskin
Kingham QB Fabian
James LH Perl
Getz RH Jackson
Blunt FB Powis
Score by periods:
Massillon 13 13 0 0 – 26
Touchdowns – Blunt, Gillom, James, Getz.
Points after touchdown – Getz 2 (placement).
Substitutions: Massillon – F. Cardinal, g; Pizzino, fb;
White, hb; Getz, g; Weisgarber, t; Bray, e; Hill, g;
Oliver, t; Armour, qb; Fuchs, c; DeMando, e.
East – Delmark, hb; Berger, hb; Hosa, g; Wayland, fb;
Krayac, e.
Referee – Hetra (Westminister).
Umpire – Wieck (Ind. Normal).
Head linesman – Schill (Baldwin-Wallace).
Tough Youngstown Game Just What Tigers Needed To Keep Them On Edge For Annual Battle With Canton This Week
Having emerged virtually unscathed from their 26-0 victory and 32nd consecutive triumph in Youngstown Saturday against a stubborn East high school team, the Washington high Tigers sharpen their fangs this week for the Ohio grid classic of the season, the annual battle with undefeated Canton McKinley in Tiger Stadium.
This is not being written for the purpose of drumming up a crowd. All tickets are sold, have been sold for a week, and those noble souls who spend their time selling tickets while others watch the game, will themselves have an opportunity to see a kickoff Saturday. All windows will be locked.
Escape Injuries
The Tigers were fortunate to escape Saturday’s stiff melee at Youngstown without injury and without being scored upon. They found themselves stacked against one of the roughest and toughest teams they have played this season, and the pro-East tempo was terrific.
When the East fans learned early in the game that they could not expect a victory, their hopes, dwindled to an intense desire to be the first to score on the Tigers and in the face of 26 points, gave their team more support from the stands than any high school eleven in these parts has had for years. Washington high students can well take a lesson.
The appeal reached the ears of the East gridders and with the assistance of three penalties, each of which helped them to a first down, they nearly accomplished their purpose as they drove to the Tiger 11-yard line. There the ball was lost on a fumble on fourth down when a yard would have meant a first down.
But East did chalk up more first downs against the Tigers and hold them to fewer points than any other team this season, two reasons why the Youngstown school was perfectly satisfied.
From a Massillon standpoint it is a compliment to win by 26 points and have your opponent consider itself a moral victor.
East Never Quit
The East eleven deserves praise for its performance. Though beaten down by a relentless Massillon attack that produced one touchdown, and three perfect plays that produced three others, the Youngstowners never ceased handing it back, and showed the Tigers more offense than they have looked at this season.
The Tigers were able to stop East’s colored star, Talmage Jackson, but Al Perl, Jack Powis and a substitute fullback, Art Wayland, punctured the Massillon forward wall for 96 yards while two passes which accounted for 18 yards, and a number of penalties enabled the Barrettmen to register nine first downs. The Tigers made 13, gained 273 yards from rushing and 131 by passing.
All of Massillon’s points were scored in the first half, 13 in each period.
The local gridders never looked better than they did in the first half, their first daylight game of the season. Ray Getz lugged the kickoff back 17 yards to the 26-yard line and there a drive was launched that did not end until Blunt slashed through right tackle for the last foot of ground. A 22-yard run by Horace Gillom from a spread formation and a
26-yard dash by Tom James were included in the touchdown march.
The next time they came into possession of the ball, James took it on a reverse from Getz and heaved a long pass to Gillom who was far beyond the East secondary when he gathered in the leather. It was good for 54 yards and a touchdown.
A 15-yard penalty for clipping helped to stop the next Tiger drive after Herman Robinson had gotten the ball on an almost unbelievable leaping one-handed pass interception.
Statistics Of Tiger Victory
First downs 9 13
Yards gained rushing 96 273
Yards lost rushing 49 12
Passes attempted 11 9
Passes completed 2 3
Yards gained passes 18 131
Number of penalties 2 5
Yards penalized 10 55
Number of punts 5 3
Averages yards punts 44 32
Number of kickoffs 1 5
Number of fumbles 4 2
In the second quarter, however, the Tigers secured the ball on their own 18, advanced to their 49 where they turned Tom James loose around his right end for a brilliant 51-yard touchdown run. As James, nearly bottled up along the sideline, cut back toward midfield, Gillom tossed him a block that took out the last two tacklers on the 35-yard line and Tommy had nothing left to do but run.
Two minutes later, and the next time the Massillon boys got the ball, James fired a pass that Ray Getz, running full-steam ahead, took on his fingertips on the 35-yard line and raced over the goal. The play was good for 58 yards.
That finished the scoring the first half and the scoring of the game. Getz kicked two points from placement in the four attempts.
No Meeting Of
Booster Club
The Booster club will not meet
this week until Friday evening
when it will hold a torch light
parade and bonfire rally to give
vent to its enthusiasm over the
Massillon-Canton game.
East Begins Stall
What happened the second half? Massillon fans who remained at home were greatly concerned. It didn’t bother those who attended the game.
East played for a low score the second half. It consumed a maximum amount of time in the huddle and was penalized once for it. The Youngstowners used up nearly all of the third period as they bided their time while pushing back the Tigers from their own 20-yard line to the Massillon 11-yard line where the locals recovered a fumble on fourth down and a yard to go. In the march the Tigers were penalized three times, 15 yards for unnecessary roughness and five yards twice for being offside. One gave East a first down, the other two helped out on first downs.
The Tiger lashed back with a ferocious attack and traveled 49 yards on two plays. There the quarter ended and Coach Paul Brown not desiring to take any further chances against injury to his players, sent in the second team which played the entire fourth quarter.
The second team battled the East first team on even terms throughout the period but neither could score. The Massillon scrubs lost a golden opportunity in the dying moments of the game when Jack Oliver pounced on an East fumble on the four-yard line.
Dick Adams lashed through tackle to the one-yard line but the ball was squeezed out of his arms when tackled and Perl recovered for East.
Just What Tigers Needed
The game kept the Tiger eleven on edge for its battle with McKinley next week. They encountered enough resistance in East to make them scrap for every yard, and they found how troublesome one player can be when they tried to keep Lou Mestichelli out of the Massillon backfield. The boy played a fine defensive game for East.
The Massillon eleven returned home to find Canton McKinley had defeated Mansfield
38-7, and a serious look immediately spread over the Tiger faces, for they had only defeated Mansfield 38-0.
A man-sized job is cut out for the Massillon eleven this week if it is to defeat the Canton Bulldogs. No Massillon team has ever finished the season without its goal line being crossed. The 1940 team has an opportunity to establish a new record here. To date it has kept its goal line clean. Can it keep Athy Garrison, Matt Brown, Ray Hooper, and other McKinley backs or ends from reaching the end of the rainbow next Saturday?
Garrison is the Bulldog’s big shot this season. The red and black had Pete Ballos when they played here in 1936. The Tigers stopped him. They had Marion Motley in 1938. The Tigers stopped him. This Saturday they come to Massillon with Garrison. Can he be stopped? One fellow who will have a lot to say about it is Horace Gillom. Backing up the line, as he does, he will meet Garrison frequently on off tackle thrusts. So will Herman Robinson and Pokey Blunt who cover the flats in a 6-3-2 defense. They have a big job cut out for themselves next Saturday afternoon.
It will be the last game of the season for nine of the 11 players, Co-Captains Ray Getz and Gillom, Jim Russell, Eli Broglio, Bill Wallace, Gordon Appleby, James, Dick Kingham, and Gene Henderson.
Not a one of these boys has played on a defeated high school team. For that matter, not a member of the entire Tiger squad has played on a defeated Massillon team. If they beat Canton Saturday, these seniors will have established a record for themselves—three years of varsity competition without a defeat.
Johnny Reed juggled his Bulldog lineup Saturday to get more of an offensive punch in the backfield. The shift produced the desired benefits, for Matt Brown, moved from end to fullback romped for three of the Canton touchdowns and Garrison three others. The Bulldogs scored 25 of their points the first half.
32nd Triumph
Massillon East
Robinson LE Laskin
Henderson LT Mestichelli
Wallace LG Massocco
Appleby C Hosa
Russell RG Pelusi
Broglio RT Diana
Gillom RE Lanzi
Kingham Q Fabian
James LH Perl
R. Getz RH Jackson
Blunt F Powis
Massillon 13 13 0 0 – 26
East 0 0 0 0 – 0
Touchdowns – Blunt, Gillom, James, R. Getz.
Point after touchdown – R. Getz 2 (placekicks).
Substitutions: East – Krayac, re; Venglarcik, rg; Ciolli, c;
Delmark, rh; Berger, lh; Wayland, fb; Andrews, qb.
Massillon – L. Cardinal, lt; Armour, le; Weisgarber, rt;
Oliver, lt; P. Getz, rg; Hill, lg; DeMando, re; Adams, lh;
Pizzino, fb; White, rh; F. Cardinal, qb; Fuchs, c.
Referee – John Hetra (Westminister) .
Umpire – Harry Weick (Indiana Normal).
Headlinesman – Denny Shill (Baldwin-Wallace).