M. H. S. Wallops Wooster Saturday
Fifty-Five Cars From This City in a Tour Planned by Cloyd Wagner, Line New Stadium at Wooster – Another Probable.
Swamping Wooster high under a 34 to 0 defeat, Saturday afternoon, at Wooster, Massillon high’s crack orange and black eleven annexed its fifth straight victory of the season. Massillon’s goal has not yet been crossed.
The game with Wooster was considered a hard one but the Wayne county boys were unable to stop the bullet-like plunges of McLaughlin and Roderick, or the end running of Houriet and Zorger.
Nearly 350 football enthusiasts who attended the game from Massillon were well satisfied. The battle was hard fought, full of thrills, spectacular playing and continued until the whistle blew. Massillon fans outnumbered Wooster’s.
Cheer after cheer went up from Massillon rooters when Massillon made gains. The rooters jumped, howled, danced and paced the field. The weather was just right for a football game, old Sol being behind misty looking clouds while a faint breeze with a sting in it swept over the field.
A half hour before the game, the first tourist drove his car into the grounds. For a half hour Massillonians came until 55 cars, all filled, were lined up on the north side of the grounds. Orange and black colors floated from nearly every car. Just before the game started the tourists climbed out of their cars and, forming a line, headed by a students’ band, marched around the field. The local team then was on the field. Many fans went on the morning train to Wooster.
The local tourists left here Saturday at 12 o’clock, headed by Cloyd Wagner, who for a week had planned the tour in the pilot car. The drive was made with few misshapes and tourists are now planning another tour to Alliance in a few weeks.
The pilot car as it went along placed flags at all curves so that those following would not lose the road. Several machines joined the tour at Dalton.
Several Wooster students, confident of victory, secured a goat and decorating it with orange and black colors, hid it in the grand stands, ready for a parade on the field as soon as the game was