Took Fourth Victory at High School Saturday.
The Local School Played a Hard and Fast Game and Won With Ease Massillon Scored Once in the First Half Alliance Died Game.
The Massillon high school football team took its fourth consecutive victory from the Alliance team on the high school grounds Saturday afternoon, by the score of 27 to 0. Massillon outweighed and outplayed the opponents in every department of the game. In many ways Massillon showed up to better advantage than at any time this season. The team work, which has been perfected during the past week, worked to good effect. Massillon was able usually to carry the ball down the field on straight football, but in the second half piled up the score on several trick plays which were unusually successful against the eastern aggregation. At no time was Massillon’s goal in serious danger. At one time Alliance carried the ball to Massillon’s twenty-five yard line but Massillon held here and regained the ball, easily carrying it out of danger.
Four of Massillon’s touchdowns were bucked over the line on straight football by its backfield. The fifth was made by Atwater, after picking up a fumble punt and running fifty yards to the goal. Sonnhalter made two touchdowns and Wells and Blackburn each one. Blackburn, who did Massillon’s goal kicking, was in hard luck against Alliance. Out of the five tries from touchdown but two went over the bar. In drops the same hoodoo was on the job. Both tries from the field failed.
The game was played in torrid mid-summer heat, which fatigued the players almost to exhaustion in the more strenuous parts of the game. The dust of the field was at times choking, and the water boy was in constant demand. The attendance at the game rivaled that which saw Canton defeated last week. The field was banked on four sides before the end of the game. Two policemen were on the job to see that the crowd kept behind the wires and did not intrude upon the field.
Massillon’s team work may be said to have won the game and her varied assortment of tricks piled up the score. The score at the end of the first half consisted of but one touchdown and it looked as if Massillon would have to hump some to keep from being scored upon. The first touchdown was made by bucking the ball over on straight football, which was used exclusively in the first half. Massillon, as usual, woke up in the second half, and played a faster and more aggressive game. A varied repertoire of tricks fooled the visitors time after time and in most cases carried the ball within striking distance of the goal. Fumbles in the backfield and in carrying the punts back was Massillon’s worst fault and as the visitors excelled the locals in falling on the ball, much was lost in this way.
Massillon’s line, with few exceptions, held the Alliance backfield without gain. Alliance hammered Newschutz through left guard time and again and although short gains were made in the first half the hole was pretty well plugged in the second. Alliance was able to gain little around the Massillon ends, Miller and Ellis. Both played a first class defensive game. Wagner and McConnell at the tackles, played a faultless game, holding the tackle against any gain whatever. Heyman at left guard, played his usual steady game on the line and did Massillon’s punting in his usual form. Smith held down right guard in the first half. He was replaced by Zintsmaster in the second half, who succeeded in plugging up the position in a very effective manner. Moody went in the last few minutes and played a good game, breaking through once and regaining a fumble. Leahy, at center, played a good game throughout, breaking through the line often.
Aside from straight football which availed nothing against Massillon’s line, Alliance had but one play, a forward pass. Although the pass failed each time it was tried, the manner in which it worked was very creditable to the visitors. Alliance, although clearly defeated after the first touchdown, never gave up hope. They stuck doggedly to their places and contested every inch throughout the second half, when the score was going higher and higher and when Alliance men were being taken from the game every few downs. Alliance played as clean a game as any team which the local school has met thus far and when hope was gone they died game.
Following is the summary:
Massillon – 27 Pos. Alliance – 0
Miller le Allott
McConnell lt Johnson
Heyman lg Tanner
Leahy c Jones
Smith, Zintsmaster,
and Moody rg Shen
Wagner rt Wingert
Ellis re McClure
Atwater qb Davis
Wells lh Kallenbaugh
Blackburn rh Mummert
Sonnhalter fb Neushantz
Massillon – Sonnhalter 2; Atwater; Blackburn; Wells.
Massillon – Blackburn 2.
Referee and umpire, alternating:
Wittmann, Massillon.
Morrison, Alliance.
Head Linesman – Bloomberg.
Timekeeper – Bast.
Time of halves – 20 minutes each.